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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16162509

is she right?

Anonymous No. 16162518

I want you to look at her face, remind yourself that her name is "Kelly Diamond", and then remember she's a middle aged woman. Only then can you ask yourself that question again

Anonymous No. 16162544

About what?
Come OP, don't leave us hanging. Type complete sentences and show some conviction!

Anonymous No. 16162546

When I worked in the admissions office for a small public university, sometimes home schooled kids came in the apply for admission. They never came in on their own, they were always with their parents. Usually their parents took lead on the process but if you talked to the student directly, they were always polite and spoke in a clear manner that made them sound mature beyond their years. Lots of potential students that came through the door could barely string words together into a rational sentence but I never saw that with a home school kid. My general impression was that the home school kids were a bit timid but had a good grasp on reality.

Anonymous No. 16162949

Yes she is right.

Anonymous No. 16164065

>Only then can you ask yourself that question again
No need.

Anonymous No. 16164098

she's arguing for the fact that dogs and humans shouldn't be trained anymore.
let dogs roam free and shit everywhere

Anonymous No. 16164143

You sound Francophobic.

Anonymous No. 16164220

Let me guess - she's a homeschooled kid? Because she seems entirely oblivious about interacting with classmates lol

Anonymous No. 16164471

>t. butthurt

Anonymous No. 16165304

Let me guess, you went to government school and you get upset and angry when you see the fact that your entire youth was wasted on harmful brainwashing pointed out. Homeschooled children get a better education than what you got, you wouldn't be so jealous of them if that wasn't the case

Anonymous No. 16165341

>politeness is for dogs
A thread died for this. There are plenty of real problems with schools btw, for example the lack of racial segregation

Anonymous No. 16165479

That's a whole lotta projection. I'm guessing you're jealous of my having had friends.

Anonynous No. 16165691

Reread the post
>Usually their parents took lead on the process but if you talked to the student directly, they were always polite and spoke in a clear manner that made them sound mature beyond their years.
He's talking about homeschool kids in this sentence. He's not saying politeness is for dogs at all.

Anonymous No. 16165771

well sweetie, society IS dog training, lol.

Anonymous No. 16166040

You seem to have mistaken the purpose of school as a social club instead of a place of education.

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Anonymous No. 16166104

100% right. Only negroid animals need to be educated. Humans can develop their own understanding and acquire knowledge by themselves.

Anonymous No. 16166165

Any experience with home schooled blacks?

Anonymous No. 16166196

Never thought about it but I don't recall there ever being a black home school applicant. Don't recall any Asians either. A couple of them might have been Hispanic. The university, which had non-competitive admission, was about a quarter black.
At a different job I did work with an Arabic man whose wife home schooled their son for a year because he had been getting low grades and had been suspended several times for being disruptive. The one year at home was more than enough for him to catch up and the threat to home schooling him more kept him in line as he hated not having access to girls like there are in public schools.

Anonymous No. 16166205

She is still a stupid woman.
Part of training a dog is to have it NOT sniff other dogs.
Part of dog training is TO IGNORE OTHER DOGS.
Why did we give women the vote?

Anonymous No. 16166815

you can't get an education at a government school, you can only get government brainwashing

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Anonymous No. 16166849

Anonymous No. 16167172

this is some deep shit yo

Anonymous No. 16167397

Well, given that the OP was explicitly about socialisation, I'm going to assume that your home was a place for neither.

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Anonymous No. 16167913


Anonymous No. 16168584

stop calling it "public education" and start calling it what it really is "government brainwashing camp"

Anonymous No. 16168594

>government brainwashing camp
That isn't what it is. If you want to call it what it is, call it "schizophrenics enforcing their delusions upon everyone."

Anonymous No. 16168600

much hyper-individualism...
but seriously, educational institutions are truly totalitarian institutions!
No matter which way you look it stinks like this.

Anonymous No. 16168670

She acts as if school's primary goal is socialization. It's a side effect of such system that you're forced to socialize and meet people. I hate when people post stupid things like this, it just sounds satisfying to read and agree with but its complete nonsense.

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Anonymous No. 16168673

Socialization is the number one thing supporters of public schools point to when they attack home schooling so it's an obvious thing for her to defend. It's really weird when you think about it because there's nothing natural about having hundreds or even thousands of kids crammed into a building together, overseen by a small number of mostly disinterested adults that are unrelated to the children. The socialization learned in public schools is extremely unnatural.

Anonymous No. 16168806

Funny, considering there are some bonafide schizos on /sci/ posting shit like >>16167913 at every opportunity they get

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Anonymous No. 16169678

Anonymous No. 16169692

Our vibrant youth sure aren't being taught these things

Anonymous No. 16169699

They'll still know. They just won't know they can still be happy.

Anonymous No. 16169707

Weird how transgenderism in teenage females is a social contagion that spreads in schools.

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Anonymous No. 16170454

>trannys are happy
that explains their massive suicide rate and their incessant complaining

Anonymous No. 16170599

That is weird, yes, considering that's not how it works

Those would be the homeschooled ones

Anonymous No. 16171371


Anonymous No. 16171386

Just because schools use a reward system and that dog training uses a reward system, doesn't mean they are the same. Just that they use a similar education method

Anonymous No. 16171962

> Homeschooled children get a better education than what you got
I'd imagine that this would depend entirely on the parent's ability to teach.
But at very least they know what is being taught to their child, and that all responsibility for the outcome rests is on their shoulders.

Anonymous No. 16172010

Was homeschooled and literally half of the girls were "nonbinary". Honestly my homeschooled friends were way faggier than those that went to school, probably because they were more online

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Anonymous No. 16172019

>gold stars

>that day I realized I could just buy a box of 500 gold stars at walmart for 2 dollars instead of working for them like a sucker

Anonymous No. 16172026

Nothing to do with homeschooling itself, it's just that trannyism spreads even more easily from parent to child than teacher to child or internet to child. Plus homeschool kids tend to be autistic to begin with.

Anonymous No. 16172027

I was home schooled and literally every kid was an intergalactic star ship pilot with the brain of Albert Einstein.

Anonymous No. 16172109

That's indicative of either:
> Their homeschool instructors being mentally diseased. (High chance of inculcation)
> Being exposed to the internet when young, or for long periods. (Moderate chance of inculcation)
> Being exposed to popular culture. (Low chance of inculcation)

Anonymous No. 16172144

>homeschool kids tend to be autistic to begin with
That would be a lack of socialisation; achieving artificially what autistic kids suffer naturally

Anonymous No. 16172148

>is she right?
About what? She put forth several premises for our consideration, so be more specific.

Anonymous No. 16172191

In school you'll be constantly fine tuning your negotiation skills.

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Anonymous No. 16173122


Anonymous No. 16173189

I teach university and I do find it gross how students ask me if it's okay to use the bathroom

Anonymous No. 16173209

Yes. Schools teach obedience and little else. Even the actual classes reward obedience more than learning. You can graduate high school without being able to pass tests by just doing all the homework that's graded by completion because it counts for more of your grade than anything else. I'll never forget a conversation I had with my math teacher about this very thing:
>Teacher: You need to do your homework.
>Me: Why?
>Because that's how you learn the lessons.
>But we go over the lessons in class and do classwork, which is enough for me to learn it.
>You have to practice with homework, just doing in-class work isn't enough to learn everything.
>I've never done homework in your class and none of my tests have been below an A, so why do you think I need more practice?
>You're getting A's on your tests now, but if you don't do the homework you'll start slipping.
>Okay, when I get below an A on a test I'll take that as a sign I need to do homework and I'll do it then.
>But you won't get a good grade in the class overall if you don't do your homework.
>All I really care about is learning the material and passing the class, so a D is fine as long as I know I've learned everything.
>Listen, I'm telling you as the teacher of this class that you have to start doing the homework.
>Because you have to do as you're told, that's what's most important. When you get a job you'll have to do what you're told even if you don't like it.
When you get right down to it, public school is obedience training. Educating students on certain subjects is a distant second to training unquestioning wageslaves.

Anonymous No. 16173258

>Try to fight the urge to sniff my ass as I walk by.
Let's see it first.

Anonymous No. 16173573

The teacher was trying to teach you work ethic. They've probably seen enough "gifted" kids burn out later because they never learned how to study and apply themselves to problems that aren't immediately obvious.
Schools definitely also teach conformity to society (see Foucault) but not everything is nefarious Anon

Anonymous No. 16173667

>work ethic is when you waste away your life doing pointless busywork just because you were told to
Nah, I have plenty of work ethic and it has nothing to do with that. Spending 8 hours a day at school and then another 5 hours doing homework from all those classes is just retarded. If my boss told me I had to do 5 hours of extra work every single day off the clock for no pay I'd tell him to go fuck himself.

Anonymous No. 16173708

It does, and that’s the side of homeschooling that a lot of advocates ignore. There are some truly exceptional kids being homeschooled by some truly exceptional parents in this country, but holy fuck are there also a lot of incompetent homeschoolers who are leaving their kids way worse off.

Anonymous No. 16174026

Home school kids ITT showing poor literacy, poor reasoning skills, and poor grasp of rhetoric.

Anonymous No. 16174973

>Educating students on certain subjects is a distant second to training unquestioning wageslaves.
Not when that subject is the holocaust. Education is top priority when thats the subject

Anonymous No. 16174986

Public schools are glorified day care centers so both mommy and daddy can work for Mr Toilstein

Anonymous No. 16174988

>Nah, I have plenty of work ethic
Fifty bucks says you're unemployed.

Anonymous No. 16175342

Would you like my e-mail address so you can paypal me that $50?

Anonymous No. 16175349

>Arabic man whose wife home schooled their son
>he had been getting low grades and had been suspended several times for being disruptive
>he hated not having access to girls like there are in public schools
God I miss living in a 99% white town. We had a paradise on Earth, and threw it away for the jews.

Anonymous No. 16175384

truth is some people are such self entitled trash and don't care about their kids that they wouldn't teach them basics such as 2 + 2 = 4

Anonymous No. 16176420

plenty of people with bad work ethics are employed, i work with them. people aren't motivated to do good jobs when they're not working for themselves, they're only motivated to do the minimum required to keep their paycheck

Anonynous No. 16177023

>much x
I'd call you a redditor but your 12 year old meme is now retro.

Anonynous No. 16177025

>I hate when people post stupid things like this, it just sounds satisfying to read and agree with but its complete nonsense.
Cool pasta. I'm gonna use this next time I've lost an argument.

Anonymous No. 16177762

You can always start studying Afrikaans and try to figure out how to move to Orania

Anonymous No. 16178601

that's still the boxing day tsunami.

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Anonymous No. 16179290

>that's still the boxing day tsunami.
sure it is jeet, sure it is