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Anonymous No. 16161803

Why is pedophilia recognized as a mental illness by most scientific organizations, while homosexuality isn't?

Anonymous No. 16161810

Because classification is a political process not a scientific one.

Anonymous No. 16161813

Pedophilia fulfills the criteria for a "fetish" whereas homosexuality doesn't, according to Experts.

NightLight !!7Nk2/yfbs86 No. 16161818

Mental illness isn't real, the only things that are real are behaviors and symptoms. Assigning any value to the label "mental illness" is a mistake.

Anonymous No. 16161820

>Non physiologic sexual attraction
>Harms children
>Uncompliant with social standards
>Retards who engage on it have the will to go out of their way and ruin their lives for it

>Same shit, except no children are evidently hurt and have shouted enough for society to change its norms around it

That's it. They could normalize pedophilia in the future, but some definition should still be held for the actual psychos who go around kidnapping and killing girls. This is mainly the reason why its so strongly looked down upon, homosexuals don't really go on killing sprees.

Anonymous No. 16161827

>homosexuals don't really go on killing sprees.
huh? nor do pedophiles

Anonymous No. 16161860

Oh you just wait,
Homosex was a mental illness unless it wasnt and you were a bigot for objecting
Same shits happening with the trannies as of now
Its all just a big jewish plan to have "consenting kids" in the future, why else are minors allowed to get their dicks chopped off? In the meantime they ll just do their usual shit in secret.

Btw the pedo scandals in the catholic church where rabbhis who were sent to subvert it, its a concept for jews that you dont sin by doing another religions rituals when subverting it. I think right now even the pope might not have the intentions he is claiming.
>the purpose of a thing is what it does
And whatnot comes to mind

Anyways, stay anti semitic fellas

Anonymous No. 16161863

Why isn't the obsession with child-making/breeding or fucking considered a mental illness?

Anonymous No. 16161870

Trying to engage in sex with a child isn't just gross, it shows a lack of empathy. Children are known to make bad decisions and agree to things they don't want to do and are easily taken advantage of. A pedo either knows these things and does it anyway or mentally cannot understand, hence the mental illness

Anonymous No. 16161876

*until it wasn't, sorry

Anonymous No. 16161878

>A pedo either knows these things and does it anyway or mentally cannot understand
you are confusing pedo with child rapist

Anonymous No. 16161879

If you look at a child and it makes you want to rawdog your adult wife to make your own then thats ok
Any other wexual arousal is wrong and fucking demonic, thats why jews do it all the time, because they are demons.

Anonymous No. 16161880

Child rapist / transexual

Dont play the pilpul game>>16161879

Anonymous No. 16161882

why are you on the science board if you don't even know the first thing about the subject you're trying to discuss

Anonymous No. 16161895

>nooo ive been found out
>what is your professional background that you could have any opinkln in this matter
I would show you my linkedin but i know then i would end up in jail
I have a phd in osychology though so i am an expert and im telling you now.
You are batshit insane, get help and stay away from children.

Anonymous No. 16161897


Anonymous No. 16161920

Because no one cares about men but everyone cares about children.

That is the actual surprise in all of this. It is probably emotional overspill.

Anonymous No. 16161961

Mental illness is relative to society. If you're able to live a happy and fulfilling life without harming others, you're sane. You are able to be part of a healthy society. Paedophiles are unable to enjoy their sexuality without causing societal harm. Homosexuals are.
>inb4 disingenuous reactionaries with spurious claims

Anonymous No. 16161964

>agree to things they don't want to do
But what if they want to do it? Children have no problem masturbating and sending each other sexy pics which often leads to sex but if somehow one of participants is 18(usually male because no one cares about females having sex with children) suddenly it's all forced etc

Anonymous No. 16161968

haven't seen him in years
I guess I'm just too old for him now

Anonymous No. 16161984

What about bullies? By that same metric

Anonymous No. 16162033

Bullying is deemed healthy behavior.

Anonymous No. 16162053

Homosexuality and pedophilia are quite linked actually.

Anonymous No. 16162073

I'm talking children, not someone 17 or something

Anonymous No. 16162077

"Because pedophilia hasn't been normalized in culture yet." Maybe that's the answer

Anonymous No. 16162133

>homosexuals don't really go on killing sprees.
WRONG there's a lot of gay serial killers
Jeffrey Dahmer or John Wayne Gacy "the killer clown"
>huh? nor do pedophiles
WRONG again
There are people who literally take requests to rape and torture kids to death for money like Peter Scully

Anonymous No. 16162138

>Alexa, pull up STD statistics for homosexuals
>Alexa, pull up lifetime healthcare costs for homosexuals
>Alexa, pull up sexual abuse statistics for homosexuals

Anonymous No. 16162202

pedophiles detected
disgusting parasites, eat shit and die today

Anonymous No. 16162228


"This is tolerable so it isn't a problem" and "This is intolerable so it is a problem" are the fundament of the DSM.

Anonymous No. 16162231

I bet you listen to rush limbaugh. There's so many normative judgements and too-broad brushstrokes that I can't imagine you are an altogether sensible fellow.

Anonymous No. 16162233

>Jeffrey Dahmer or John Wayne Gacy "the killer clown"
Were they actually exclusively homosexual or simply not-straight (earnest question, I don't know the answer as a point of trivia)?

Anonymous No. 16162242

I don’t understand homophobes. Can you not understand what it’s like being born with a flipped switch in your brain that makes you attracted to the same sex?
Maybe you’ll be the gay person in the next life so you can learn your lesson.

Anonymous No. 16162332

Perhaps the most astonishing thing is there is no agreed definite reason for what causes homosexuality. Despite all the advances in science, medicine, psychology, and sociology.
One theory states its genetic. I think that been largely sidelined by now but I could be wrong,.
Another states that its causes by direct environmental effects, such as exposure to unbalanced hormone levels while in the womb.
Another states social effects, such as being sexually abused or having homosexual experiences at an early age, hardwiring one's brain to be sexually stimulated by homosexual behavior.
Yet another theory states a biological origin , it being an as yet unidentified parasite or group of parasites that hijacks the brain's chemistry for its own reproductive purposes.
All these theories have their strengths and weaknesses, their advocates and detractors.
Some suggest that it is a combination of some of the above as the reason.

Yet you would think by now there would have been some research that shows overwhelming support for one idea or the other, but this does not appear to be the case.

As a microbiologist I favor the biological agent theory. Mind altering parasites. These are quite numerous in nature and can cause the host to do all sorts of weird behavioral things that are detrimental to their survival but beneficial to the parasite. Quite fascinating. But no such parasite has been positively identified as causing homosexuality. You would think if it were a parasite it would have been recognized and identified by now. Possibly even be treatable. As it stands no one has any idea what it might be other than some wild guesses which lack sufficient evidence to make a rational conclusion.

Anonymous No. 16162354

>Because mental illness is a political process not a scientific one.

Anonymous No. 16162361

Pedophilia isn't a mental illness, it's just many men find younger girls attractive. this is natural because neoteny is a desired trait and also the younger the women the more fertile they are. realistically, many men are attracted to girls that just hit puberty. However, this harms the child so they created the pedophillia mental illness as a social stigma in additional to legal punishment to stop the men from acting on their instinct.

Anonymous No. 16162382

pedophilia is evolutionary, taking dicks up your ass isn't