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Anonymous No. 16160969

Reminder that a PhD in making youtube videos isn't a real doctorate degree.

Anonymous No. 16160980

so greasy

Anonymous No. 16160992

he's far more successful than any physics phd on here

Anonymous No. 16161018

anyone who has a physics phd and still posts here should voluntarily renounce their title out of respect

Anonymous No. 16161023

He has a PhD in science education, and obviously he excels at it. He has educated millions

Anonymous No. 16161064

Hi Derek, you are not physicist and you will never be. You are a fraud, a glorified school teacher who spreads missinformation about stuff you don't even understand. I take a shit on your face any day, any time.

He just runs a youtube channel. Any retard with enough money can do it. The only people being educated are third worlders indians.

Anonymous No. 16161066

every time i watch one of his videos i am scared to death that he will be visibly balded with thin hair

Anonymous No. 16161072

>He just runs a youtube channel. Any retard with enough money can do it.
He does what he studied: Scientific education. Hes good at it, why do you complain about his youtube channel, why is that bad?
This is like you going to a concert to complain that singers just sing

Anonymous No. 16161092

he's not as popular as Derek is. he thinks he deserves all the pussy and money that Derek is getting because he's smarter.

Anonymous No. 16161094

Following your analogy, his youtube channel is the equivalent of going to a concert where the main band pretends to dominate each and every single musical style in existence because they are using a backing track. It's stupid and unrealistic.

Anonymous No. 16161219

Derek isnt pretending. Hes doing more work himself than thousands of teachers, given his vast audience.

Anonymous No. 16161587


Anonymous No. 16161593

Real talk, this guy could easily bullshit his way through a PhD in "science education"

Anonymous No. 16161597

Reminder that his PhD is in physics education. If you don't know what a PhD in physics education entails, it requires taking all the same courses as a physics PhD, only they research effective ways to teach physics instead. You know, like if your university professor actually cares about teaching you content in an understandable way.

Notice how critiques of Derek all rely on some variant of
>He's not a real physicist!
>He's a sellout!
>He lies!
And never anything specifically wrong in his videos. Oh, except that one time a physicist bet Derek $10k he was wrong, since he was so confident Derek couldn't be right. He lost publicly and ponied up $10k.

So, veritasium is smarter than some literal professors in physics. He just makes people seethe because he's better than them in every way

Anonymous No. 16161631

this video started a lot of discussions on various forums
stirred a bit of a frenzy and people got to learn about transmission lines and capacitance. he experimented with a few ways of getting attention on some topics, I'm ok with this work.

Anonymous No. 16161660

I can understand the frustration with him, since he introduces gullible normies to scifi speculations like boltzmann brains, singularities, white holes, multiverses etc. but when you actually watch the videos, he always takes care to mention that it's not actually believed these things exist in nature, and I respect him for that

Anonymous No. 16161665

Lol this is the same guy who shilled electric cars in what was basically an ad video disguised as 'education'.

Not to mention his videos on the 'murican navy pool and 'murican god rods, among other bs. If you're not in america, then what educational purpose do these videos have?

A lot of his physics videos also rely on dissing teachers for using analogies and simpler models to explain phenomena, because we all need to dive into quantum mechanics and field theory for everything, right?

His video on Khan academy was where I drew the line. I may not use Khan academy anymore, but him taking shots at them was the equivalent of friendly fire, and even his subscribers called him out for it.

Anonymous No. 16162149

>His video on Khan academy
Where is it?

Anonymous No. 16162159

The navy pool video explained rogue waves

Anonymous No. 16163153

He was called out a long time ago by an actual physics PhD, which basically said his observations are useless, retarded and the fruit of a deep ignorance about how electricity works in the real world.

That's not how it works Derek. You are just a glorified primary school teacher with fast internet access.

Anonymous No. 16163200

That same physics PhD had to pay Derek $10,000 after losing a bet over physics, and admitted he was wrong.

Anonymous No. 16163281

You should screenshot your thread and send it to his email each and every morning.

Anonymous No. 16164343


Anonymous No. 16165181

wow yeah successful at being a misinformation peddling hack

id rather live in a barrel and publicly masturbate than be such a faggoty person

Anonymous No. 16165207

Just stfu, you contrarian retard. I found out about that channel from a Phd'd syntactician who's MIT educated. Lots of people watch his videos, not just thirdies with no other options. I fucking hate you contrarian pseuds. Get a real hobby.

Anonymous No. 16165826

>Reminder that a PhD in making youtube videos
Good thing that's not his Phd