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🧵 It's over chuds, alzheimer is solved now

Anonymous No. 16161334

why does "the science" attract this kind of charlatans?
what's the chance that this buffon cured alzheimer, considering the most prominent research in this area has been shown to be a fraud?

Anonymous No. 16161345

Penrose and Hameroff were right.

Anonymous No. 16161368

>tweet from a literal who
>date and likes cropped
>forced '4chan' meme speak and medium sized words suggesting OP has a low IQ
fuck off

Anonymous No. 16161373

chat is this real?

Anonymous No. 16161378

alzheimers is caused by insulin resistant brain cells though? just stop eating everything with sugar

Anonymous No. 16161379

hey, why don't you do some basic search before flamming me. he works at UC Berkeley neuroscience department and the tweet got like 5k likes last time I looked.
that like cropping is because I copied the screenshot from some other dude on twitter.

Anonymous No. 16161382

when was this posted

Anonymous No. 16161384

like yesterday?

Anonymous No. 16161388

You need to understand what causes insulin resistance first, and it's not sugar.

Anonymous No. 16161392

>covid vaxx cures alzheimer

Anonymous No. 16161415

so like in months time? damn. sure hope this shit isn't buried

Anonymous No. 16161428

I know linoleic acid can cause it
so dumping the seed oils might be another good move
sugar can cause insulin resistance though

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Anonymous No. 16161446


Anonymous No. 16161447


Anonymous No. 16161494

nope. at most that can be debated once we have a full human brain analogue as electric activity based on "regular" neuron activity, wthout the quantum bullshit. if that shit says he's conscious and acts like a human then there's no case for the whole quantum bullshit.
but if we make an analogue to a human brain with "regular" neurons (as function) and it doesn't seem conscious, or makes no fucking sense has random activity, and then you add the quantum bullshit effect and starts behaving like a regular human, then you might have a case for the quantum bullshit. simple as

Anonymous No. 16161497

wasn't alzheimer's caused by prions?

Anonymous No. 16161501

Anonymous No. 16161566

can't wait to never hear about this again like all those promising cancer cures over the years

Anonymous No. 16161606

I read somewhere that lifting basically prevents alzheimers. Sounds true.

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Anonymous No. 16161608


Anonymous No. 16161638

Fucking bullshit, it's from the lack of copper. You basically caused it yourselves by treating it as a toxin.

Anonymous No. 16161648

Autism AND dementia are caused by copper??

Anonymous No. 16161661

Alzheimers is caused by lots of things. Acidic foods can cause it, overconsumption of salt and sugar can cause, an infection of the nose, ear, eye, and tooth can supposedly speed it up if the infection doesn’t kill you but leave plaque or bacteria behind after infection, even being monolingual and bad/apathetic about math has links of giving someone a higher chance of developing Alzheimers.

Anonymous No. 16161664

so then OP's picrel is actually saying that he'll be able to cure SOME forms of Alzheimer's?

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Anonymous No. 16161715

So sad to hear what happened to him. Just goes to show you never know what someone's going through.

Anonymous No. 16161716

never knew Sterling Cooley other name was Jeffrey Epstein

Anonymous No. 16161727

also correct
no you dumb /pol/tard faggot

methylene blue + red light

Anonymous No. 16161729


Anonymous No. 16161746

isn't that just based on the fake beta amyloid research?

NightLight !!7Nk2/yfbs86 No. 16161747

Anyone who is that confident that their novel neuroscience research has suddenly produced a cure for Alzheimer's does not deserve to be treated as a person with a functioning frontal lobe.

Anonymous No. 16162213

>Vagus nerve
Isn't that the nerve it your butt that makes you cum when you get fucked in the ass?

Anonymous No. 16162288

Another grifter.

First, he introduces a claim "We cured Alzheimer's", then in the next sentence immediately backs away from the claim by referring to a "maybe" situation, in other words a hypothetical, that refers to some sciency (or science-sounding) concept that has existed for a couple decades at the very least. That is immediately followed by the rational: "Don't you love your grandma?"

Research into alzheimer's and Dementia is a blackpill. Faked data, faked studies, corruption, money from the pharmaceutical companies, replication crisis, pay-to-publish journals.
Is it morally degenerate and pseudoscientific? You name it, I will find it in their research.

Anonymous No. 16162357

>Faked data, faked studies, corruption, money from the pharmaceutical companies, replication crisis, pay-to-publish journals.
>Is it morally degenerate and pseudoscientific?
cool it with the antisemitism

Anonymous No. 16162369

>if you don't like what I like your brain is MUSH!

Anonymous No. 16162525

no that's the anus nerve

Anonymous No. 16162573

Shut up pol

Anonymous No. 16162633

/pol/ living rent free in your head.

Anonymous No. 16162682

Shut up kettle

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Anonymous No. 16162863


Anonymous No. 16162969


Anonymous No. 16163006

Grains are actually worse than sugar.
Fructose has to get metabolized by the liver.
Meanwhile bread and rice are pure glucose and spike your blood sugar immediately.

Garrote No. 16163105

Hey alzheimer is modeled in that book mathematical biosciences I, got it on libgen.

Anonymous No. 16163117

shit rice not good?

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Anonymous No. 16163721

>his proteins can't triforce

Anonymous No. 16163814


Anonymous No. 16163818

so no bread, no rice, no grains

the fuck are we meant to eat?

Anonymous No. 16163977

Meat, you fucking idiot

Anonymous No. 16164042

well thats gonna be expensive af

Anonymous No. 16164059

meat aren't that expensive because they're calorie and nutrition dense. if you are on a meat diet, you need to eat less in volume otherwise you'll become obese. however, eating only meat is retarded, just cut back on grains, don't need to remove them, you'll be fine.
the most expensive diet is pure veggie actually.

Anonymous No. 16164159

I can't tell if quantumfags are schizos or are actually brilliant.

Anonymous No. 16164466

they're retards

Anonymous No. 16164641

Aaaaaaaand something else will fuck you up instead. Whatever. Its either immortality or cope.

Anonymous No. 16165388

why is this an anti chud thing doe