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Anonymous No. 16159746

Why is intelligence not an attractive trait?
Shouldn't it be an advantage, evolutionary speaking?

Anonymous No. 16159930

>mfw STEMcels havent replied

Anonymous No. 16159932

it is, but women like chadtelligence not basedtelligence

Anonymous No. 16159933

High IQ definitely will get you laid. Higher intelligence is extremely important for a man because it impacts how good your game is.

Anonymous No. 16159938

Women like social intelligence. They don't like some loser who spouts nothing but equations or history factoids.

Anonymous No. 16159939

High intelligence people aren't compelled to sperg out like that. That's a Hollywood meme.

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Anonymous No. 16160085

Intelligence only contributes to the (positive as well as negative) halo effect. A tall attractive guy will be seen as even more attractive when he's intelligent ("OMG, he's hot AND smart"). An unattractive manlet will be seen as even more unattractive when he's intelligent ("ewww, he's ugly AND a nerd").

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16160163

All the socialist crap going on. In a fair world niggers and jews would starve to death.

Anonymous No. 16160168

Evolutionarily speaking, the conditions have changed way too fast in favor of intelligence, but not in a way that idiots get extinct. The traits that select assholes are still ongoing and they compete hard with those that select for intelligence. These kind of stuff starts to have visible change after 10,000 years.

Anonymous No. 16160172

intelligence is an attractive trait, whats repulsive is losers who have grandiose delusions of superior intelligence they develop as a coping mechanism. people who are legitimately intelligent can use their superior brains to get what they want. dumb nerds who wrong presume they're intelligent as a cope can't do that, they're too stupid to, their mental illness forces them to constantly brag about their fake smarts and incessantly spout out stupid memorized factoids like a total melvin.

Anonymous No. 16160242

What part of "intelligence can be detected but is not found attractive" didn't you understand?

Anonymous No. 16160536

You can be a genius at different skills but still be 100% socially deficient which will certainly set you back in relationships. Social intellegence is basically independent of other types of intellegence.

Anonymous No. 16160540

Because intelligence requires that you need to talk with someone for days before you can safely assess their intelligence.
Compare that to physical beauty which can be evaluated in seconds.

Anonymous No. 16160577

The type of intelligence that allowed you to survive in the prehistoric African savannah is an attractive trait

Anonymous No. 16160581

It is

They just told you it wasn't while they talked shit about you online

Anonymous No. 16160589

It's complicated.
Isaac Newton was an autistic incel virgin homosexual.
Nevertheless, his maids stole his semen and gave it to women who wanted smart children.
We still see this today in preferences for sperm donors.

Anonymous No. 16160612

>Intelligence can be detected
Only by other intelligent people, and intelligent women typically mate with intelligent men, since we're biologically wired to seek out relationships in which we feel understood. John Cacioppo's book on loneliness explained this from a neuroscientific perspective.

What's not attractive is autism, and stupid people often conflate autism with high intelligence.

Anonymous No. 16160619

The biggest advantage, evolutionarily speaking, is getting laid.

Anonymous No. 16160861

Being funny is very attractive, so intelligence definitely is attractive in that sense. It's intelligence combined with autism that's not attractive.

Anonymous No. 16161147

-> >>16160242

Basedence has shown that sexy people are funny, not the other way around

Anonymous No. 16161157

assortative mating, you need to be in vicinity of each other, it's not that interesting beyond that.

i don't want a partner who's much smarter or dumber than me

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16161795

Intelligence is attractive, what got actually detected was what we were taught to be intelligent traits, such as wordiness, and a large vocabulary used for the lack of abstraction, and studying, not thinking. In virtually all cultures, wordiness is a sign of stupidity, and the language may not even contain the words that let you speak like that.

Anonymous No. 16161799

Intelligence is attractive, what got actually detected was what we were taught to be intelligent traits, such as wordiness, and a large vocabulary used to compensate for the lack of abstraction, and studying, not thinking. In virtually all cultures, wordiness is a sign of stupidity, and the language may not even contain the words that let you speak like that

Anonymous No. 16161830


Anonymous No. 16161832

You literally made this up you lying piece of shit STEMcel
The study mainly used the International Cognitive Ability Resource (ICAR) to measure intelligence, and supplemented with vocabulary, reaction time and knowledge tests
And the women detected the intelligemce of the men by watching them reading newspaper headlines aloud, performing a pantomime task and, trying to make the experimenter laugh
Why do STEMcels feel the urge of making up facts to justify their arguments?

Anonymous No. 16161839

Intelligence is surprisingly cheap

Anonymous No. 16161852

I don't know what ICAR is, but I doubt it's different from other such tests. They all measure useless traits that have nothing to do with real life intellect. They are the cognitive floppy ears that have no real use, except that they decide your life.

Anonymous No. 16161858

>I don't know what ICAR is, but I doubt it's different from other such tests
See? You keep making stuff up. You didn't even bother to look it up. The ICAR includes stuff such as verbal reasosing, spatial reasoning, number series, etc

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16161864

Verbal reasoning is what I specified in my first post in this thread(>>16161799), number series is another.

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Anonymous No. 16161866

>verbal reasosing,
Usually bullshit like pic.
>number series, etc

Anonymous No. 16161884

IQ tests use the same stuff
Are you perhaps saying IQ is a meme?

Anonymous No. 16161898

intelligence or even high intelligence without any real life success or nothing to show for, as in carreer or succesful trades on the stock market etc. is useless so thats why its not attractive.

its not the intelligence itself it is what you made out of it.

Anonymous No. 16161936

>Why is intelligence not an attractive trait?
in and of itself, intelligence is not a trait that can be judged as attractive or unattractive. Midwits (110-135 IQ) just tend to use their limited intelligence in ways that make them unattractive.

Anonymous No. 16161943

There are people who put intelligence above looks, but they are a very tiny minority, majority of people (especially women) look for beauty, money, status, power etc
The intelligence you are saying is useless if you have nothing to show up, like money, awards or others

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Anonymous No. 16161971

Natural selection is not the same as sexual selection.
Take pic rel for example, and other bird species, being colorful is an explicit disadvantage in nature, but peahens find it attractive, so colorful peacocks are more likely to pass on their genes.

Humans are prone to the same thing, and unless eugenics is enforced, sexual selection by women will lead to the degradation of our species since they don't select for intelligence, work ethic, etc. but instead physical attractiveness and violent, impulsive behavior.

Anonymous No. 16162018


Anonymous No. 16162046

Birds have no use for camouflage. It might be better for them to be seen, than hidden.

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Anonymous No. 16162097

It is, you just don’t have useful intelligence.
Women want intelligence like how to get ahead in your field, making money, good with finance, make good decisions kind of stuff. It’s unattractive to spend your time on what others perceive as useless or unnecessary.

You need more social intelligence and better social interaction, which is a much better grasp on intelligence than memorization of information. It’s also a detriment if you can’t use your body as well as your brain, because the two go hand in hand. Read books at the gym.

Anonymous No. 16162102

Effects of Sex, Race, Ethnicity and Marital Status on the Relationship between Intelligence and Fertility
Gerhard Meisenberg and Anubhav Kaul

Intelligence is selected for in males but is selected against in females.
The standardised education system is actively dysgenic against women, all it does it load them with debt and waste their most fertile years, while the dumbest women are actively paid to have children by the welfare system.

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Anonymous No. 16162109

Marilyn vos Savant marrying the inventor of the artificial heart is a good example of intelligent people seeking each other out. They've been married almost four decades.

Anonymous No. 16162179

Realm of body is related to digestive system, and fitness of body, education of simmulation is just shadow of gut.

Anonymous No. 16162183

how many kids?

Anonymous No. 16162194


Anonymous No. 16162235

When did they divorce?

Anonymous No. 16162783


If it weren't for sexual selections whites may not even exist
What advantages do light eyes, soft light hair and caucasian features have over that of native north americans or the (now extinct) patagonians such as the selknam?

Anonymous No. 16162911

they like insightful persons

Anonymous No. 16163069

>If it weren't for sexual selections whites might have had to select for intelligence rather than pretending to select for it
Wow, compelling

Garrote No. 16163123

In this thread I pretend to understand women.

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Duttons dysgenic ....jpg

Anonymous No. 16163320


Anonymous No. 16164376

not enough time for adaptations.

Anonymous No. 16164417

Women use success as A proxy for intelligence already, they don’t care about intelligence they care about what that intelligence achieves, men don’t care. Probably because women cluster around the mean anyway