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Anonymous No. 16159881

Explain to me mathematically how the six degrees of separation work
There's no way I'm only 6 people removed from some random woman in Yakutsk or some shit

Anonymous No. 16160449

>pov you exist without his knowledge

Anonymous No. 16160561

In fact it's bullshit. it's just a common pattern that is usually respected but not always true

Anonymous No. 16160564

What was the original research that inspired the concept in the first place? Wasn't it some canadian trying to send letters to some people?

Anonymous No. 16160609

A guy you knew in college went to 50 countries and fucked hookers in every one of them. Then those hookers fucked 500 perople from all over their own province. We’re still only 3 degrees in, 3 more to go

Anonymous No. 16160734

I guess historically this notion has its earliest roots in the writings of Frigyes Karinthy, but it really achieves it full development in contemporary graph theory and network scinece. It originates in the concept of characteristic path length, which is the average distance (defined in terms of pairwise links) between two agents situated in a network. The idead of six degrees of separation is basically claiming that the characteristic path length of the global human population is about 6. This is a small number, but it's seems like it's probably in the ballpark, since the sixth root of 8 billion (the current global population) is about 50, which would mean that in the absence of any homophily (another network science concept), if everyone had 50 unique friends, you would arrive a a network of 8 billion people with a characteristic path length of 6. In the real world, there will be a lot of homophily, so we'll need to move that number 50 up quite a bit, but it's still a good ballpark estimate for the number of collegaues/friends/family/neighbors that the average person might have.

Homophily, if you're wondering just refers to the fact that "similar" agents (what counts as similar depends of what you're modeling) are more likely to be linked to similar agents. In this case, for example, you're probably more likely to be linked to someone in your own geographic region than someone in Yakutsk.

Anonymous No. 16160888

>from some random woman in Yakutsk or some shit
theres many white slavs there, they have family links to the western part of the country.

Anonymous No. 16162057

Say you know 100 persons. So do the people you know etc.
So 6 degrees of separation mean a group of 100^6, which is 10^12 which is greater than the human population.