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Anonymous No. 16163646

Male intelligence is not significantly different from female intelligence. What we see, however, are specifications defined between the sexes that do not really imply some kind of general difference

Anonymous No. 16163685

>Examines what has happened since women had the right to vote
Sorry, I don't believe it my friend.

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Anonymous No. 16163736


Anonymous No. 16163738

It varies with age a lot, girls hit puberty earlier so they gain a neurolgial advantage over boys.
possibly one reason sex segregated schools are better for boys

Anonymous No. 16164087

IQ tests are set up in a way so that males don't outperform females. That's true. You can look it up. IQ tests are considered biased if one sex outperforms the other significantly.

I feel, given that IQ as measured per IQ tests then ends up being an arbitrary measure, that we should not overinvest in the notion that the two sexes actually have the same intelligence because they have, by definition, because any other definition of intelligence that would show them to have unequal intelligence is rejected.

Anonymous No. 16164095

there's a bigger difference between white men and white women than between white men and asian men

Anonymous No. 16164178

I recently realized how bad women were at spatial reasoning.
Ever tried walking near or past a woman? They're close to incapable of thinking about how much space they occupy and how far their arms are flailing.

Anonymous No. 16164185

It's funny to see women putting up tape on their door frames so they can determine if a man is 6' or not because they don't trust their own judgement on if a man matches that arbitrary requirement.

Anonymous No. 16164187

I wonder how this applies to women in ball sports?
Less physical prowess clearly but how does a lower coordination manifest?

Anonymous No. 16164207

Well there are very, very few female chess grand masters which might uphold this.

Anonymous No. 16164484

Guys, this is true?

Anonymous No. 16164492

What do you mean?
>how does a lower coordination manifest?
does not manifest. In fact, the body, although less capable than the male body, what happens is that they have greater difficulty in throwing, in general, it is no different. We have evidence of Neolithic women using spears in forested areas of France and among the Natufians for example. collection does not necessarily imply the lack of use of weapons

Anonymous No. 16164495


Anonymous No. 16164504

Yes? you agreed with the OP you silly
Ok?Was this supposed to be an argument or some kind of straw man? We are talking about average intelligence.

Anonymous No. 16164517

its source is based on personal and individual criteria, without taking into account any type of methodology, group in question used, their age, availability of resources and teaching possibilities, etc.

Anonymous No. 16164526

This is already known to us. Even the intelligence tests carried out in the 80s, which were horrible, reached this conclusion. the differences between intelligence are not really significant, and such differences do not translate into neurological differences, but as intelligence is *distributed*, in the case of women, their intelligence, although not different from that of men, is distributed differently, This same difference is based on more emotional concepts, and in men it is distributed more arbitrarily.
although I don't think this and other things are essentially masculine or feminine.

Anonymous No. 16164531

Yes. and the same translates into women's greater ease with social issues than with men.
Women are prepared for social interaction and participation in community networks with other women, this is a very important role in society

Anonymous No. 16164547

>Women are prepared for social interaction and participation in community networks with other women, this is a very important role in society
Whores gossip all the time. I'd imagine that's not very important role lmao

Anonymous No. 16164558

So you're agreeing they're less intelligent than men in subjects of logic or design

Anonymous No. 16164567

>does not manifest
anon you present no evidence of anything, female sportsmen get absolutely destroyed by males and its not just because they are physically weaker.

Anonymous No. 16164574

no, sameflag.
I meant in activities that involve society as a whole, it is no coincidence that women occupy the majority of clerk positions and are teachers. That's not being stupid.
and you are idiots, the difference translates into the way it is distributed as he said>>16164526

Anonymous No. 16164579

So in subjects that actually matter where you want structures to stay up and not whether that whore over there is causing social ill because she's daring to show up in the same dress as you then men are better yes?

Anonymous No. 16164585

I literally said they are less capable, you idiot.
but this does not imply IMPOSSIBILITY or that the difference is very significant, the same with intelligence. In fact, female strength differs significantly from male strength in areas such as the legs and lower chest.

look at the tests on general strength (not shit tests where they ask men and women to lift X weight and then add them up. like the tests were in 1990) and you will see the difference exists, but it is 100% brutal, as the tests take it into account the body of each sex and its limitations. By your retarded logic, we will be able to prove that men are weaker than women using particular attributes of women, such as their greater flexibility and peripheral vision.

Anonymous No. 16164589

Try again
"They" (he) are sameflag dude. Forget it

Anonymous No. 16164628

I never claimed anything about it being impossible.
exceptions exist,
but in the current age we live within women are being hyper promoted beyond their capability and being forced into roles that actively sabotage the functionality of a country such as the military or engineering where despite their lesser ability they are promoted above far more capable men

This is a purely artificial process. The fact is a malicious group are doing their damndest to shatter societies.

Anonymous No. 16164637

What's with the condescending reply lmao I'm not even the same guy wtf

Anonymous No. 16164642

totally irrelevant to my post

Anonymous No. 16164646

Male bros... our answer?

Anonymous No. 16164647

as was you bringing up random magic spearchucking tribeswomen when I was talking about sports. exceptions have little relevance to reality,, they're exceptions for a reason

I thought I would at least drag it to the ultimate conclusion.

Anonymous No. 16164656

>just like you were mentioning random magical shuttle tribal women
no? retarded, the name said is argumentative construction. It was part of my comment, by the way.
>when I was talking about sports.
Yes? I did the same. I mentioned inclusive questions about the body of each gender.
>exceptions have little relevance to reality,,
I didn't say approaches, actually, if I want to show you evidence of women using throwing spears since the Neanderthals.
>they are exceptions for a reason
read my post again.
>I thought I'd at least drag this out to the final conclusion.

Anonymous No. 16164659

So intelligence is not different but does it have different ways of configuring itself between men and women?

Anonymous No. 16164661

see female intelligence distributed with greater sentimental content or rather, more directional and male intelligence more abstract

Anonymous No. 16164688

Telling women they are weak will make them weak. There have been scientific studies where groups of girls were told that women are bad at reading maps, and then the other group wasn't told that. In the study, the group that was told this performed much worse at map reading than the group that didn't know that women were bad at it. I'm sure you can relate to this in your life too: if you believe you can do something, you are more likely to do it well than if you believe something is impossible for you.

Anonymous No. 16164704

That's right, the distribution is different. Men and women have approximately the same average IQ, but women are mostly concentrated around the average, while men are more evenly distributed. Therefore, there are more stupid men than stupid women, but there are also more intelligent men than intelligent women.

Anonymous No. 16164718

What specific cognitive tasks are men and women better at. be specific if you can

Anonymous No. 16164724

read the study

Anonymous No. 16164733

include age effects if you want, I'd like to see data comparing mature adults instead of teens

only the abstract?
what about other papers?does it vary between races

Anonymous No. 16164737

Good thing you didn't read the study. it takes into account adults and not teenagers.
And about the races, even between the races there was no significant difference, in fact, Caucasian women have more strength in their hands than Pakistani men

Anonymous No. 16164740

How smart are young women? I read an article in nature called "community intelligence" I think, which mentions being between 14~18

Anonymous No. 16164749

>were obtained from large and representative samples of children and adolescents
Why do you always lie?

Anonymous No. 16164752

In fact, from 10 to 13 the sexes are not different. There is not much difference between male and female, girls play like boys during their childhood, women have a peak in neuroplasticity between the ages of 14 because evolutionarily, this is the time when they needed to worry about marriage issues, etc.

Anonymous No. 16164753

I don't understand the weird white knight poster.

>c: vaax

Anonymous No. 16164761

She's feminist
>Here we use Cattell-Horn-Carroll (CHC) theory to highlight research findings related to sex differences in intelligence, with a focus on studies of test scores from comprehensive intelligence measures that were obtained from large and representative samples of children and adolescents

Anonymous No. 16164763

Yes, but:
>Because most effect sizes used to quantify mean sex differences in psychological variables are described as either non-existent or “small,” the Gender Similarities Hypothesis has been promoted to replace a “differences” hypothesis (GSH; Hyde, 2005, Hyde, 2014).2

Anonymous No. 16164767

I just want to see studies comparing the cognitive abilities of mature adult humans older than 25 in the peak of their lives.
What's the point of always comparing kids and teenagers, they don't build anything or affect society.

Anonymous No. 16164771

>In academic performance, the largest and most consistent findings are female advantages in writing, while male advantages are also found at higher levels of mathematical ability

Anonymous No. 16164783

Are you some brainless bot? I do not give a shit about the cognitive abilities of teenagers still going through massive hormonal restructuring, I have waded through a few dozen papers all fixated on the performance of non adults.
Show me data for mature adults or do not reply to me again.

Anonymous No. 16164796

Brother, do you have a problem? this is clearly a woman who read the abstract of this SHIT study and is using it as the basis for everything, don't answer that. But it seems intriguing to me, aren't there such studies? And could it be that even between teenagers and children the difference is that significant?
You lost Julie

Anonymous No. 16164810

Women are more intelligent in adolescence and at this age, the difference is actually not very high. and even then, it depends on the methodology and what skill they are using.

Anonymous No. 16164813

I couldn't find many when I searched.
They have to exist but where? Perhaps in the long term cohort studies?

Anonymous No. 16164821

sincerely? I do not know how to answer.
As much as I sound like a poltard, I believe some kind of politics is involved in all this. And yet, I don't know if I buy the idea that girls are more intelligent in their teens.

Anonymous No. 16164827

So this study is bad?

Anonymous No. 16164835

It's possible, but it's much rarer than finding an intelligent man. Basically men have a greater variation: there are more male retards, but also more male geniuses. Women have less variance. A smart man might be a 1 sigma event, but a smart woman is probably a 3 sigma event or something like that

Anonymous No. 16164840

It's not particularly meaningful.
male brains take longer to mature from puberty than female brains so studies on teenagers doesn't tell you anything particularly meaningful

braindead mass replying bot

Anonymous No. 16164851

>male brains take longer to mature from puberty than female brains
you literally confirmed what I said, you retard. and not. I'm not a "bot"
just refute my comment

Anonymous No. 16164853

Find comparisons in adults or shut the hell up bot.

Anonymous No. 16164854


I just said that everyone knows. I didn't say who is smarter

Anonymous No. 16164856

ok and why does this happen?

Anonymous No. 16164860

Because it's easier to collect data from juveniles. To get a consistent meaningful sample among a large population of adults is more of a headache to perform. School age kids are easy and convenient targets.
Hence the severe data asymmetry.

Anonymous No. 16164861

I know. I mean the supposed female superiority at that age. studies always say this, but never why

Anonymous No. 16164862

just look up sex differences in puberty, the brain is as much a target as the rest of the body.

Anonymous No. 16164865

The guy above doesn't know how to answer, but I think I can help... superiority comes mainly from the fact that women mature sexually earlier than men, and this implies a series of hormonal and, of course, brain changes, so this causes an improvement in the IQ at this age.
but the differences are not different later

Anonymous No. 16164867

OK I understand. But I'll do some research on my own.

Anonymous No. 16164870

Anonymous No. 16164871

Anonymous No. 16164881

>IQ testing can be good for placement in classes. However, we have to be careful that students aren't branded and then trapped based on an early IQ score.”

>IQ test results can be useful, but they can't be used in a way that discourages an individual or makes an individual think that school will always be easy.”

Anonymous No. 16164885

could we use the analogy to height as an example of why most results taken in puberty are unreliable?
We know adult men are taller than adult women but teenage girls are often taller than teenage boys so taking data from teenagers could present a false picture of reality.
not saying cognitive differences are or are not as extreme as height, just that teenage data is potentially unreliable.

Anonymous No. 16164890

>why most results taken in puberty are unreliable?
>why results taken in puberty might be unreliable?

Anonymous No. 16164895

>could we use the height analogy as an example of why most results obtained at puberty are unreliable?
who cares about analogy? they are always subjective at the end of the day.

>We know that adult men are taller than adult women
no. they are not interested. In fact, the few studies we have are inconclusive and always have a view based on specific issues, but what we have today is not complex.

>but teenage girls are often taller than boys, so collecting data from teenagers can paint a false picture
of reality.
I never denied that.. I'm not the retarded feminist above. It is still a fact that “adolescence” between studies varies greatly. some use 11~18 others 13~20 and so on. depending on age, this will clearly influence the final result. Using the 20 year old for examples, both sexes are basically "ready" and the difference is no different. only in specific things, as has been the case throughout human history. man has never really been more intelligent overall than a woman. Brain size comparison doesn't differ much.

>I'm not saying that cognitive differences are or aren't as extreme as height, just that the data from teenagers is potentially unreliable.
I already answered above and I never denied it dude dude

Anonymous No. 16164902

>man has never really been more intelligent overall than a woman. Brain size comparison doesn't differ much.
He is on the fringe, which produces geniuses. Man is a pioneer, while woman's place is the cave/kitchen, with the children

Anonymous No. 16164904

This does not imply a change in intelligence. As I said, this translates more into the group's specialty than anything

Anonymous No. 16164905

>>We know that adult men are taller than adult women
>no. they are not interested. In fact, the few studies we have are inconclusive and always have a view based on specific issues, but what we have today is not complex.

so adult men might be shorter than adult women?

Anonymous No. 16164907

What is your point dude?

Anonymous No. 16164908

That you claim it is inconclusive whether aduilt men are taller than adult women.
I think you just misread me and replied to something you made up.

Anonymous No. 16164914

I'm sorry! I read it wrong.
lol I meant to say that intelligence is inclusive, height is easily observable, I'm Russian and your language is very basic
but my point still stands.
intelligence does not differ and depends on each study

Anonymous No. 16164917

You lost

Anonymous No. 16164923

there's actually research showing racial differences in the cognitive gap between men and women

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Anonymous No. 16164925

So women aren't retards, they just act like it?

Anonymous No. 16164926

they have "social intelligence" instead of logic

Anonymous No. 16164930

Only in children

Anonymous No. 16164931
>It has become well established that males obtain higher mean scores on some cognitive abilities while females obtain higher mean scores on others. There is a large research literature on this subject including books by Caplan, Crawford, Hyde, and Richardson (1997), Kimura (1999) and Halpern (2000) as well as numerous review papers and meta-analyses. Kimura (2002) lists five abilities on which males obtain higher means on average than females: spatial orientation, visualization, line orientation, mathematical reasoning, and throwing accuracy; and five abilities on which females obtain higher means on average than males: object location memory, perceptual speed, verbal memory, numerical calculation, and manual dexterity. To these should be added higher means obtained by females on spelling (Lynn, 1992) and foreign language ability (Lynn & Wilson, 1993), and higher means obtained by males on mechanical aptitude (Feingold, 1988, Lynn, 1992).

Anonymous No. 16164933

no in ability profiles.
I think I remember ashkenazi jews had the highest split

Anonymous No. 16164950

>It has become well established that males obtain higher mean scores on some
Yes. "Some". Like i said.
>females obtain higher mean scores on others
Yes. Like i said.
>females obtain higher means on average than males: object location memory, perceptual speed, verbal memory, numerical calculation, and manual dexterity. To these should be added higher means obtained by females on spelling

Anonymous No. 16164960

it fits the women getting taken by another tribe and having to learn new languages theory

Anonymous No. 16164965

In children again but what about for adults?

Anonymous No. 16164967

It is already known that those who spread the IE languages were women. CWC women were more mobile than men>>16164965

Anonymous No. 16164972

there are more female polyglots than male ones

Anonymous No. 16164981

>manual dexterity
Yes. Women can do more things at the same time than men and this translates into their domestic skills

Anonymous No. 16164988

That's not what that phrase means anon.

Anonymous No. 16164993


Anonymous No. 16164995

Because it just doesn't.
Manual dexterity is fine motor control, it's about positional precision.

Anonymous No. 16164999

That's literally what the study says>>16164995

Anonymous No. 16165016

Where does it say?

Anonymous No. 16165021

Stop answer her you dumb
>The general pattern of sex differences on the Wechsler tests for children ages 6 to 16 (Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children: WISC) and the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children, Revised

Anonymous No. 16165025

The retard doesn't even understand what the words manual dexterity means.
I checked the source for Kimura that the paper cites, they used keyboard and pegboard positioning, no mention of multitasking whatsoever.

Anonymous No. 16165027

women matured earlier and faster (13~16)

Anonymous No. 16165031

>they used keyboard and pegboard positioning
I wonder how considerable this shitty study really is?

Anonymous No. 16165046

>object location memory
true. Women always remember better where things are, there are even old memes about a man losing something in the house and his wife finding it.
>perceptual speed
Yes, there is a recent study on this that takes into account female and male vision, and they were collectors, this would be very necessary so that no animal gets too close.
>verbal memory
It is already known by everyone who uses the language, women. I already mentioned the IE migrations, but I can mention how easy they were in history for a woman to learn the language of her conquerors. I can name his wife for sure.
>numerical calculation
I do not know if it's true. honestly, but in my classroom the ones who DECORATED the most were the women, which is different from LEARNING. math classes were always redpills
>and manual dexterity
no. This is actually a masculine thing haha
>women in spelling
I can't say this historically, but women always do better at copying long texts.
>foreign language skills
I answered above. they were booty, it makes sense.

Anonymous No. 16165050

>>and manual dexterity
>no. This is actually a masculine thing haha
actually this seems legit, at first I wasn't sure if it was just because women have smaller hands but according to Kimura' sex and cognition they also tested for ginger tapping and coordination
purdue pegboard test

Anonymous No. 16165052


Doreen Kimura sex and cognition

Anonymous No. 16165055

I wanted to know if these two idiots are correct. What if all the skills cited by the shitty study about women and their abilities are all correct?

Anonymous No. 16165057

according to a few papers that tested it, males have like a 2.3 point full scale iq advantage over women along with a broader distribution

Anonymous No. 16165059

*as boys over girls while adult men were 3.1 over women

Anonymous No. 16165060

Finally, sameflag.
you were honest and realized that the difference is not significant

Anonymous No. 16165063

Sorry, i do not understand. I have dyslexia, literally

Anonymous No. 16165064


Anonymous No. 16165065

retarded? articles say that women have greater capacity than men in childhood and adolescence

Anonymous No. 16165070


Anonymous No. 16165082

I'm not that hysterical woman, bro. but I have doubts
Why does each test say one thing? for example, there is that study that feminists (and probably the feminist worm above) that basically says that women between puberty and adolescence have a higher IQ peak than boys. then? How does this fit in? Are both right? And that study by the OP and another that was posted here about the sexes not having a significant difference? but rather in some skills as was posted here... and in the study you showed, which number is considered significant and not "significant". quantitatively is there a number x or y? I grew up listening to shit like this:>>16165027
Sorry for this text ok?

Anonymous No. 16165086

You have to look at the details and see how weighted each subtest is to the final score.
An iq score after all is just an oversimplification of a complex topic that can mislead as well as inform.

Anonymous No. 16165089

I do not know if I understand. but apparently it's not good to use this as a base?

Anonymous No. 16165091

I'll try to think of a way to explain

Anonymous No. 16165097

Don't worry about it man! Thank you for your concern! my friend, you actually helped a lot. If you can have a video or article, that would be great too. is that I am a complete layman

Anonymous No. 16165100

try reading the works of researchers like jensen and lynn until you get familiar with the topic.

Anonymous No. 16165144

Lol... again with kids try again

Anonymous No. 16166052

Only women are so easy to brainwash.

Anonymous No. 16166194

This effect is entirely explained by motivation, because in studies where the groups are incentivized by money the difference goes away. Ensuring people are motivated means the test is accurate. In real life people read maps when they need to know directions, not as a contrived exercise.