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๐Ÿงต thoughts on this iq test

Anonymous No. 16163690

Anonymous No. 16163698

>IQ tests determine how well you do on IQ tests.
IQ tests were created to figure out which school children would need additional help in school, meaning they measure how well one would do in school.
School rewards sitting still and following orders, this is the Reason women and asians have higher IQs despite every major invention being if the white man.
Quite simply, Intelligence is the ability to solve Problems, however since all Problems are specific to some field, intelligence is also field specific.

This means IQ tests are nothing more than myers briggs tests or zodiac signs.
Btw here in Germany during WW2, german, aryan children, who scored too low on these tests were executed by the state.

Anonymous No. 16163714

post iq

Anonymous No. 16163719

It's funny you IQ phobic posters always assume that IQ research lasted for ten years and then became frozen in time. You spout the same early stage research over and over again and deny any advancements were ever made in IQ testing after that. What's really funny is that everyone with a three digit IQ can see why you do this and why IQ terrifies you so much. You might as well have a blinking neon sign on your forehead announcing your dimwit status. You're like a four year old confused as to why adults so easily see through your fantasy constructs.

Anonymous No. 16163731


Anonymous No. 16163733

I dont spot any research, i observe reality. Have you ever talked to a woman that you would just accept they have higher IQs?
And about iq raising with each generation, do you actually believe that the people 150 years ago were all eytremly retarded?

Anonymous No. 16163735

Nigger im new to this board, you must confuse me with some other based anon who also realized that itd a fucking meme.
What have you achieved with your great IQ then you retard? Whats your big and groundbreaking invention?
You know the invention of the incredibly high iq folk we bred over time is the pregnant man. Is that what you are? A pregnant man? Is that why you cant just refute my point and have to resort to just insulting me like a fucking woman you dumb niggerfaggot

Anonymous No. 16163755

>School rewards sitting still and following orders, this is the Reason women and asians have higher IQs
>t. low IQ
You're borderline retarded if you can't tell that an IQ test has nothing to do with sitting still and following orders.

You're also retarded if you can't tell Myers-Briggs and Zodiac comparisons are fully superficial and meaningless.

Anonymous No. 16163921

Ok then i suppose you're not a retard? Post IQ then please and tell me of the great achievement you fulfilled because of your super smartness you smart fella

Anonymous No. 16163930

Nigger IQ was used as an excuse to murder white children, shit doesnt get more jewish than that. Post foreskin

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ayy pepe.jpg

Anonymous No. 16163957

IQ is by far the best predictor of a successful civilization, so it must be increased at any price.
The US are cowards ruled by reptilian aliens, and the reptilian aliens don't want humans with high IQ so they do everything they can to reduce it.