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🧵 Is Interstellar travel unironically possible?

Anonymous No. 16163597

Can Elon unironically colonize the galaxy? Can we send humans to other stars and planets to conquer and fuck alien pussy?

Anonymous No. 16163610

Elon failed to fucking colonize South Africa.

Anonymous No. 16163618

Elon is a very dumb ideas guy. He will never accomplish shit beyond hyping up and scamming investors.

Anonymous No. 16163621

>Is Interstellar travel unironically possible?
>Can we send humans to other stars and planets
not as meat

Anonymous No. 16163722

Elon Musk is the dumbest person on the planet and has no brain. I have a big brain

Anonymous No. 16163728

Elon can't do shit. Maybe AI will be able to once it exists

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Anonymous No. 16163741

What would ironically colonising the galaxy look like?

Anonymous No. 16163750

Elon is far too dumb to ever do anything. He has achieved nothing. He's also the biggest scammers the world. He is not good. I'm much better than he is.

Anonymous No. 16163753

Ironically might be if we blew up earth with a nuclear war and fragments of the earth with bits of human corpse stuck to them were dispersed throughout the galaxy

Anonymous No. 16163757

Hmm that would be ironic

Anonymous No. 16163779

>he thinks nuclear holocause is about the earth being blown to pieces
Volcanic eruptions are stronger than nukes dumbfuck, it's the fallout and potential biological conditions being affected that could cause the end of humanity, the earth will do fine

Anonymous No. 16163786

How is is possible? Explain yourself.

Anonymous No. 16163787

Space is completely uninhabitable due to radiation cooking every cell in your body all at once. All astronauts die young of cancer. We're stuck on this planet, so we better take care of it. Invest in solar.

Anonymous No. 16163789

You can live inside buildings protected from radiation.

Anonymous No. 16163793

Humanity’s biggest filter is too many poor people.
Hundreds of billions of dollars spent, and for what? More votes for Democrat politicians?
Imagine how many space missions white people could afford if we weren’t forced to spend hundreds of billions of dollars on welfare and the military each year.

Anonymous No. 16163794

>Invest in solar.
From one impractical thing to another?

Anonymous No. 16163797

How is solar 'impractical' when plants use solar energy?

Anonymous No. 16163800

Wrong. Humanity's biggest filter is intolerance. Africa could be a first world economy by now if not for colonialism.

Anonymous No. 16163803

Solar is impractical because it will never be able to power civilization like hydrocarbons do. Nuclear is the option that *might* be able to.

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Anonymous No. 16163813

Obsolete technology that will destroy the planet. Might as well just start an atomic war. Solar is efficient, practical, cheap, and - most importantly - clean.

Anonymous No. 16163825

It was a sarcastic joke

Anonymous No. 16163827

You will have to ramp up your efforts at convincing the public at lowering their expectations if you want them to buy that solar is efficient. Maybe they'll be convinced to eat the bugs too.
I'm not a believer in nuclear, save the talking points. I'm simply not blind, and I know all the cushy comforts of the past century or so have been thanks to abundant and cheap oil. Cherish them and kiss them goodbye because scarcity is going to make its big comeback.

Anonymous No. 16163848

>Space is completely uninhabitable due to radiation cooking every cell in your body all at once. All astronauts die young of cancer.

This is patently false and easily debunked with a simple google search. The exact opposite is true: Astronauts possess remarkable and outlandish longevity and many of them live well into their 80's and 90's. The literal two men to walk on the moon, Niel Armstrong & Buzz Aldrin, lived to be 94 and 82 respectfully. Walter Cunningham, the Lunar module pilot, himself lived to be 90. The average life expectancy of an astronaut is in the 80's - it's literally longer than the average Americans.

There's more reason to believe that space has rejuvenative qualities. Granted, it probably has more to do with the diet, exercise, and selection process astronauts go through.

>Can Elon unironically colonize the galaxy?

Elon can't even name his fucking children. He's not colonizing anything.

Anonymous No. 16163996

Go away.

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Anonymous No. 16164029

The classical rocket equation, or ideal rocket equation is a mathematical equation that describes the motion of vehicles that follow the basic principle of a rocket: a device that can apply acceleration to itself using thrust by expelling part of its mass with high velocity can thereby move due to the conservation of momentum. It is credited to Konstantin Tsiolkovsky, who independently derived it and published it in 1903,[1][2] although it had been independently derived and published by William Moore in 1810,[3] and later published in a separate book in 1813.[4] Robert Goddard also developed it independently in 1912, and Hermann Oberth derived it independently about 1920.

Anonymous No. 16164149

"we" already do with black ops craft from recovered crashed ayyvessels. roggets are a smokescreen because they dont want the plebs to know or use that kind of tech and participate in the exploration of our galaxy

Anonymous No. 16164165

>Empire of Dust

Anonymous No. 16164320

how much electricity does a cabbage make?

Anonymous No. 16164322

why do you believe that?

Anonymous No. 16164340

Of course, there is nothing in principle that makes it impossible. But you gonna need really fast ship or one that can endure generations.

Anonymous No. 16164638

anything we send we can send more times at once, through slightly different trajectories, thus statistically increasing the chances of whatever we send to get there. even if some information gets corrupted along the way you can rebuild the corrupted data from the other's data, like a RAID array. sending just one "thing" anywhere outside our solar system is retarded and with no redundancy.
also meat is not making it stop being silly

Anonymous No. 16164673


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Anonymous No. 16164675

>>16164638 (me)
>also meat is not making it stop being silly
one solution to this is to encode "the best" human DNA into the von Neumann probe's data bank and upon arrival at destination have them scan for best place to set up shop, temporarily. the probe unpacks itself, builds the required robots, they build a human environment small base and start gestating the humans from the DNA we encoded. this version is still retarded but hey, you get your meat humans there this way. poor suckers.

Anonymous No. 16164909

because seeing these things is incredibly common

Anonymous No. 16164913

is it possible nowadays to create a human in a lab?

Anonymous No. 16164996

You are either trolling or clueless

Anonymous No. 16165003

>meat is not making it
Meat is just machines

Anonymous No. 16165074

seeing what?

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Anonymous No. 16165076


Anonymous No. 16165112

>scarcity is going to make its big comeback.


Anonymous No. 16165229


Anonymous No. 16165330

Because hydrocarbons are a finite resource.

Anonymous No. 16165349

When they are done we will already have other thing like fusion or another thing.

More oil can be found too.

Anonymous No. 16165418

That's the spirit. There's just no way the past century was an aberration which is bound to end! It can't be, life is too comfortable right?

Anonymous No. 16165448

You are retarded.

Anonymous No. 16165488

Thanks for posting this thread OP. I was feeling a bit down today about my life and lack of accomplishments but now that I see what a moron Elon Musk is and how much better we all are than him, I feel a bit better. Please keep posting these, they're good for my mental health.

Anonymous No. 16165611

He is not a moron he is just in over his head

Anonymous No. 16165672

he unironically says its possible in this joe rogan interview, elon daddy is better than all of you faggots and can make it happen

go to 9:20 nerds

Anonymous No. 16165729

I know this is fun to think about, but this theory would be us playing God. Though, this whole thing reminds me of Ghost in the Shell, A Scanner Darkly, and Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep.

Anonymous No. 16165746

Thanks anon. Mom yelled at me for trying to cook tendies myself while she was out buying me Hot Pockets. Knowing what an idiot Elon Musk is makes me feel important by comparison. You're the real hero for being so dedicated to my mental health.

Anonymous No. 16165763

you fucking dweebs are unbearable, keep worshiping and treating him like jesus, that sure worked out for you guys in the past