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Anonymous No. 16163974

Why did the jews suppress this technology?

Anonymous No. 16164127

it ruinen their profits because people could just press turbo instead of upgrading the hardware

Anonymous No. 16164134

Nowadays you need to change the power saving settings, but that is kept hidden from retards so they don't fry their CPUs.

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Anonymous No. 16164140

Because no one needs to run their computer like it's using a 4.77 MHz Intel 8088 CPU.

Anonymous No. 16164157


Anonymous No. 16164602

>no one needs
good try computerstein

Anonymous No. 16164839

Didn't Turbo make the CPU slower or maybe I've got it wrong?

Anonymous No. 16164843

Why do Jews do anything? Profit and a mind bent on evil.

Anonymous No. 16164863

>why did the white's allow jew intel to become dominant

Anonymous No. 16165439

This. The “turbo” button was actually a “retard” button so you could run old software that would now run way too fast. Mostly video games, but also anything with animation, scrolling text etc

t. 40 year old boomer

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Anonymous No. 16165505

That confusion is also one of the reasons why they started using seven segment displays instead of just an LED. The other reason of course being marketing. Now we have stuff like pic related if you want to be flashy.

Anonymous No. 16165543

The funniest thing for me is that computer science is full of illogical things that are made up on the spot to cover up for things that were unplanned in development and for some reason they get accepted as a fact and continue to be propagated through generations.
Programing language grammar is like this, that turbo button bullshit lmao ect.

Anonymous No. 16165635

I remember playing Road Rash on a new computer and noticing the speed up many years ago. Can someone explain to me how they programmed a game that played at a speed that was machine dependent? This seems to break through the computing stack abstraction. It's not like timers calculated seconds differently.

Anonymous No. 16165658

Everybody had the same clock cycle (4.77MHz), there was no GPU, and it was hard enough to fit the entire game logic plus graphics into the available clock cycles. It was a jigsaw puzzle done with machine instructions. Using a proper timer would be out of the question.

Anonymous No. 16165792

>the jews
this seems like a RACIST POST

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Anonymous No. 16165923

When pressed it took the brakes off