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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ ๐Ÿงต calculating pronav

Anonymous No. 16159976

I'm given these variables
target velocity
target acceleration
target position (XYZ)
missile velocity
missile acceleration
missile position (XYZ)

I believe I calculated line of sight correctly (rotation vector = R(range) cross product Vr(velocity) / R dot product R), but the thing I'm ripping my hair out over is calculating fucking missile guidance via pronav with it.
This is the equation I'm using
Commanded Acceleration = N(constant) * Vc * LOS_Rate + ( N * Nt ) / 2

I've already looked at youtube and the wikipedia page for equations but they don't work and I can't get them to work even if I plug everything in. How the everloving fuck am I supposed to get my missile to receive guidance?

Picrel is a equation I see that makes zero fucking sense on how to solve it, I already tried googling what the fuck the || around variables means but it just returns nothing

and before you go
>hurr durr watch this literalwho youtube course on le physics course!!
shut the fuck up, equations should work regardless of me not knowing how the fundamentals behind them work, I'm not here to learn why it works, I'm here to learn why the fuck it isn't working and giving me a output vector.

Anonymous No. 16159981


this is the jewtube video I tried watching, it's complete fucking ass and I don't know why people are praising it at all, just yapping about unrelated shit that isn't solving proportional navigation equations to get the XYZ acceleration command or whatever.

Anonymous No. 16159997

homework thread

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Anonymous No. 16160028


Anonymous No. 16160077

Have you done any linear algebra?

I'm pretty sure that the | | symbols are shorthand for the Euclidean norm of the vector. So if V is (v_x, v_y, v_z) then |V| would be |V| = (v_x^2 + v_y^2 + v_z^2)^(1/2). Should be the same for R.

Anonymous No. 16160081

no I have not done linear algebra
as for "euclidean norm" what the fuck is that, and how do I process my inputs so they get turned into that

Anonymous No. 16160084

why dont you google it chief?

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Anonymous No. 16160092

the wikipedia page has most of the examples with ||X|| and not |X| which is reserved for angles, but it still doesn't explain how to get euclidean norm or whatever from X values, just blabbers on about shit that I don't care about.

Anonymous No. 16160102

Yeah wikipedia can be pretty obtuse. |X| and ||X|| are often used interchangeably although one or the other might be more correct (I never paid attention to that). They might mean the absolute value of X, or if X is a vector then the norm, which could be many things but is usually the euclidean norm, which is the usual "length" of the vector e.g.
if X=(x,y,z).

Anonymous No. 16160107

Bro I literally wrote what the Euclidean norm of V is in the same post (assuming your V is a vector in (x,y,z) corresponding to the relative speeds in those component directions).

Anonymous No. 16160115

There's a lot of down in the weeds technicalities surrounding norms (which is what ||X|| and |X| both are, but in different contexts).

My guess is that your problem is using |X| as shorthand for ||X||_2 which is the same thing as the Euclidean norm. Let's say your vector X = (x,y,z), then:
||X||_2 = sqrt(x^2 + y^2 + z^2).

The Cauchy-schwarz inequality just tells you that if you have two vectors X = (x,y,z) and Y = (a,b,c) then:
|ax + by + cz| <= sqrt(|x^2 + y^2 +z^2| |a^2 + b^2 + c^2|).

Don't worry about a lot of the other stuff on there. Not important to your problem..

Anonymous No. 16160122

so I square the x y and z values for it to be properly formatted in the equation?