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🧵 Is the government killing women?

Anonymous No. 16162942

The World Health Oganisation's IARC classifies female contraceptives (steroids) as class 1 carcinogens. However, most US health sites downplay the associated risks and complications. Meanwhile, male steroids are heavily restricted in many countries despite being classified as only class 2a carcinogens. Male steroids are also highly effective (99%) as contraceptives. What are they concealing from us?

Anonymous No. 16162971

you'll notice that tobacco, alcoholic beverages and uv tanning salons are also class I carcinogens. I think what matters is to properly inform the women who wants to take the pill, and I think for a majority of women, the benefits of having controls over their pregnancy / family planning outweights the side effects. I'm not familiar enough with anabolic steroids to explain why they're prohibited for men

Anonymous No. 16163073

I can not see how it can ever "outweigh the side effects". Just use a condom if you want to have safe intercourse. The western world normalizing the pill is dangerous and borderline terroristic behavior.

Anonymous No. 16163074

>tobacco, alcoholic beverages and uv tanning salons are also class I carcinogens
The difference is that everyone knows they are terrible. However, most women believe the lies perpetrated by the media regarding the pill.

>I think what matters is to properly inform the women
It's clear that this is not happening.

Anonymous No. 16163132

you're right and many women do but condom isn't fully under female control

Anonymous No. 16163138

well, you can contribute to spread the knowledge. from personal experience in my country, I'd say they're relatively well informed on the cancer risk, a bit less aware of the clotting risk

Anonymous No. 16163144

Why are men almost unanimously prohibited from using steroids as contraceptives, while women are allowed to do the same despite it being considered more dangerous?

Anonymous No. 16163159

Because it make a the male a fuckboy and women dont like that so it's banned.
But more importantly high testosterone men will not vote for the trannies in the government.

Anonymous No. 16163160

I'm guessing that most men who wants contraception use condoms and wouldn't use a steroid injection for that, and the use of anabolic steroids is far above the rest as a doping substance. I don't know if it's actually prohibited for a doctor to prescribe it to a patient for a contraceptive purposes

Anonymous No. 16163230

Women can only really get pregnant a third of the month.
They control when they have sex.

Anonymous No. 16163282

Women can use female condoms whenever they want

Anonymous No. 16163327

How else would they ruin women to create a genderless, raceless society where family and religion are replaced by work and state?

Anonymous No. 16163665

Still doesn’t explain why testosterone is banned

Anonymous No. 16163880


this. no side effects, women won't be permanently in grumpy bloated pre-pregnancy mode, women will preserve their natural fertility signals which makes them more attractive, and keep their natural cycle.

no side effects, no cancer risk.

society does not teach it to them because pharma and because it considers women too stupid. they rather advise them to pop pills daily or put a hormone-eminating device directly into their most vulnerable parts for years.

Anonymous No. 16163881

Hurts their immune system ability too. One reason why women are sick more often then men.

Anonymous No. 16163895

My wife's recently stopped taking the pill, and going back to condoms after not using them for years is really annoying. I'm actually thinking about getting the snip.

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ayy pepe.jpg

Anonymous No. 16163932

The US are cowards ruled by the deep state, the reptilian aliens. The reptilians have imposed a hard limit of 8 billions for human population. That is only one of several measures to reduce the population.

Anonymous No. 16164414

>What are they concealing from us?
lots of things

Anonymous No. 16165281

sup reddit

Anonymous No. 16165306

Male steroids are used for performance enhancing drugs. Estrogen doesn't have a use outside of contraceptives and maybe as pills to give to trannies.

Though I agree it should be restricted for the fact that women/trannies piss out most of the estrogen they take into the water supply,

Anonymous No. 16165471

If men were to take on the responsibility of contraception instead of women, then 65% would experience improved performance, alongside 99% effectiveness. I wonder why it's banned?

Anonymous No. 16165553

Whatever these bitches take its clearly less dangerous than average men life doing all the hard work so, fuck them.

Anonymous No. 16165559

Imagine needing condoms for your wife lmao