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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ ๐Ÿงต Doctors can't swim

Sheeeeiiiiiiiiiittttt No. 16160971

Aspiring doctor brain dead after friends pushed him into lake knowing he canโ€™t swim

An aspiring medical student was left brain dead last month when his friends pushed him into a Louisiana lake knowing he couldnโ€™t swim โ€” and then looked on while doing nothing to save the drowning man, according to a report.

Shocking video shows the group casually peering into the water moments after they shoved Christopher Gilbert off the dock at Lake Dโ€™Arbonne in Farmerville on April 14.

At least one woman can be seen slowly entering the water before abandoning the rescue mission.

It was another 10 minutes before a patron at a nearby restaurant intervened and yanked Gilbert back to land โ€” just in the nick of time.

Anonymous No. 16160977

good thing he was saved

Anonymous No. 16160982

its literally impossible to not be able to swim
I learned the basics of staying alive when I was in my late 20s within seconds

Anonymous No. 16160983


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doctors can'....png

Anonymous No. 16161014

this is what a scientist trying to swim looks like

Anonymous No. 16161019

He died. He's a blood bag now.

Anonymous No. 16161025

Hope he enjoys those medical bills

Anonymous No. 16161095


Anonymous No. 16161110

This is why you can't just call someone who isn't outright evil to you a 'friend'. Lots of people are incredibly thoughtless and indifferent to the wellbeing of others but not evil. The people of that group are not good friends (or good people).

Anonymous No. 16161114

He was, I think, implying something akin to that.

Anonymous No. 16161122

how any of you could resist this eludes me...

Anonymous No. 16161128

>no arrests made
girls get to do anything.

Anonymous No. 16161154

an aspiring medical student lets you infer of general characteristics about doctors
I think we can safely say science isn't your forte

Anonymous No. 16161180


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Anonymous No. 16161408

Anonymous No. 16162444

>brain dead after friends pushed him into lake knowing he canโ€™t swim
some quality friends.
with friends like that he did not need enemies.

Anonymous No. 16162450

Will they be charged with attempted murder?

Also he doesn't look braindead in the pic. A braindead person doesn't grab a computer mouse.

Not gonna read the article though. My attention span is too short.

Anonymous No. 16162457

>Also he doesn't look braindead in the pic. A braindead person doesn't grab a computer mouse.

plot twist: he was left handed before tha accident and now he grabs mouse with right hand

Anonymous No. 16162468

Quite sad, and pretty shocking to me that some people can't swim. How do you avoid the water for 20+ years? Swimming is among the first skills I have learned, and even if it wasn't, are there no swimming classes in school?! Unbelievable.

Anonymous No. 16162535


Negative buoyancy.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16162537

you can't teach groids anything in school because learning comes along with the possibility of failing to learn and if a groid fails at anything they chimp out and start screeching about imaginary fake racism, so holding them to any standards is impossible.

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Anonymous No. 16162649

Anonymous No. 16162977


Anonymous No. 16163439


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Anonymous No. 16163499

who would win
high iq BBC pharaohs who built the pyramids
a small lake

Anonymous No. 16163874

couldn't pass swimming 101 in college, happens to plenty of black scholars.

Cult of Passion No. 16164027

No but they are a Democracy.

Anonymous No. 16164041

Why didn't he just hold his breath and float on his back? I taught a scared 7 year old girl to swim in two one hour lessons. Lesson one is always that, hold your breath and float on your back. Works every time and helps eliminate that panic reaction. Gives you a safe position while in the water to work off of or go back to rest to.

So why is a doctor who's allegedly smart not able to know how floating works? A 7 year old girl figured it out after 10 minutes of me explaining it. She was white though so maybe that's why.

It's called holding your breath, it makes you positively buoyant. It's called "SCIENCE". Unless you have 0-3% body fat you will float. Body builders are legit the only people with an excuse, hard for them to float.

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Anonymous No. 16164044


Anonymous No. 16164046

Was he an aspiring doctor, or an "aspiring" doctor?

Anonymous No. 16164161

>It's called holding your breath, it makes you positively buoyant. It's called "SCIENCE".
epic troll, comrade.
>Unless you have 0-3% body fat you will float. Body builders are legit the only people with an excuse, hard for them to float.
and those, like me, who have above average bone density.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16164460


Anonymous No. 16165305

He was an "aspirating water"

Anonymous No. 16165325

>Adjusted bone density at various skeletal sites was 4.5-16.1% higher for black than for white men and was 1.2-7.3% higher for black than for white women. We concluded that racial differences in bone mineral density are not accounted for by clinical or biochemical variables measured in early adulthood.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16166352


Anonymous No. 16166368

>this white girl i taught how to swim did better than a man who was not taught how to swim
no way
people drown because they panic
if you suddenly pushed that girl into the deep end of a much colder pool with zero preparation, no ladder to grab onto, and no floatation device, she would drown too

Anonymous No. 16166639

Does that fact that negroes can't swim suggest that the simple and seemingly innocent H2O molecule is actually deeply racist? You can't blame negroes' lack of swimming ability on the negroes themselves because as we know, all races are equal and whites can swim, so that means that negroes can also swim equally well, so it seem like water being racist is the only remaining explanation for the discrepancy in the negroes' propensity for drowning.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16167713

>Does that fact that negroes can't swim suggest that the simple and seemingly innocent H2O molecule is actually deeply racist?
gosh i sure do hope so

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Cult of Passion No. 16167765

>a Democracy
You people realize this is natural selection, brainiac, the mental, killed off to produce a species without intelligence.

Inverse in Aztec, cutting out the heart, venerating the brain. Prefering Psycho-Path.

Your neighbor is your predator...

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16168485

its funny because its true

Anonymous No. 16169290

>How do you avoid the water for 20+ years?
Are you retarded? The average person is not swimming in water bodies. Swimming primarily happens at pools which not everyone will have access to. I guarantee you hundreds of millions of people go about ther lives without ever needing to swim, whether or not they know how.

Anonymous No. 16169307

i used to go bass fishing with my grandpa in
d'arbonne. there are gators out there.

Anonymous No. 16169508

this must be refering to US america, isnt it ?

Anonymous No. 16169989

Im mostly referring to the us, yes, as the person in the news article is from the us. But it's not uncommon for people around the world to go their entire life never having to nor learning to swim

Anonymous No. 16170003

This news should be censored. Otherwise all the white people will be digging moats.

Anonymous No. 16170052

perhaps more doctors and SUV drivers should fall into lakes

Anonymous No. 16170515

>But it's not uncommon for people around the world to go their entire life never having to nor learning to swim
some people aren't capable of learning and no amount of DEI is going to prevent them from drowning. they can graduate medical school on DEI, but thats just a meaningless imaginary certification. learning to swim is far more real

Anonymous No. 16170631

>Swimming is among the first skills I have learned, and even if it wasn't, are there no swimming classes in school?! Unbelievable.
I learned to swim before I could walk. My parents had me paddling around in the pool as a baby. Babies can swim, it's healthy and natural.
>Swimming primarily happens at pools which not everyone will have access to
Amazing how many excuses people can make. Public pools are ubiquitous and free. You can learn to swim without a dollar to your name.

Anonymous No. 16170641

the hood is the eponimous bucket of crabs made manifest.

Anonymous No. 16170642

>source: my ass
Swimming isn't rocket science. Unless you have some strange body type with 0 buoyancy, It's literally a matter of whether or not you're taught. Take your retarded DEI boogeyman somewhere else.

Cult of Passion No. 16170667

>Swimming isn't rocket science.
Fluid-dynamics and aerodynamics are synonyms, it actually is...

Anonymous No. 16170682

>who have above average bone density.
Just hold your breath and make your SURFACE AREA as large as possible. Spread out your arms and legs. You want to increase buoyancy via holding your breath and you need to increase surface displacement to promote floating. Like I said it's literally basic bitch science that any scientist should understand. If you drown you simply are not a scientist. Unless you are a body builder scientist and then you should be smart enough to know you sink like a rock.

I was a teenage lifeguard and we used to run drills where one guard sinks to the bottom of the 12 foot and plays dead. Other guard as to swim down and pluck him off the bottom and take the "victim" up on a shallow incline path to keep the C-spine from bending and possibly further injuring the person. It was a simulated diving board accident. The only person we had trouble with was a short dude with 3% body fat. He worked out 7 days a week lifting and even the lifeguard instructor had issues lifting him off the 12 foot bottom. He was the perfect storm of short and dense.

In conclusion any "scientist" would have observed aquatic animals in the past, like a frog, and possibly imitate it's arms and leg movements. This would get one 70% of the way to knowing how to swim. Enough to not drown at least. Like I said in my first post, I taught a little girl afraid of the water to swim in two one hour sessions. By the end she had a basic understanding of all four major strokes, freestyle, breast, back, and even tried butterfly stroke. Humans have also been shown to have similar diving reflexes to other aquatic mammals. Kids can learn to swim like a whale using butterfly kick quite easily. Once the basics are learned and fear is gone most children can become capable swimmers in a few weeks or at most a summer. At that point it's just building muscle tone more then technique.

Anonymous No. 16170693

>if you suddenly pushed that girl into the deep end of a much colder pool with zero preparation, no ladder to grab onto, and no flotation device, she would drown too
She was half native America actually. The above is what she was afraid of so being a REAL MAN and a GOOD MAN I told her that was never going to happen. I told her:
>Tomorrow we will go to the apartment complex pool and I will teach you to swim, I was a lifeguard and when I am done with you drowning will be impossible.
She was scared and doubted me, as a child of a single whore mother she'd heard many lies by men hungry for pussy before.....but she had hope in her eyes.

And that's exactly what happened. I taught the little girl to swim, took two hours of my life and she was on a long adventure of a lifetime with the water. Never again did she have to live in fear of dying from walking too close to water.

Cope, niggers don't teach their kids to swim and instead teach them to fear water like the nigger apes they are. Ironically Chimpanzees are more dense in every way than a nigger and they can swim. Explain that cunt? can't.

Anonymous No. 16170695

Plots twist, niggers are 75+% water. Dey racist against dey selves!

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Cult of Passion No. 16170696

>Cooper the Chimp
Cooper the *Valued Memeber Of Society*.

Anonymous No. 16171718

Did you ever teach a negro to swim?

Anonymous No. 16172812

I tried on a number of occasions, but it seems impossible.

Anonymous No. 16172820

That is why movies have to use CGI when they need to show a negro swimming.

Anonymous No. 16172855

Only the ones with under-cultivated sense of compunction and accountability and other un-admirable qualities and statuses

Anonymous No. 16173477

amazing a guy who couldn't even learn how to swim somehow got into medical school, how did he manage that?

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Anonymous No. 16174392

Anonymous No. 16174533

>The average person is not swimming in water bodies. Swimming primarily happens at pools
i can never tell if shit like this is bait or just americans being weird

Anonymous No. 16174580

fresh water is nasty as fuck in the Americas, I only swim in sea water
refuse to swim in fresh water

Anonymous No. 16174639

He was an aspiring doctor, was he even a medical student?

Anonymous No. 16174646


Anonymous No. 16174648

>Gilbert planned to apply to medical school
And I wish him the best of luck

Anonymous No. 16174656

Enlighten me on what body of water you regularly find yourself in, and ask yourself if you earnestly believe >50% the world population is doing the same thing.

Anonymous No. 16174661

Im not that one guy but:
The local lake aswell as two more nearby and a stream that runs to and through the closest city. All are good fun and everyone in the area, young and old, has their favourite spots to go dipping in those natural bodies of water.
Amerifat u weird.

Anonymous No. 16174864

I'm not here to say people don't visit these things for recreation. Point is its not something the average person experiences. Not every city has a lake or stream in close proximity, and even less that are safe/used for recreation. And the ones that do, are definitely not used by the majority of a city's inhabitants. You go out of your way to visit areas like this, they are not part of daily life. The initial anon asks how someone can go 20+ years avoiding water, but the answer is obviously you're not going to encounter situations where swimming is a necessity unless you're Polynesian or looking for it.

Half the world lives in urban areas where you're unlikely to find a good place to swim outside of pools/water parks, plus most of the world lives in third world shitholes where you aren't going to be swimming in lakes and streams because they're likely to be filled with shit that kills you or heavily polluted. All of this is a roundabout way of saying that the initial anon's question is retarded, because I guarantee you there are more people on earth who can't swim than can. Proper swimming areas are a luxury, so of course many will still learn, but during the course of your life in any modern society, you should never encounter a situation where you *need* to swim outside of a freak accident.

And along with the lakes and streams, there's a reason why I didn't mention beaches. Many people do activities in these areas without knowing how to swim. Especially beaches, it's not a requirement.

Anonymous No. 16174914

well, he's black, so. someone show me the statistic for percentage of black population that can swim

Anonymous No. 16174924

the atlantic ocean

im a thirdworlder and you're making two wrong assumptions:
1. every body of water is made from toxic sludge
2. poor people won't swim in toxic sludge

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16175835

he decided to enter the medical field as a patient instead

Anonymous No. 16176072

>the hood
He wasn't in the hood. And his "friend" that pushed him in was a white girl. Retard.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16176834

>And his "friend" that pushed him in was a white girl
based white girl save thousands of lives by preventing another incompetent Dr. DEI from getting into the business

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Anonymous No. 16176896

>The initial anon asks how someone can go 20+ years avoiding water
I'm that Anon, yeah I grew up in a tiny village with lakes nearby and my parents took me swimming weekly, but we were also forced to swim in school.
Anyway, I think even the biggest hoodrat will have been in a situation where they were in close proximity to a pool or any other body of water and this guy was an academic, no way he never went to the beach.
>obviously you're not going to encounter situations where swimming is a necessity
And this is what I simply don't understand. Drowning is the leading cause of death for little kids, it's borderline suicidal to think that swimming isn't an absolutely essential, lifesaving skill. You don't even need to "seek it out", what if you see some kid drowning at the beach? And this guy was about to become a physician...
Like yes, riding a bicycle or tying my shoes is also not a requirement but it sure as hell helps tremendously in my daily life and as I said, swimming being a life vs death situation makes it more important for my wellbeing. And if your parents neglected these needs, as an intellectual (or any grown human desu) you need to come to this conclusion yourself, go to the fucking pool twice and be done with it.
There is a fear factor for sure which leads to poors and their kids never learning how to swim but come on man. At some point you need to elevate yourself, "it's not required" is some idiot student's excuse.
I don't get why there are no compulsory swimming lessons in schools.

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Anonymous No. 16177678

>they can graduate medical school on DEI, but thats just a meaningless imaginary certification.
they can't train you to avoid mentioning that negroes can't swim because thats wrongthink, but they can't teach negroes to swim and they can't teach the water to not drown the negroes either

Anonymous No. 16177892

people are evil

Anonymous No. 16178904

its not her fault he couldn't swim. normal people know how to swim.

Anonymous No. 16179119

>He's 95% , quick save that miserable remaining 5% !
Doctors help people, did you know that? They're the good guys

Anonymous No. 16179338

cnn : friends
reality : murders

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Anonymous No. 16180287

>64% of negroes can't swim
why not?
also why is it a "racial stereotype" if they can't swim?

Anonymous No. 16180295

When i was about 6 i was terrified by deep water. My grandma grabbed my ear and threw me in the big pool and i instantly learned how to swim.

Anonymous No. 16180763

It's a mystery how infants instinctively can hold their breath, float and even swim. But the older you get you lose the instinct, gain fear and instead panic in water.
The bro's parents might have been to overprotective of him in that right age to learn consciously swimming.
I hope for his community this really was his poorly gifted childhood friends and not his med school psychopathic "friends". Having those people in practice would be a nightmare.

Anonymous No. 16180810

>urban areas
the citydwellers nearby, too come out to the lakes and streams in my area to swim and they don't give off the impression of it being a special occassion. True, it may be few of the city dwellers who come regularly while others never do but I doubt that. I have a strong suspicion it's a culture thing. Afaik even the capital city of my country is known to have at least one lake where capital citydwellers go for a dip.

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Anonymous No. 16180838

This kind of stuff is so unfair, a life can be destroyed in one bad day. The world is a cruel place.

Anonymous No. 16180879

Blacks have higher bone density, smaller trunk size with smaller lungs, more muscle and less fat. All these things make them less than ideal floaters. It really isn't that much about swimming as a skill, their bodies just sink, even more so if they are fit.

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Anonymous No. 16180899

i agree since i lost those friends when i turned 30. no point found by them to use logic, to use reason. it was all a play on a stage to them, actors and actresses, saying nothing. exit stage left!
one displayed consistent stupidity, as per the lack of interest in reason. he never realized anything about that. i told him he had no self respect. he left his phone w/ rubber case on top of a friends car who drove off for a 30 minute drive. it was still on it hilariously, got it back.

Anonymous No. 16180905

I've lived my whole life in a city located 50 km away from the sea, with a river running through it and a series of lakes nearby and i can't swim. In uni during swimming classes i was one of 2 people who couldn't swim among a ~hundred. I don't want to drown and generally see no reason why i would ever need to swim. I'm not from the US if it matters.

Anonymous No. 16180956

>I don't want to drown and generally see no reason why i would ever need to swim
I feel that knowing how to swim would decrease your chances of drowning

Anonymous No. 16181948

>I don't plan on getting in any crashes and see no reason why I need to have auto insurance

Anonymous No. 16182438

also smaller cranial volume. all that put together sure does throw the aquatic ape theory into doubt

Anonymous No. 16182463

Also the fact that Caucasians were more landlocked during their evolution compared to Asians which is what drove a stronger selection towards white skin for Vitamin D ( Eskimo's have dark skin because they get vitamin D from their sea food ).
Yet Caucasians are the best swimmers.
So I would call it a fluke and another example of humans learning how to do something they didn't evolve to do.

>Blacks have higher bone density, smaller trunk size with smaller lungs, more muscle and less fat. All these things make them less than ideal floaters. It really isn't that much about swimming as a skill, their bodies just sink, even more so if they are fit.

Not true at all. The main thing you want for swimming is muscle mass and a lack reflexive mindless fear. With enough muscle mass you can keep yourself afloat, escape from a rip tide or wave etc.
My dad was skinny as a rake but was an excellent swimmer. I'm the same and we've both done competition swimming.
However my dad's half Australian Aboriginal friend who's chubby is just overcome with fear whenever we've invited him to swim. He automatically goes into panic mode and puts himself in danger.
So now we just go fishing with him instead.

Anonymous No. 16182889


๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16183516

>i can't swim.
are you a negro?

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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16183843

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16185028

>Science confirms negroes can't swim
nice job science, but everyone already knew that

Anonymous No. 16185802

>Science finally figures out what everyone else already knew ages ago
Why is this such a common occurrence?

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Anonymous No. 16185811

>ONE (in words: 1!) med student drowns
>OP's conclusion: all doctors can't swim
The absolute state of zoomer brains. It's heckin over. The competency crisis is real. Society is collapsing.

Anonymous No. 16185814

> ONE (in words: 1)
complains about others brains

Anonymous No. 16187027

Low IQ people don't have self awareness

Anonymous No. 16187156

>some strange body type with 0 buoyancy

this is not "some strange body type" but just being fairly muscular and not fat and having good bone density. I have one of these bodies and sink like a f'n rock if I fully exhale, but I can swim fine (in fact a 17-minute mile) despite having negative buoyancy.

Anonymous No. 16187242

They don't teach swimming in medical school, they teach circumcision

Anonymous No. 16188355

>i can't swim.
>In uni during swimming classes
Why bother?
Either stupidity or LARP.
Why would you sit out literal swimming classes, when you can't swim? The POINT is to have them

Anonymous No. 16189018

They'll regret that when someone decides to drown them

Anonymous No. 16189651

Certainly not a respiring one.

Anonymous No. 16190383

but clearly an aspirating one

Anonymous No. 16191702

Is there a physiological reason they can't swim or is it strictly mental?

Anonymous No. 16192258

Having a small brain is physiological

Anonymous No. 16193320

so is being related to chimpanzees

Anonymous No. 16193836

Thats more genetic

Anonymous No. 16193846

If you can hold your breath for 20 seconds and not in a current you can learn to control your buoyancy and rotation within 10 seconds and that should be enough to get more air, but if it's not then it's enough to learn how to kick and paddle to get more air.
this I want them punished harsher because they're women

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Anonymous No. 16194878

negroes are physiologically different because africans and chimpanzees continue to interbreed to this day. chimpanzees are notoriously bad swimmers

Anonymous No. 16196400

>chimpanzees are notoriously bad swimmers
How come chimps can't swim?

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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16197186

Same reason dolphins are good at swimming: because thats the way God made them

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ B No. 16197209

Alirn inside

Anonymous No. 16197820

Wow, Jews have been talking about Blacks differently once they made it clear they fuck with Palestine...

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Anonymous No. 16198240

Anonymous No. 16198695

The TMD pasta has all sorts of creative and violent ways to get rid them, but it seems like all you really need to do is push them into a shallow lake

Anonymous No. 16199524

thats just the way god made them

Anonymous No. 16200271

Swimming requires some level of impulse control if you've not evolved to do it

Anonymous No. 16200276

Medical school thinks having foreskin is much more dangerous than drowning

Anonymous No. 16201347

Racial stereotypes are all true

Anonymous No. 16201549

Plenty of Black people can swim worldwide, this stereotype is based on African Americans and it came about because African Americans were denied access to most pools and beaches during segregation and most pools (especially big and attractive pools) were built in White neighborhoods, so most African Americans haven't had as much access or opportunity to swim as White American have. That means White Americans will be more likely to have parents and relatives that know how to swim than Black Americans and in turn more White kids will know how to swim compared to Black kids.

Anonymous No. 16202127

>Plenty of Black people can swim worldwide
nope, you just made that up that lie because of your racial savior complex and your dishonest personality.
science says otherwise
>Buoyancy of African black and European white males

Anonymous No. 16202152

she knew

Anonymous No. 16203050

sure hope so

Anonymous No. 16203825

>Blacks and whites have equal swimming ability
>muh equality muffugguh!!!
So you're saying evolution is fake and all people are exactly equal

Anonymous No. 16205076

was the person who pushed him a doctor too?

Anonymous No. 16205138

>26 swimmers tested
Holy cope.

Anonymous No. 16205308


Anonymous No. 16206791

why is water so racist?

Anonymous No. 16207413

lol twum

Anonymous No. 16207450

>med student gets pushed into water and almost dies because of evil people pushing him into the water
>Post is about how retarded doctors are in general because one med student was never taught how to swim
This post is nonsense

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bix noodle slurper.jpg

Anonymous No. 16208248


Anonymous No. 16208711

i really like this post for some reason

Anonymous No. 16208741

It doesn't look like they pushed him in but the fact that they just sit around and watch afterwards seems bizarre to me

Anonymous No. 16209998

Have you seen the video of what happens when you try to save a negro from drowning?

Anonymous No. 16210948

>water is racist

Anonymous No. 16212194

I sure hope so

Anonymous No. 16212241

Imagine being an adult and not knowing how to at least float. Like all you gotta do is not fully exhale.

Anonymous No. 16212324

>Cant swim
>Goes to a body of water anyways
Itโ€™s tough to have sympathy for people this stupid.

Anonymous No. 16213280

Not only can't they swim, they also don't bathe.

Anonymous No. 16218569

and they can't breathe

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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16220396


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Anonymous No. 16220761

As sad as these events are at least NDEs are real and prove that there is an afterlife and that we are eternal and will go to heaven unconditionally when we die. So who cares about what happens here on Earth anyway? Indeed, NDEs are seriously irrefutable proof that heaven really is awaiting us all because (1) people see things during their NDEs when they are out of their bodies that they should not be able to under the assumption that the brain creates consciousness, and (2) anyone can have an NDE and everyone is convinced by it:

So every atheist or materialist or agnostic would be too if they had an NDE, so pic related is literally irrefutable proof of life after death. As one NDEr pointed out:

>"I'm still trying to fit it in with this dream that I'm walking around in, in this world. The reality of the experience is undeniable. This world that we live in, this game that we play called life is almost a phantom in comparison to the reality of that."

If NDEs were hallucinations then extreme atheists and neuroscientists who had NDEs would agree that they were halluinations after having them. But the opposite happens as NDEs convince every skeptic when they have a really deep NDE themselves.

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Anonymous No. 16221465


Anonymous No. 16221505

>Eventually, a white female around the same age as Gilbert admitted to pushing him into the lake.
White women either love them or want to kill them. Funny

Anonymous No. 16222912

classic meme

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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ B4RK0N (300 IQ) 'kneel' No. 16222913


๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ B4RK0N (300 IQ) 'kneel' No. 16222949

I agree with it but thought you thought it was one and only

Anonymous No. 16224365


Anonymous No. 16224371

>it's just a prank bro

Anonymous No. 16224395

if you need any more proof that /sci/ is plagued by malicious /pol/tards, this is it. Garbage thread that has nothing to do with science and that keeps getting bumped for a month straight with only one or two posts at a time, mostly with some racist nonsense

Anonymous No. 16224473

that's a good point, I guess I should report it instead of just lurking

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Anonymous No. 16224775


Anonymous No. 16226092
