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Anonymous No. 16160575

What is scientifically the best way to survive a zombie apocalypse?

Anonymous No. 16160576

living in israel

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Anonymous No. 16160663

Depends on zombie perks, do they smell you, hear you, do they lure others after you when one spots you etc,
But probably it would be best to live in a really big and tall sail boat that you cannot climb up from the water
Going through waters you are almost always undetected but it's littlebit harder to restock altough not impossible
Other is with giant truck with big snowplough so that you dont ruin your truck running zombies over, truck is easier to restock but harder to sleep and easier to break
Big passenger plane would be a good home if you stay undetected because it's also not the easiest to get in
I would avoid cities, easy mistakes can happen. If there is electricity and such maybe a bank could work
Maybe also if you could do electric fence around some mansion and sensors and shit but then again there is not probably electricity available.
But i would either go for boat with some solar panels or truck that has dirtbike on the roof attached with ropes so there would be chance to escape if the truck breaks down.
Yea no, it has to be a boat, you would need enough weapons to clear a small island where you can start farming then slowly move to a bigger island, probably somewhere around greece and turkey where there is some infrastructure aswell
You only really need to clear one small island and you are 9000% more safe, colder climate would be better if only the water didnt freeze and zombies can just walk to you

Anonymous No. 16160665

do zombies fuck and make kids? if not...they should wipe out pretty fast in the grand scheme of things.
also how do they survive? longer term. do they need water? don't they freeze at night during winter?

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Anonymous No. 16160690

>But probably it would be best to live in a really big and tall sail boat that you cannot climb up from the water
Going through waters you are almost always undetected but it's littlebit harder to restock altough not impossible

Picrel is one of the special ships Zhon He's fleet had when exploring the asian seas after china was united, these ships had huge water tank compartments and topsoil on their deck where they grew onions. Next to it is columbus ship.

What do you think if a modern design like this with a water filter could be a good idea in this day and age? Be self sufficient and not even tied down to a place, if the idea wasnt so childish and borderline gay it could be a cool plan to sit out ww3 just island hopping in the pacific.

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Anonymous No. 16160716

not living in america, india, china, or south america

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Anonymous No. 16160732

Not a ship expert so hard to give opinion of ship styles
But hoarding all types of ships on an island would be good choice because like you said you can grow stuff in there etc. but seriously if you had the time and location on your side you could get enough food just by looting. I would still try to find a shipyard to get myself a floater pulley thing or whatever those things are called to move couple of tractors into the island. Then loot a pipe industry warehouse and get myself a shit ton of pipes to make a watering system for the crops so i would only need to pour a one giant bowl of water into the system. I dont know if i could ever manage to make myself a well though so it would be necessary to find lots of maps on where to find water streams, or just find a island with proper modern wells and streams. But smaller the island the easier it is to get rid of zombies.
Modern ships probably always have solar panels and then you can get yourself shit ton of more solar panels and also you would try to get yourself barrels of oil to run some generators so you can watch tv's or get yourself to internet and other various things.
Looting a glass shop is also one thing because you can use glass to make better isolated greenhouse and even have fans for the crops on hot days through the solar panels
Ofc i already have bazookas ready

Anonymous No. 16160746

>tv and internet
Kek, so you can talk to the ai chatbots on 4chan?
Also a well is really not wo hard to do you jzst have to dig straight down and then wait, a well does not find a source but rather it accumulates groundwater by giving it a hole to fall down into, a spurce on the other hand is pretty much the same thing only that the groundwater is pushed upwards by unpenetrable layers of dirt.

Anonymous No. 16160755

just don't live in urban center and you'll be fine.

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Anonymous No. 16160757

Well achually internet probably wont work at all if there is no grid anywhere due to maintanance
But you need to have tv's and stereos at hand all the time, oil probably wont ever be a problem if you are just alone, just get shit ton of oil barrels so you can run generators and watch dvd's
Maybe some small cars could come in handy aswell so you could use the engines to make simple machines like putting a long rope into the cars wheel or other similar things to reduce labor

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Anonymous No. 16160762

You stockpile and wait for them to die. Zombies need brains to live and they will run out soon enough. I think if you had a months supplies you'd be fine.

Anonymous No. 16161152

Live anywhere with emergency sirens. Zombies will just group up around those and be eliminated at the government's leisure.

Anonymous No. 16161160

are they susceptible to any pathogens? we could spike some animal brains and poison a bunch of them at once. a highly contagious pathogen would be desired (the smallpox blanket move).

Anonymous No. 16161183

Be a zombie ?

Anonymous No. 16161722

Best way to survive is some chainmail or plate armour and a baseball bat. Zombies can't bite through metal and they're already rotting away so a single swing will kill them.

Anonymous No. 16161741

are you talking about the vaxxies?

Anonymous No. 16161744

if you become one then you'll never die

Anonymous No. 16161745

why need brains then? what's the benefit if it's not needed for sustenance?

Anonymous No. 16161749

just for the bloodlust

Anonymous No. 16162730

unless your brain is destroyed or your head is cut off. also, zombies still rot. eventually you will be too decomposed to live.