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Anonymous No. 16161060

No one is saying astronomy is bullshit, but this right here, circled in red, is hogwash

Anonymous No. 16161071

>Coperican principle
>Earth should not be typical in the universe
>The physical laws of every single place in this vast observable universe be the same as those on Earth.
How did cosmoslogists wrestle with this mental gymnastic?

Anonymous No. 16161085

>How did cosmoslogists wrestle with this mental gymnastic?
lack of evidence to the opposite

Anonymous No. 16161177

>i know what its like in other galaxies and on other planets because i've never been there
brilliant reasoning

Anonymous No. 16161231

Its based on the scientific method, which is just a philosophy. If you dont like to call such statements hard truth, just call them what they are, scientific theories and scientific hypothesis. People have the right to make hypothesis.

Anonymous No. 16161329

we don't have any evidence of the opposite of the opposite either, why should it be either way?

Anonymous No. 16161355

>Its based on the scientific method
no it isn't. you're clearly not familiar with the scientific method

Anonymous No. 16162542

According to the Coperican principle, its 48ºF everywhere in Africa right now because thats the current temperature at my house and I didn't bother to look at temperatures in Africa

Anonymous No. 16162588

The scientific method allows for making hypothesis.

Anonymous No. 16162612

again, you don't understand the point here.
why should your hypothesis be in one direction and not the other direction when there isn't any evidence pointing either way?

Anonymous No. 16163323

This is what soience faggots actually believe

Anonymous No. 16163676

Axis of evil.

Anonymous No. 16164069

Is fascinating, but it's not a preference for Earth, it's a preference for a particular planar orientation.

Anonymous No. 16164099

>>The physical laws of every single place in this vast observable universe be the same as those on Earth.
So why can I fly in my lucid dreams? Could I use the same physics I use in dreams to fly in real life?

Anonymous No. 16164108

Just an unaccounted for error in the corrections that had to be applied to the raw data.

Anonymous No. 16164470

cosmology isn't science, its religion. belief in the Coperican principle requires faith, since there is no evidence for it

Anonymous No. 16164477

It makes sense in a simple universe. Problem is intermingled complexity makes it very unlikely for Earth to be in any norm. Basically, if any universal constants vary at all, then they all do, and it is all fucked.

Anonymous No. 16164550

Your dark matter and dark energy are calling.

Anonymous No. 16164581

It's the same logical fallacy that is used to say how old the universe is. In reality it's just what we can see and there seems to be no limit to how far into the past we can look. We keep making more powerful telescopes that keep finding more universe so "scientists" keep extending the "age" of the universe. But in reality logic would dictate the universe is infinite in space and time as we've yet to find any sort of boundary besides our technological limitations. As soon as the technology increases so does the age of the universe. Or so they say, these scientists main job is to lie to and gaslight normies to grift more grant money. Normies get all hot and bothered for fake black hole images and fairy tales of dark matter until they demand more grant money to chase dragons and leprechauns. Worthless cosmologists meanwhile are laughing all the way to the bank. They make a life out of bullshitting low IQ retards into believing nonsense.

Anonymous No. 16164610

Your wet fantasies are not reality anon, its all happening in your head.

Anonymous No. 16164918

literally this, whenever the telescopes get upgraded the age of the universe get pushed further.
at one point we reach the physical limit of telescope and we'll have to ask ourself, is this tranny big bang theory really plausible and the universe is finite in age or just our hardwares are constraining our perception.

Anonymous No. 16165317

Every previous poster in this thread is incredibly retarded and mostly wrong.

Anonymous No. 16165634


Indeed, the very idea of there being such a thing as a "Cosmos" is literal Vatican fabrication, per the broader fabrication of the reality principle.

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Anonymous No. 16165646

because God can't be real

Barkon No. 16165651

But God can be real, he's just not here with us. Fag. What do you expect? Superman, or in your case Superdog- dog homo.

Anonymous No. 16165917

what does this have to do with god, faggot?
show your idea instead of throwing rocks from down there tranny. it only let people that you are a retard.

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soy vs goy.jpg

Anonymous No. 16166256


Anonymous No. 16166271

What's the problem in that text i am retarded explain me

Anonymous No. 16166838

>t. academic sjw morons

Anonymous No. 16166842

>the universe is universal actually
>"wokeness has gone too far"
This is you, retard

Anonymous No. 16166848

Then its not Godan, come up with a better word to describe what you are trying to describe if it doesn't actually have the properties associated with the word you are currently using that inevitably confused everyone else when you use it in a way that is inconsistent with the definition.

Anonymous No. 16166854

>Earth should not be typical in the universe
It says the exact opposite, though.
>observations from the Earth are representative of observations from the average position in the universe.
That means that earth is typical and serves as a representation of the average position.

>The physical laws of every single place in this vast observable universe be the same as those on Earth.
No, it says earth is the average, not that it exactly represents every other point.

Anonymous No. 16166876

What are you saying that we should just trust infinite assumptions and stop developing actual technology to investigate them?

Anonymous No. 16166880

So the logical assumption for ancient people was that the Earth is infinite since they haven't found its boundaries yet?

Anonymous No. 16167009

The surface of earth does have an infinite number of sides and you could traverse it or any circular object infinitely.

Anonymous No. 16167906

Practically all of astronomy is bullshit, but cosmology isn't even science, cosmology is religion. Science has repeatable experiments and disprovable theories, cosmology has neither

Anonymous No. 16168578

the tiny minute vanishingly small fraction of astronomy thats useful in navigation and making calendars is the only aspect of the science which isn't utterly garbage. the rest of it is a total waste, makes no difference if its lies or not, theories about other galaxies or other planetary systems will always be a total waste of time and effort even if they are true

Anonymous No. 16169706

>but this right here, circled in red, is hogwash
its the dogma of a failed religion

Anonymous No. 16170460

Pretty much, it has no basis in reality, theres no observations that even suggest it, but if you doubt it or fail to abide by it then you can't be in professional astrocrap, you'll be excommunicated for heresy if you suggest its wrong

Anonymous No. 16170486

God just laughs when we build a better telescope and adds more galaxies.

Anonymous No. 16171420

If the COPErican principle is real then why does anyone want to bother looking at distant galaxies since they're inevitably just going to be similar to nearby ones

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Anonymous No. 16171456

reality is everything
everything which is possible is confined within reality
thus everything possible causally emerges from reality
as such reality is all-capable
and therefore reality is god

bodhi No. 16171460

I am. I'm saying it