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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ ๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16161724

> first year students use chegg as crutch because overworked and desperate
> in higher level courses the answers are horrendously wrong and you realize it's just some pajeet using chatgpt the whole time
> youtube explanations start to become superficial and misleading inteded for the general public
> learn you can only trust textbooks and the professor
was this similar to your path of realization in STEM?

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16161734

I never needed any assistance from shitty websites. Lecture materials was always enough for me

Anonymous No. 16161736

I never needed any assistance from shitty websites. Lecture materials were always enough for me

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Anonymous No. 16161738

Anonymous No. 16161875

Go back to chegg

Anonymous No. 16163193

woah what if instead of paying for chegg you went to office hours and
>made use of your tuition money
>got right to the point with an expert in the field
>got to know your professor who could be a good connection to research, industry or at least potentially write you rec letters

Anonymous No. 16164395


Anonymous No. 16164422

I'm thinking "Cheggers" go to shitty community colleges without expert teachers.