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๐Ÿงต Do dolphins have a spoken language?

Anonymous No. 16161781

How advanced is it? Does it constitute a language? Will humans ever be able to learn it and communicate abstract concepts to them?

Anonymous No. 16161783

"Language" is, ultimately, a Human exclusive concept because the concept of "language" will always be made to fit Human communication and Human communication only. And, to be fair, Humans have a lot more to talk about than Dolphins; but at the same time if we ever met an intelligent alien species they likely wouldn't meet the definition of 'language' without some serious coincidences.

Anonymous No. 16161789

I could defeat a dolphin in a rap battle. Even when we figure out how to translate their shit properly I reckon I could spit more dope bars than a fucking fish.

Anonymous No. 16161794

he would just call you a nigger in a frequency 10x higher than your ears are capable of hearing

Anonymous No. 16161800

it's probably fragmented among tribes the same as human language was, each group has its own dialect. They do name their babies, and they call out their own names when they hear another group, like "Hey who are you, this is Frank"

You can't look at their brains and not notice it makes a human brain look like a dog brain. They damn well have language, and they are probably better at learning each other's languages than we are.

Anonymous No. 16161801

The complexity of dolphin brains is deceptive. They operate in a 3D environment across vast distances with little in the way of landmarks, which surprise surprise leads to a different kind of brain. The fact is that Humans have a civilization and dolphins don't.

Anonymous No. 16161824

Except that birds have language and will communicate calls, threats, food etc in their own local dialects. English lacks the word for a specific language, in spanish we would call them Lengua or Idioma, and reserve lenguaje for communication in general.

Anonymous No. 16161825

Well in English it's the reverse. "Language" refers to something with formalized rules and grammar, communication would be any social interaction that creates meaning.

Anonymous No. 16161828

>birds have language
Can they communicate abstract concepts? Can they communicate about past and present events? Can they string words together to create sentences? If not, then they don't have a language.

Anonymous No. 16161849

Anonymous No. 16162675


Anonymous No. 16162714

No fire underwater and no opposable thumbs.
How would *you* create a civilization in those circumstances?

Anonymous No. 16162888

In the real world, it is well known that on ships with crew from all over the world, a specific creole will arise that enables people to udnerstand each other but will never ever be formalized or even have rules. When they move to the next ship the creole will be different again.

Anonymous No. 16164116


Anonymous No. 16164138

Of course, even negroids have something that resembles a spoken language.

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based crow.webm

Anonymous No. 16164145

Of course they can do it. That is how crows know who is the enemy.

Anonymous No. 16164168

I bet those dolphin faggots insult us all the time, they are yelling nigger at us right this very moment, its just that out ears did not evolve to hear such an autistic screeching.

Anonymous No. 16164708


Anonymous No. 16165400

No. Only humans do

Anonymous No. 16166325

Absolutely vacuous statement that conceals wild assumptions about human exceptionalism.

Anonymous No. 16166333

If any dolphoj every tired that with me I'd punch his soul at a frequency sufficient to destroy him at his core and leave him nothing more than a xitterinf fish

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16166335


Anonymous No. 16167475

squeak squeak motherfucker

Anonymous No. 16168319


Anonymous No. 16168329

Ooof 82 iq post my dude try again

Anonymous No. 16168349

They don't need a civilization though. They don't need shelter or farms when the sea has all they need.