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Anonymous No. 16159978

I'm thinking about researching particle physics after my undergrad. should i reconsider?

Anonymous No. 16159986

>Reminder: /sci/ is for discussing topics pertaining to science and mathematics, not for helping you with your homework or helping you figure out your career path.

>If you want advice regarding college/university or your career path, go to /adv/ - Advice.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16160015

Why is there "stem career general" threads on this board then? They should also fuck off to /adv/

Anonymous No. 16160018

Why are there "stem career general" threads on this board then? They should also fuck off to /adv/

Anonymous No. 16160023

>discussing topics pertaining to science and mathematics
the thread is about the worth of particle physics

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Anonymous No. 16160051

there are no particles

Anonymous No. 16160079

Enjoy a lifetime of having your name buried in the "et. al." section of collaborative papers.

Unless your name is Aaron A. Aaronson, in which case you'll be the most widely recognized author in your field.

Anonymous No. 16160132

Why even consider particle physics after the LHC discovered the Higgs and nothing else? The desert is real.

Renormalization is not a mystery waiting for someone to solve it. The integrals blow up as the cutoff momentum goes to infinity because the theory is wrong there, obviously. This is not unique to particle physics; it also happens in approximate models used in condensed matter physics. But absent experimental tests of what's going on at those extreme high energy scales, all you're going to get is string theory-tier or lower-tier speculation.

Also this: >>16160079
Another thing anon forgot to mention almost all of those papers will be on negative results.

Anonymous No. 16160769

This thread was moved to >>>/adv/31185986