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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16160596

The universe for all we know came to be from matter that overwhelmed antimatter to burn itself into what we know today, they're identical opposites, yet they annihilate each other whenever they touch, normally antimatter and matter appears out of nothing in void and annihilates itself immediately. In a world where antimatter would overwhelm matter nothing would change, but what will happen once all matter is too far apart and it will no longer be able to touch or form anything? Because that what is happening the universe is falling apart, once all stars die the galaxies will keep flying apart till every pice is so far and there will be nothing. On science, the earth will tremble, and the sea bear no ships; heaven will not support the stars in their orbits, all voices of the gods will be forced into silence; the fruits of the Earth will rot; the soil will turn barren, and the very air will sicken with sullen stagnation; all things will be disordered and awry, all good will disappear. Nothing will remain but an empty tale.

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Anonymous No. 16160651


Anonymous No. 16160657


Anonymous No. 16162147

I fucking love science

Anonymous No. 16163063

>meaningless mortyyyy, universe so scary, universe go die die and we nothing, no god no life matters fucking number 42!!!

i fucking hate everything

Anonymous No. 16163288

Like a sine wave, everything that goes up must come down, but without relative interface, what goes down must come up, and though the trend is diminishing, in a vacuum, loss is negligible. Humanity marches on.

Anonymous No. 16163318

Complete non sequitur. Matter flying apart leads to nothing, which is just more matter/antimatter pairs churning away forever, generating yet another you Rick. Your miserable existence goes on forever in an unceasing spiral that you will never escape. You should kill yourself as early as possible even, not that you would understand the subtle humor and theoretical physics which support this claim. That is all the more reason to do it. Do it now, before it's too late.

Anonymous No. 16164384

nobody cares

Anonymous No. 16164386


Anonymous No. 16164416

>matter that overwhelmed antimatter
How do you define which is is antimatter and vice versa, for all you know we could be the antimatterverse

Anonymous No. 16164437

It is by convention. Just like electron flow and gender.

Anonymous No. 16165391

what is this shitty pasta

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Cult of Passion No. 16165407


Anonymous No. 16165417

Not a faggot so I don't watch your show, but to the rest of your post: good can't come soon enough to everyone

Anonymous No. 16165420

Nice try tranny but no

Cult of Passion No. 16165454

>How do you define which is is antimatter and vice versa
My theory is the expansion of the universe supports the existence of antimatter, as it looks to me to be what is essentially a backwards spinning planet.

Orbits, either quantum or celestial, all want to "flow" inward the same 4th spacial dimension (3-4=1, by cancelling out the previous the next is known, but knowing the first logically reveals the rest.) Similar to right hand rule, or 'the side that folded into itself'.

Anonymous No. 16165457

is this antimatter with us in this room rn?

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Cult of Passion No. 16165458

So antimatter is like stacking shit upside down, touch it and it falls but because its being helped by the expansion of the universe theyre in xetectable amounts.

I believe on the constaction of the universe they will be hindered in existence, this also implies that in a yet unknown number of billions of years Physics will change.

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Cult of Passion No. 16165461

>in a yet unknown number of billions of years Physics will change.
I just "nor alized" this whole issue of "volume", and its spacetime itself shrinking. Median expansion, besides, when there it wouldnt matter. Thinking around that is having to think through Spacetime in similarity of thinking (straight up Schizophrenic).

>Nice try tranny but no
Im so sorry....for the lose of your life's purpose.

Cult of Passion No. 16165462

Same vein as rounding out infinity.

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Cult of Passion No. 16165463

>I dont want to be gay!
>But youre in my biggest closet.

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Anonymous No. 16165722

True. Except that there are infinite universes all existing simultaneously at different space-time scales, each one "inside" the other. Our current accelerating expansion *is* the big bang of the next epoch, that is already taking place. Our heat death *will* be the stabilization of the next epoch. Our sun is already visible in the background microwave radiation of the next epoch.