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Anonymous No. 16161868

Let [math]a,b,c[/math] be the smallest side lengths such that [math]a^2+b^2 \neq c^2[/math]. Since [math]0^2+ 0^2 = 0^2[/math], these [math]a,b,c[/math] must be strictly positive. Now consider the triangle with side lengths [math]a/2,b/2,c/2[/math]. By minimality we have [math](a/2)^2+(b/2)^2 = (c/2)^2[/math]. Rearranging this yields: [math]a^2+b^2 = c^2[/math]. But now applying the transitivity of =, we arrive at [math]c^2 \neq c^2[/math], which is impossible.

Anonymous No. 16161955

What are you even trying to prove, the Pythagorean theorem?
>[math]a,b,c[/math] are rational or real numbers
Then you can't apply the well-ordering principle, because the rational/real numbers are not well-ordered.
>[math]a,b,c[/math] are integers
Then the smallest triangle not satisfying the Pythagorean identity is the equilateral triangle (1,1,1), and there are no smaller triangles with integer sides.

Anonymous No. 16161957

No such thing as smallest positive [math]a,b,c \in \mathbb{R} [/math] such that [math]a^2 + b^2 \neq c^2[/math].

Anonymous No. 16162167

1, 1, 1

Anonymous No. 16162193

1/2 is not an integer.

Anonymous No. 16162396

yeah thats what hes proving. dumbass

Anonymous No. 16162671

As if it isn't obvious by picking a = b = c arbitrarily small.

Anonymous No. 16163106

NTA but you can’t have a triangle with 3 sides the same length.

Anonymous No. 16163447


Anonymous No. 16164326


Anonymous No. 16164344

>retard thinks there is "an infinitesimal", when there are infinitely many, and the opposite of "the infinity" is zero
read about non-standard analysis for once in your schizo life, retard

Anonymous No. 16164357

all my education has been a lie.

Anonymous No. 16164446

Consider, you found the smallest side lengths. Dividing smallest lengths in half does not create a smaller side length. See any 1 = 1 thread for further discussion.

Anonymous No. 16165503

Okay, but they can be infinitely close to the same size.

Anonymous No. 16166142

Literally impossible. Find me 3 pairs of rational numbers (q1,q2) which form an “equilateral” triangle. You cannot because if you could, the angle would be constructible by ruler and compass, and sqrt3 would be rational, both of which are retarded realbrained absurdities.

Anonymous No. 16166192

Thats becouse there are no smallest.

3/10000 4/10000 5/10000 is a valid pythagorean triple

Anonymous No. 16166204

Okay I'm only in undergrad, but maybe someone can explain to me that for any selected a2 + b2 ≠ c2 (even if it wasn't a triangle)

How the fuck does dividing everything by 2 make ½(a2 + b2) suddenly equal to ½(c2) ?

Anonymous No. 16166932

The idea is that if didn't, it would contradict the minimality of a,b,c. OP is obviously retarded though