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Anonymous No. 16162463

why do indians constantly brag about the difficulty of their meme exams?
what has iit and other meme universities in their shithole even invented?

Anonymous No. 16162478

their meme exame isn't even hard.
China and Japanese exams are harder.

Anonymous No. 16162510

Is India known for having bot farms or is the natural state of Indians just akin to bots?

Anonymous No. 16162526

uhm integration through substitution is my first guess ? choose u, derive u', solve for dx and x, substitute, solve easy integral, resubstitute. Et voila.
Ain't gonna do now bc theres calculators for that, which is my whole point. I work in the field of emgineering and while intuition regarding calculus and linear algebra is probably important to be able to quickly assess the feasibility of an idea or theory ... crunching big ass derivatives and integrals is not. Because computer. Same with optimization problems and such. Computer.
Trained monkeys.

Anonymous No. 16162539


Anonymous No. 16162712

they've got better unis too.
don't see them boasting as much as these street shitters

Anonymous No. 16162761

I just do it directly.
Long division to make numerator constant.
Use partial fraction decomposition.
Get poly + logs

Anonymous No. 16163023

India is a bot farm.

Anonymous No. 16163049

Just national insecurity. Do your part. Don't hire pajeets. And don't join institutions and departments that have been infested.
Everyone needs to do their part.

Anonymous No. 16163054

Indian universities do not focus on concepts, they focus on computationally difficult problems with time constraints. They seem to not realize there's a point of diminishing returns here. It's the same idea with code bootcamp graduates grinding leetcode questions for interviews: they can rote memorize the process, but they'll never match the knowledge of a graduate degree holder.

Anonymous No. 16163070

This. It's the same reason China bottlenecks. They focus on rote memorization of results or bullshit gimmicky algorithms that work for super specific problem-sets to make rapid calculations for exams doable, but they utterly fail to grasp the foundational material - they can do an algorithm, but don't understand why it works, they can calculate a result for the one specific case they memorized in seconds, but will stare dumbfounded if you make any minor change.

Anonymous No. 16163098

And whenever I take a course in my degree (EE) and it's an Indian professor, I immediately try to switch into another section. Because I know the whole semester is going to be them scribbling problems on the board and never explaining shit. And their slides + exams are copy pasted from the textbook REEEEEEEE

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Anonymous No. 16163277

You are indeed right Indian education system is majorly flawed, the main reference book for JEE(Engineering), NEET(Medical) and other civil services has inaccurate information here and there just massive loopholes which they refuse to update while JEE main is an exam which relies on memorization like almost all other exams its just JEE advanced which requires concept clarity and as expected very less candidates are able to clear that with not so high scores
Once these guys fail in competitive exams they just start again and again and again just mugging all shit up, even teachers dont know more than what is printed in the shitbook and once these retards pass the examination by just mugging shit up they immediately leave India thus never helping to suggest a change in the system
Only people who are driven by earning money succeed in these exams and almost never those who have actually any interest in the subject
if you failed in these exams its not because you did not understand the concepts well(which most students dont anyways) its because you failed to mug their god awful lengthy book word by word

Anonymous No. 16163343


Anonymous No. 16163512

why does everything indian have "EE..." in the middle?

Anonymous No. 16164285

sars we arr veri smort

Anonymous No. 16164624

>what has iit and other meme universities in their shithole even invented?
Indians have supposedly invented tons of stuff, but it was all conveniently like 5000000 years ago
Nowadays their main thing seems to be pooping outside
Indian men have uncontrollable sexual urges and will rape pretty much anyone or anything if they think they can get away with it--man, woman, child, or animal
Samosas are pretty good though
Also 1+2+3+...=-1/12 is a pretty good good invention for covering up logical fallacies; it's used quite a bit in theoretical physics

Anonymous No. 16164894

thats pretty much it, also majority of seats are reserved for dalits and backward classes. so it makes the entire merit based system pointless when someone with half the marks gets eligible for college just because of their caste
so an iit/medical graduate is either a genius that topped an exam of 2 million candidates or a lower caste idiot that qualified just by attempting the exam

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Anonymous No. 16164971

look at all these inferior beings getting agitated by indian maths superiority. lmao. none of you faggs will ever accomplish anything except seething over others capabilities. They and the chinese are spearheading the STEM they rule this field because they work hard to grasp all the concepts.
>but..but..they rote learn and how can they be so smart with number because our meme charts don't allow it.
go one on one with an jee advanced student and he will make you his bitch.
>but..but.. chinese exams are tougher
even AI couldn't pass jee advance. so you better calm your ass down. Shitting over the internet is easier than solving problem besides a jee advanced topper.
with useless loud mouth like you. No wonder we need indians to run our companies.
quick wisdom for you dumb faggs:
>Don't be jealous, compete
>Don't be a loudmouth, Work

and this is a sci board so learn to appreciate someone better and if you want to bitch like some woman than >>>/pol is that way and never come back here.

Anonymous No. 16164977

>Also 1+2+3+...=-1/12 is a pretty good good invention for covering up logical fallacies; it's used quite a bit in theoretical physics
educamacate urrself

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Anonymous No. 16165028

For whatever critiques one may have about Bloom's taxonomy, I think it really encapsulates the flaw in most Asian educational systems. Too much lower order thinking and too little higher order thinking. At least if we have a Butlerian Jihad then we'll have a steady supply of lower level researchers/etc.

Anonymous No. 16165105

since indian education system is the finest on the planet.
their engineers must be inventing things at a rate faster than any other country right?
don't tell me they get topped by countries with less than 100 million population.
even your own countrymen agree that the system is utter trash

Anonymous No. 16165148

why are you still on earth. what color is your terraformed mars since your systems are light years ahead of indian?

No one claimed indian education system is finest all i said was approciate the hardworkers and talented individuals. Watching everything everyone with a political spectacle is a low iq behaviour. hope you are better.

Anonymous No. 16165173

The problem is that Asia values hierarchy and fears innovators. It's the same reason why Arab armies are always incompetent, because any competent generals just get arrested or assassinated once they become a threat. Every single PhD in China or India lives in fear of the day when someone - anyone - might outshine them, so they ensure their own job security by undermining everyone around them.

Anonymous No. 16165189

and how do they undermine "everyone" around them?

Anonymous No. 16165815

Sunk cost of time
They waste years of their life on this