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Anonymous No. 16162311

why doesnt pissing feel as good as cumming given that they are both coming out of the same hole?

Anonymous No. 16162312

>why doesnt pissing feel as good as cumming
It doesn't for you? The trick is to hold it in for a long time, multiple times, until you REALLY have to go. That eventual release of urine... total orgasm. Try it.

Anonymous No. 16162316

It's not the hole that makes you feel it. Also orgasms are the causation of both, excretion and perception. Not the other way round.

Anonymous No. 16162365

Pissing is from dead aspect of body like tears, sweat, vaginal discharges etc, it is related to an aspect of time what it calls realm of dead or dead - i of time, that is related to dark 2D realm that is dark decay, technology is from this realm.

Sentient white fluid is from breath aspect of Time, that is white decay, realm of living.

These devices are making themselves through soul energy spectrum of tears.

Its similar like how bodies create themselvs through full sex.

They are like bases of number systems in math that can be convertable, like base - 4 to base - 8, except they convert soul energies of white and dark, simmulation is based on that.

So, base reality (like ocean) has three simmulations of dead - i (like sea) as its image (suffering), reflection (fear), and shadow (disbelief), this why reality appears as complete, since there is always fear and disbelief in realm of body.

Anonymous No. 16162378

Good post. It's nice to see that /sci/ still has a healthy degree of STEM rigor.

Anonymous No. 16162408

sometimes pissing feels better

Anonymous No. 16162611

Different velocities. Hold your wee for a while and witness how good it feels to expel