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Anonymous No. 16161044

Why is Mathematical Reasoning not a separate field from Mathematics in general? Mathematical reasoning has more to do with psychology and requires the development of mental skills and an evident progression linking one concept to another, rather than the common approach of maths that's focused on proving and memorizing.

Currently maths is like managing a library, it organizes a vast list of facts to be consulted, but other than consulting an index and taking for granted what is found, people in general are not able to wield it. Those who are capable of it have developed their math reasoning without help, which is an extremely inefficient way of acquiring the skill, and the reason most people have anxiety towards math.

So why has nobody taken the approach to organize math with focus on the different ways to visualize a problem, the different ways to reach a solution and taking notice which procedure is the most intuitive for that?

Anonymous No. 16161051

Take the pythagoras theorem for example. We all know, because it has been proven in many ways, that C2=A2+B2. We use it and build upon it. But how on Earth did Pythagoras even begin to conjecture that? What did he do to first get the idea? How can I trace the discovery of the theorem de novo? Nobody teaches that.

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Anonymous No. 16161055

What do you think about this visualization/figure for 7.7 elements

Anonymous No. 16161058

Thanks doc.

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Anonymous No. 16161065

Compare to the typical figure

Anonymous No. 16161070

math is just another arm of capitalism
who the fuck cares about le heckin truth

Anonymous No. 16161073

I don't give a shit about le hecking truth. I want to be able to use math because I want to be part of capitalism you bum.

Anonymous No. 16161171

/sci/ can't into geometry

Anonymous No. 16161185

Yes they do. Learn math history. The world knew about the Pythagorean theorem and most theorems well before they were conjectured.

We know ancient Egypt knew about that famous theorem as they incorporated it into their design. The difference is, it was understood empirically. Pythagorean simply provided the first proof of it showing that it was necessarily true and not just mere observation.

Anonymous No. 16161218

>Yes they do
>Learn math history

>The world knew about the pythagorean theorem
And how did they come to know them?
>The difference is it was understood empirically
And this is what I am talking about.

You don't have a SINGLE book or source that doesn't shy away from showing how can a mathematical concept be derived empirically. It must be "proven" to begin with, it must be proven in order to exist. Proofs don't just poof into existence, they are conjectured first and there's not a single book dedicated to these initial conjectures.

The pythagorean theorem is not obvious to just about anybody in real life, the fact that others discovered it and used it still doesn't replace the absence of that step that goes from empirism to formality. Even a story about "Pythagoras was drawing a square in the sand and decides to inscribe another inside it, then noticed shit looked about the same" should suffice as a method to discover patterns.

Anonymous No. 16161495

Why don't we focus on my visualization of 7.7 since it's the only on topic response of substance

Anonymous No. 16161498

>it has been proven
proven is a adjective
proved is a verb

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Anonymous No. 16161500

Euclids elements has this line in it on 3.31 so I suggest reading Euclids elements, I expect you to be able to read greek because mathematics is full of greek words and letters

Anonymous No. 16161556

You have been retarded

Anonymous No. 16161557

psychology is whatever story is most convincing as judged by le common experts

we will never know 'why' something is, we can only know 'that' it is. and even that is subject to debate considering the fallibility of our senses.

Anonymous No. 16161568

most places offer an intro proofs & basic set theory class where you learn that. direct proof, induction, contrapositive, contradiction. basic propositional logic. sets and elements. functions and relations. recursive definitions. that's math.

Anonymous No. 16161642

Only if you're in university, and specifically in a major that requires it.

>that's math
Yes, that's math. It's the development of math, it's not the learning and reasoning part. You need reasoning to work with proofs.

Anonymous No. 16161647

It is literally self evident when working with triangles. I don't know what to tell you dude.

Literally it was obvious to every engineer of the ancient world. Maybe considered a trade secret, but a well known one.

There's nothing complex, just observations made full form. Pythagorean just showed that it must be true from basic geometric axioms.

Anonymous No. 16161684

>It's self evident
Put it in words.

Anonymous No. 16162902

Albert Whitehead - introduction in Mathematics and Bertrand Russell introduction in to math philosophy seems good ones for this subject.

but those are only introductions

is there a math reasoning or you have to go trough all math genealogy in order to understand?

Anonymous No. 16163604


Anonymous No. 16164205

i don't know.