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🧵 It's baffling to me: How and why the hell do humans perceive time in one direction?

Anonymous No. 16162991

The brain is made of microscopic molecules. Those don't have a time arrow. Processes at those levels are easily reverseable and random. if conciousness is 100% constructed by the brain and is 100% material, why the hell would we perceive time at all? Literally where and how the fuck does time come from when all the underlying microscopic processes in our brain don't experience a fixed direction of time?

Anonymous No. 16163002

You don't perceive time, if you close your eyes and your ears it is completely impossible for you to tell what "time" it is, it's just an abstract construct derived from relating events with eachother

Anonymous No. 16163011

Memory is responsible for this useless abstract construct.

Anonymous No. 16163018

totally wrong. you are confusing the way human keep time and the arrow of time.
that sounds stupid and circular. because what you are implying is memory running in a single direction, implying the existence of the arrow of time perceived by the brain in the first place.

Anonymous No. 16163039

Memory is used to keep track of events and used to construct a social identity commonly called "ego". Ego is a collection of ideas and sensations the brain has perceived in the world. This collection of ideas synchronizes with society, hence social identity. So we are all perceiving time in the same way because we all mistake our identities for ideas and sensations that have been singled out from the world.

In reality, there is no time and no ego. These are false constructs based on arbitrary attachments to ideas and sensations.

Anonymous No. 16163042

Time is like a rapist. He does not move away from you. He moves toward you. He moves with you. He rapes.

Anonymous No. 16163051

Sounds like you're mixing up time (progression of reality) with time keeping (clocks and calendars and events etc.). If there were no time then the universe would still be in the state of the primeval atom, there would have been no big bang, because nothing would ever move or ever happen

Anonymous No. 16163053

go back to /lit/ please? don't dilute my thread
there are so many thing wrong with what you said I don't want to desconstruct and reply to your useless comment.

Anonymous No. 16163064

Reality does not have time. The only time is now and the only identity is God.

>time (progression of reality) with time keeping (clocks and calendars and events etc.)
time keeping (clocks and calendars and events etc.) *is* the only way time exists. Also the brain "perceives" an illusion of time but this is only a false construct. Time does not exist in the universe and reality does not "progress". The entropy of the entire universe is always in equilibrium.

>nothing would ever move or ever happen
That's funny you say that because the true nature of existence is simply Being. The universe unfolds around you while you do nothing and stay absolutely still.

Anonymous No. 16163065

fuck off Cult of Passion and kys

Eos !!7Nk2/yfbs86 No. 16163097

You have it backward. Time does exist in the universe, the thing that doesn't is the concept of a "present time" or now. Our concept of time is warped by the mind's desire to view itself as the objective observer of the universe.

Anonymous No. 16163121

As an analogy, the rest frame is used because it makes the most sense, not because it's objective.

So, you're right, "now" doesn't really exist either. But it's helpful to think in terms of an instantaneous frame instead of a socially constructed "timeline".

Eos !!7Nk2/yfbs86 No. 16163173

Generally, I agree with what you have written here but I do think that viewing time as a dimension through which matter and energy exists is still a useful perspective.

Anonymous No. 16163226

Your assumption that consciousness is created by the brain is just that, an assumption.
Now if you want to get technical, your perception of time is dependent of your memory which have a direction.

If you get in states where you do not have memory time gets funky.

Anonymous No. 16163245

>the arrow of time.
No such thing, stop smoking crack

Anonymous No. 16163265

If you bump your head and become unconscious (i.e. without consciousness), doesn't that imply your consciousness is somewhere inside your head?

Anonymous No. 16163278

Layering. The "slow" brain layers encompass the "fast" ones. This makes for layered interface that allows the experience of one layer reference the other. Perception requires relativity.

Anonymous No. 16163284

cat ears on side is the superior and, sadly, criminally underutilized choice

Anonymous No. 16163290

You think you are generating reality not simply existing within it? Shoo first child.

Anonymous No. 16163302

even if enabled by matter we'd still be in EM field I suppose? we'd be "something" having to do with the electric activity.
>You don't perceive time, if you close your eyes and your ears it is completely impossible for you to tell what "time" it is
that's not true. happened way too many times to "sense" when some timer is just about to run out, or wake literally seconds before alarm goes off. we do have some internal timer or at least can develop one.

Anonymous No. 16163311

Cat ears on the side is just a particularly hairy elf.

Anonymous No. 16163409

Yes but an alternative explanation is that your brain is just an antenna that receives your consciousness from somewhere else.

Anonymous No. 16163410

how is complete personality change explained by it? can certain bumps to the head change consciousness channel? also how does it explain DID, does it randomly tune to one of the other consciousnesses manifesting?

Anonymous No. 16163441

Altering the antenna alters the fidelity of the connection to your consciousness.

Anonymous No. 16163443

so could I theoretically tune your brain to someone who died?

Anonymous No. 16163476

Maybe, but how would you actually do that? Plus this brain is mine you can’t have it.

Anonymous No. 16163494

>but how would you actually do that
fuck you asking me for? weren't you the expert in the whole brain antenna theory?

Anonymous No. 16163501

Hey I’m a chad theorist, not a lab weenie.

Anonymous No. 16163603

Physics is completely fake. There waves, thresholds, and noise. When the wave and noise sum up to reach the threshold of something happening, it happens. This gives the illusion of particles.

Anonymous No. 16163605

Exactly, it’s perfect

Anonymous No. 16163723

Time is complete intelligence that is rendering the reality through entity of matter (air, water and earth) by soul energy that has diffrrent spectrums that are related to realm of living and realm of dead that operates through bodies as magic wands and realm of body has a parallel dimension of reflective and shadows of memory.

Time (The God) as BigMind that is rendering reality and time as measurement of duration (its doppleganger of memory) are different.

Anonymous No. 16163767

I'd argue you don't become unconscious but just stop recording memory.

I don't belive the brain is an antenna to consciousness, i think consciousness is fundamental and everything is made out of it including the brain or what you see as a brain when you look at it.

Physicalism is doomed and won't ever be able to explain their so called "hard problem".

Idealism has no such problem and can also explain physics.

Anonymous No. 16163795

time is just entropy