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Anonymous No. 16160300

How come Bill Gates doesn't vaccinate his own children even though his thinks everyone else should be forced to take all sorts of vaccines?

Anonymous No. 16160313

because he's an evil jew hellbent on destroying the west after his experiments in africa proved a success

science is his word, not anything scientific.

Anonymous No. 16160327

Bill Gays is a retarded oldfag who knows how to wash his public image. He did the same with being a monopolist in microsoft as a ceo and does the same with vaccines and gmos period

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Anonymous No. 16160338

Anonymous No. 16160346

show some respect. op is working on a sunday and you make it hard for him.

Anonymous No. 16160505

Fake Physician Group Platformed Disgraced, Fake Physician Allison Neitzel on Their Fake Medical Journal Website

Anonymous No. 16160518

>she said it's fake so it's fake
really? is this what fact checking has come down to? how do we know she isn't lying?

Anonymous No. 16160520

you didn't read the whole thing
OP's image says "Lock News Network", did two websites make the same claim? was one based on the other's article, or were they both based on something else?

Anonymous No. 16160526

>you didn't read the whole thing
I read your picrel. the fake fact check verdict is due to their statement, but we don't KNOW they took the vax.

Anonymous No. 16160545


Anonymous No. 16160560

you don't know they didn't take it either so there's nothing to go off of

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Anonymous No. 16160566

>leave Mr. Gates alone!

Anonymous No. 16160578

that wasnt my picrel. the fact check says it was also due to some other news site's editor retracting the claim, which seems more believable than bill gates saying this or that.
don't you think that site would substantiate what they said if it were true? that would drive a lot of interest in their site.

Anonymous No. 16160580

He'd have no reason to vaxx his kids since they're in a very low risk age group.

Anonymous No. 16160582

there were some rumors at first, rich people would have some special procedure where they'd be exposed to very low virus viral loads, so they develop antibodies without having a full blown infection. dunno how true that is but I've heard about the idea a few times

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Anonymous No. 16161503

>i come to 4chan to spam globohomo """""fact ckecks"""" in order to defend bill gates from criticism

Anonymous No. 16161514

But it's the Sabbath.

Anonymous No. 16161611


Anonymous No. 16161613

good QRD

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16161622

I'm surprised he doesn't want to kill his own children

Anonymous No. 16162148

Anyone explain to me the weird obsession mainstream conspiracy theorists have with Bill Gates. His name showed up all the time during Covid, I know Alex Jones talked about him. It seems odd to me that so many different people would be obsessed with him when, ex ante, absolutely nothing about him separates from other billionaires. Seems like astroturfing to me. Maybe Central intelligence feeding scripts to "conspiracy theorists" out there. Incidentally, wasn't Alex Jones a compromised asset as well?

Anonymous No. 16162161

I believe it started with the Bill and Melinda gates foundation giving free polio (I think) vaccinations to folks in various African countries. If you believe billionaires are fundamentally selfish or corrupt, then there would be no reason to do this unless there was some ulterior motive

Anonymous No. 16162171

It is kind of sad that in this day and age nutcases have pushed their insanity so far into mainstream that anyone person or organization would feel the necessity to release such statement when it's literally none of your business and is not related to the discourse at hand but a strawman.
>Inb4 jill bates bootlicking vaxxie
that too would be a strawman and I have not received and of the vaccines and are personally steadfast against official discrimmination against anyone based on their choice regarding this. But thats my personal choice and opinion. Just like that fucker has one.

Anonymous No. 16162174

>I believe it started with the Bill and Melinda gates foundation giving free polio (I think) vaccinations to folks in various African countries
Right. His vaxxing program was also linked to reports coming from the same countries that many villages were effectively sterile. I remember. Yet, the conspiracy scene hyperfocusing on it seems odd to me.

I remember Bill Gates pushing for the Covid vaccine back in 2020. By then, however, the guy and his PR agency couldn't possibly have not known of the controversies that his own vaccine programs years prior to that generated. The fact that this guy still turned into the face of the Covid19 pro-vaccine group really implies to me that we're being gamed. Similarly weird for the video made by a former Pfizer CEO that the covid vaccines are meant to depopulate the earth.

Anonymous No. 16162184

Thinking of it, Bobby Kennedy visited Samoa back in 2019 and talked about the dangers of vaccines with a special emphasis on the acclaimed danger of the measles vaccine. A couple months later, the island was ravaged by a measles outbreak that killed 90 kids out of a population of 220'000 people, implying that there probably were no more than 30'000 to 40'000 kids altogether.

I don't think, that's coincidental either. It could be possible that Bobby was simply meant to discourage the population from vaccinating their kids with the clear intention of generating an age group of unvaxxed kids that could be experimented with and studied. Deliberately releasing measles, then studying the patterns of disease spread given lowered vaccination rates among a very specific year cohort would potentially allow researchers for conducting similar operations on a much larger scale. Considering that the recent surge in anti-vax rhetoric necessitates a decrease in vaccine uptake, especially among conservatives, there is no doubt in my mind that mischievous agents could use that knowledge to develop biological weapons against very specific political groups.

Anonymous No. 16162605

RFK Jr is a heroin addict and his fucked up voice is because he has HPV warts on his vocal cords

Anonymous No. 16163326

>giving free polio (I think) vaccinations
Those were experimental vaccines that killed thousands of people. They were given away for free because Gate's private business venture wanted free human test subjects. They got a tax deduction for giving their experimental drug away for free too.

Anonymous No. 16164374


Anonymous No. 16165286


Anonynous No. 16165293

Bill Gates isn't Jewish, even if Steve Balmer is.
Daughter had a satanic cross, though.

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Anonymous No. 16165295


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Anonymous No. 16165301


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Anonymous No. 16166225


Anonymous No. 16166819

he also had worms eat away most of his brain

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jews and servants.jpg

Anonymous No. 16167837

>Bill Gates isn't Jewish

Anonymous No. 16168474

satanism and judaism are the same thing.
jews are anti-christ

Anonymous No. 16169545

Thats why they murdered him

Anonymous No. 16170369

>his fucked up voice is because he has HPV warts on his vocal cords
Thats why nobody in their right mind should ever engage in oral sex. Plus the idea of putting genitals in your mouth is just a disgusting abomination. They're a reproductive organ, not a chew toy.

Anonymous No. 16171314

>do as i say not as i do
typical jew

Anonymous No. 16171347

But he isn't spamming RT