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🗑️ 🧵 You were taught a lie by (((school)))

Anonymous No. 16162791

Negroids skipped an important step of human evolution that Eurasiatics didn't, one very important for intellect. While it is true that the Homo genus is African in origin, Homo Sapiens is Eurasiatic in origin, a most controversial finding. It wasn't Homo Sapiens that left Africa, it was Homo Erectus, which was more monkey than man. Now it's of debate whether Neanderthals and Denisovans were separate species or merely subject to subspecial cladistics, but there is evidence that neither of them could have non-deformed offspring with Homo Erectus. Whites genetically have much more in common with Neanderthals than with modern Negroids.

Anonymous No. 16162879

Its absurd that "science" doesn't consider humans to have different subspecies

Anonymous No. 16163406

Your ancestors were still niggers somewhere along the line

Anonymous No. 16163435

>While it is true that the Homo genus is African in origin
Nope. Humans and Africans are not closely related. Africans are mutually fertile with chimpanzees and humans are not.

Anonymous No. 16163445


Anonymous No. 16163469

legitimately such a funny thing to say since it's so blatantly hog shit
It did once

Anonymous No. 16163486

Africans are mutually fertile with chimpanzees and they continue to interbreed with them to this day. Experiments conducted by the Soviet government proved that humans are not mutually fertile with chimpanzees

Anonymous No. 16163491

Most whites are schizophrenic today. Autism doesn't exist, it basically means that you are white, and not a schizo.

Anonymous No. 16163526

Yes, we were all niggers at once, but Neanderthals were the progenitors of the Aryan race.

>Strong nose and brow ridges
>Elongated cranium
>Strong jaw with no prognathism
>Recessed zygo bones
>Genetically proven to have blond hair and blue eyes

Neanderthals were the fathers of the Aryan race

Caucasoids and Mongoloids are different subspecies of the same species, but negroids are a completely different species. Homo Sapiens requires a direct lineage from either Neanderthals or Denisovans, who were different subspecies of the same species. Otherwise it's just the latest specimen of Homo Erectus descendants.

People don't say elephants are the same species as rhinos just because both are more similar to each other than hippos, but it's rather common sense that African and Asian elephants are the same species. Europeans and MENA types have a similar genetic distance from Orientals and American Indians as African elephants do to Asian elephants. The distance from either to negroids is like that of elephants to rhinos, and the distance between us and chimps is the distance between elephants and hippos.

Anonymous No. 16163649

Why do we see basically zero humanzees except for that one picture that's been on the internet for over a decade and is fake? And if white people can breed with black people, and black people can breed with chimps, then white people can breed with chimps

Anonymous No. 16163652

I like hard definitions. Africans and non-Africans create fertile offspring, and so are the same species. Obviously there are different subspecies.

Anonymous No. 16163661

Negroids are homo erectus mixed with Anakim, who in turn are homo sapiens mixed with Nephilim, who in turn are homo sapiens mixed with Igigi, who were the servants of the Anunnaki. Homo sapiens were created by the Anunnaki to replace the Igigi in the fields and mines.

Anonymous No. 16163663

Kys jew.

Anonymous No. 16163694

Ladies, ladies, I think we can all agree that humans are actually clay figures manifested by the Holy One ̵̷̴̴̸̴̸̷̷̨̧̧̛̛͔̣̝̙͔̜͈̰̺̜͖̠̮͉͉̝̼̣̭̱̙̗̬̥̠͎̰̠͔̜̟̝̒̐̈́͊́̏̉̑͛̈́̑̿͐͛͐̾̈́̀̽͊̒̽̾̏̆̇͂́̈́̏̔͛͊̒̒͆͑̾͗͗̽̿̚͘͘͜͜͜͜͝͝͝͝ͅ with life breathed into them by ̴̧̨̩̖͍͓̞̠̹̖̝̘̪̦̔͗̄̊͒́̓͗̆̐̈́̆͗̚͘͝͠ ̶͎̀ ̶̩̆̉͗͝ ̵̢͍̝̮̣͉͇͓̥̜͖̝̳͔̟̇͂̔̑̍̈́̈̌̑͜.

Anonymous No. 16163739

It's not that simple. The hominids that left Africa split into many different subspecies and certain groups mixed long afterwards. It also happened in Africa as well so It's not as linear as black > white (Africa to Europe)
Africans carry some neanderthal DNA. H
Human subspecies have been mixing for our entire history the difference is in what those percentages are

Anonymous No. 16163774

These puerile attempts to disintegrate blacks from humanity is so unbelievably characteristic of low intelligence. "Skipped an important step in human evolution," lmao. What a joke.

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Anonymous No. 16163963

no u

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Anonymous No. 16163968

Go and live among them if you like them so much, enjoy the evil they will do towards you. They can only be called lesser demons because they have a weak mind, they detest knowledge, and they hate everything that is better than them.

Anonymous No. 16163975

>Negroids skipped an important step of human evolution that Eurasiatics didn't, one very important for intellect.
What step?

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Anonymous No. 16163976

Probably because it's easy to misunderstand what the word means. Normies would hear it and think there's a primary species and an inferior species. Biologists and trained scientists would understand it as merely classifications of the same species. Like men and women being members of the same species.