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🧵 was the corona vaccine injuries actually real

Anonymous No. 16160114

> Within minutes of getting the Johnson & Johnson Covid-19 vaccine, Michelle Zimmerman felt pain racing from her left arm up to her ear and down to her fingertips. Within days, she was unbearably sensitive to light and struggled to remember simple facts.

>She was 37, with a Ph.D. in neuroscience, and until then could ride her bicycle 20 miles, teach a dance class and give a lecture on artificial intelligence, all in the same day. Now, more than three years later, she lives with her parents. Eventually diagnosed with brain damage, she cannot work, drive or even stand for long periods of time.

Thousands Believe Covid Vaccines Harmed Them. Is Anyone Listening?

NY Times Reports on COVID Vaccine Injuries. What Took Them So Long?

Anonymous No. 16160118

reminder to anyone in this thread: if you start getting angry and wanting to torture your fellow inmates out of some sense of justice, either go move to a third world country and live those fantasies out, or do an intense workout and then work towards something you actually WANT to do. something that will bring dignity and light and give you the independence & control to uphold real justice.

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Anonymous No. 16160164

Is it really fair to blame brain damage in journalists on the vaxx when most of them were brain damaged to start with?

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Anonymous No. 16160195

No sympathy for those psychopaths. My life has been destroyed by Pfizer. I will never forgive anyone who supported vaxx mandates, and I hope they suffer from their vaxx injuries as much as I did.

Anonymous No. 16161003

I wonder how many modern men youd need to get the same out of testosterone present in this room

Anonymous No. 16161007

Well deserved.

Anonymous No. 16162364

>was the corona vaccine injuries actually real

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Anonymous No. 16163509

Isn't it funny how all the people who took the vax because media outlets such as the New York Times told them to now don't believe the New York Times when it says the vax was a harmful mistake.

Anonymous No. 16164265


Anonymous No. 16164282

Oh wow, you found a single person negatively affected by the vaccine.

Like, are you guys literally this stupid? Nobody and I mean nobody, ever argued that the Covid vaccine was 100% safe. They argued, and rightfully so that it was safer than the virus it prevented. It’s ‘safety’ is a relative term based on the fact that Covid itself was dangerous and can kill.

The problem with you troglodyte blockheads is you don’t have the IQ necessary to understand that finding a tiny handful of incidents where someone was negatively affected by the vaccine doesn’t mean it didn’t work in saving millions of lives and no matter how much you howl at the wind you were wrong about the vaccine before and you’re wrong about them now.

Dumb fucks

Anonymous No. 16164291

i hate this style of article, so common it can be generated by software with minimal inputs

Anonymous No. 16164301

nice bait. hope this (you) makes your day better, anon

Anonymous No. 16164354

What a pontificating douche

Anonymous No. 16164385

True. I mean, there's always going to be the genetically aberrant .1% of the population who come out with their story, as if this has any implication for the rest of society.

Anonymous No. 16164487


Anonymous No. 16164498

if you vaccinate billions then thousands are definitely going to have adverse effects

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Anonymous No. 16164524

umn wrong quote my man

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Anonymous No. 16164541


Anonymous No. 16164949

>They argued, and rightfully so
Gib proof.

Anonymous No. 16165072

>Oh my god you dum fucks just shoot the Russian Roulette revolver, do you not understand 16% is a LOWER chance than 84%

Anonymous No. 16165232

>Is anyone listening
Not anyone on /sci/, all the fags here want to deny reality in order to bootlick the corporate soience asses they worship.
>muh pfizer is infallible
>they could never make a mistake and accidentally poison millions of people

Anonymous No. 16165367

>safer than the virus it prevented
yeah but it isn't

Anonymous No. 16166106

That WOP deserves what he gets. I hope it is painful for him.

Unvaxxed master race.

Anonymous No. 16166109

Go get your 10th booster, you know, for science.

Anonymous No. 16166115

arguing with them is pointless, they just read about astrazeneca being withdrawn and are in full force today invading every board
from /int/ to here

Anonymous No. 16166120

Vaxxies are less human than my shit lol

Anonymous No. 16166807

you're too egotistical to admit that you stupidly volunteered to be a test subject for an untested medication and seeing the evidence of that upsets you.

Anonymous No. 16166915

>safer than the virus it prevented
>It’s ‘safety’ is a relative term
The safety of both depend on the demographic.
Not once did I ever see the risks compared in a way that accounts for all of the relevant demographic characteristics. The best we were given is broad age buckets and a boolean (recommended or not).
I'm not obese/overweight. I don't have any of the COVID comorbidities. I leave the house once a week to get groceries. I'm young. I'm white.
Show me where I can look at the COVID risk and the vaccine risk to people like me.

Also, I doubt any analysis accounts for the the probability of infection (they all just assume 100% chance of infection) when comparing to the 100% chance of exposure to the vaccine (if you choose to get it).

Anonymous No. 16166916

You and all your family will be dismembered, flayed and burned alive. That is the price for your stupidity.

Anonymous No. 16166919

hi op
my friend passed out and ended up in hospital after getting vaxx
i don't know what she's up to now because i lost contact
i'd say the vaccine is just useless

Anonymous No. 16166920

You will feel in your own skin the wrath of the people tearing your flesh out of your bones.

Anonymous No. 16166923

I don't care, I want morons like you suffering. I want to destroy your face with a machete.

Anonymous No. 16167187

whatever you say mate

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16167198

Billions believe a "God" exists. Do I listen? No; fuck them; they have the intelligence of a toddler on that.

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Anonymous No. 16167904

Anonymous No. 16168574

Even now that every major media outlet, including the New York Times is reporting that the vaccines kill people both via short and long term effects, the vaxxxies still refuse to admit that they made a mistake allowing themselves to be coerced into volunteering to be injected with an untested medication.
Why are vaxxies so massively egotistical and full of themselves?

Anonymous No. 16168640

What's the deal with all those huge squid-like white worm things they're finding in people who got the vaccines? Are those some kind of strange blood clot or what?

Anonymous No. 16169539

Stop your gay sex

Anonymous No. 16170359


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Anonymous No. 16170366


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Anonymous No. 16171321


Anonymous No. 16171705

How come scyence is so completely lacking in empathy for all of the many, many victims of ill conceived covid vaccines?
Why does scyence refuse to take responsibility for all the trouble it caused?

Anonymous No. 16172817

why are you so angery at this reply