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🗑️ 🧵 Covid is not infectious in humans

Anonymous No. 16164491

>Scientists tried to give people COVID — and failed

>Researchers deliberately infect participants with SARS-CoV-2 in ‘challenge’ trials — but high levels of immunity complicate efforts to test vaccines and treatments.

How do you feel about the fact that you took a dangerous, untested experimental medication in order to prevent a nonexistent viral epidemic?
Do you feel foolish, gullible & low IQ?

Anonymous No. 16164497

uh oh germ theory bros. Its the spanish flu tests all over again.
also uh oh Jew bros, history is repeating itself.

Anonymous No. 16164520

wait for the new variant.

Anonymous No. 16164804


Anonymous No. 16164878

Did they try proving transmission using intentionally faked PCR test results? Thats the only way Covid infection has ever been proved in the past.

Anonymous No. 16164984

my uncle died of covid so, yeah covid is real and hope you are the next victim

Anonymous No. 16165841

>How do you feel about the fact that you took a dangerous, untested experimental medication in order to prevent a nonexistent viral epidemic?
that's not what the conclusion here is, you dimwit, lol.

Anonymous No. 16166226

Good news.
When does science pay me a refund for my years of lockdown over a nonexistent viral epidemic?

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Anonymous No. 16166671

Anonymous No. 16166687

The CIA killed your uncle.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16166905

I didn't take it for the protection. I already knew it doesn't prevent infection. I only took the vaxx because they forced me to take it. They threatened me with social exclusion, financial destruction, criminal punishment. I was told that I'd lose my job, my money, my family and my freedom if I didn't take it. Now I'm crippled with a permanent autoimmune condition because of it. I will never see refunds. I won't even get my vaxx injury officially recognized by a doctor because they passed a law threatening doctors with prison sentences for questioning the vaxx. I know I'm not alone with this. Other vaxx injured people on X (formerly Twitter) are telling how they've been threatened with harm to their family by governmentally funded "activists" after disclosing their vaxx injuries on social media. how this isn't a genocide.

Anonymous No. 16166909

anon it says so in your article that they failed because of the level of immunity people have
probably due to vaccines

Anonymous No. 16167576


Anonymous No. 16167608

You can thank Omicron for this.
Everyone seems to forget that, after the mRNA therapies were launched en masse, the world kept sustaining wave after wave of new variants which each tore through entire populations.
It wasn't until the Omicron wave swept the planet and a critical mass of people acquired strong natural immunity that Covid fizzled out to an endemic respiratory nuisance like colds or seasonal flus.
Thank you omicron!

Anonymous No. 16167730

Good pic, but midwits are still too egotistical and full of themselves to admit they were tricked by a big media hoax

Anonymous No. 16167816

>Do you feel foolish, gullible & low IQ?
No. I know absolutely nothing of infections, vaccines, and epidemiology. I spent my life studying and practicing something completely different. So if 99% of our doctors agreed that it was appropriate (and they did), I did the right thing in taking it.

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Anonymous No. 16167987

Anonymous No. 16168606

>Covid is not infectious in humans
because it never existed to begin with

Anonymous No. 16169696

not the first time an epidemic has been faked in order to sell vaccines

Anonymous No. 16169990

Bots don't have uncles

Anonymous No. 16169991

Sounds like a baseless assumption

Anonymous No. 16170037

>high levels of immunity
Did something happen to cause that

Anonymous No. 16170508

the disease was never infectious in humans, if it had been then all the unvaccinated would've been wiped out

Anonymous No. 16170648

You guys are so dumb
The study used droplets instead of aerosols.
Sars2 is a virus spreads via aerosols, not heavy droplets. It needs to be aerosolised to be inhaled to reach the cribiform or the lungs. All this does is it proves what everyone already knew: respirators, not surgical masks, are the appropriate protection. Spread via contaminated surfaces was debunked long ago.
They lied to you about droplets and handwashing while the who was upgrading their air filtration systems in 2020... it is AEROSOL, just like all know coronas (and flu, and tb etc) the rest is nonsensical stuff to make you feel safer. Only air filtration works

Anonymous No. 16170659

muh dick

Anonymous No. 16170832

I don't think your conclusion follows from the premises

Anonymous No. 16171709

You're clearly wrong about that, if covid was a deadly disease and the vaccine was an effective preventative measure then the unvaccinated would've been wiped out. Instead its only the vaccinated who suffered

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Anonymous No. 16172819

>How do you feel about the fact that you took a dangerous, untested experimental medication in order to prevent a nonexistent viral epidemic?

Anonymous No. 16173489

>Instead its only the vaccinated who suffered

Anonymous No. 16174932

>Raising doses
>Researchers are looking at other ways to give people COVID-19. Jackson says that an even higher SARS-CoV-2 dose might be needed

they can't even figure out how to infect ppl with covid on purpose
and ppl took a vaccine for this disease

Anonymous No. 16175189

>anon it says so in your article that they failed because of the level of immunity people have
>probably due to vaccines

Wierd that during the "Coof hysteria" all the vaxxed got """covid""" thrice and coincidentally temporally related to their booster they recently recieved.

Wierd that they never do such an "experiment" while obeying the scientific method, by doing a Controll group.
In this case "a group of unvaxxed.

It's odd that people get the coof but not when exposed to the alleged causal agent.

Could it be, maybe that:
>coof was a unspecific collection of symptoms
>including not having any symptom
>therefore everything became the Covid

And vaccination was nothing but a sort of poisoning which elicited the default mechanisms of detoxification and excretion of toxic or pathogenic material:
>runny nose
>simply excreting and eliminating shit

>elimination process vaguely defined as covid

bodhi No. 16175776


Anonymous No. 16176511

Most people are too low IQ to have critical thinking capabilities, so they just took the vax because TV told them to.

Anonymous No. 16177578

same reason they all have ""smart"" phones, its those phones that are their primary media manipulator these days, TV seems to have become a secondary mind control method, but they only got the phone to begin with because TV told them to

Anonymous No. 16177677

>if covid was a deadly disease and the vaccine was an effective preventative measure then the unvaccinated would've been wiped out.
Nope, still doesn't follow
>Instead its only the vaccinated who suffered
This is also just plain wrong

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Anonymous No. 16178069


Anonymous No. 16178220

>It's odd that people get the coof but not when exposed to the alleged causal agent.
That seems repeatable and virus theory is disproved long ago.

>And vaccination was nothing but a sort of poisoning which elicited the default mechanisms of detoxification and excretion of toxic or pathogenic material:
Flu looks like a body reaction, but what causes the traceable "infection chains". Pure misunderstanding / misinterpretation?

Anonymous No. 16178991

>Nope, still doesn't follow
yes it does

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Anonymous No. 16179506

>traceable "infection chains"

this is literally a meme.

What it means is:
>similar place
>similar time
>similar symptoms
With the bonus
>symptoms are not even required anymore
>or can be obscure meme diseases such as "restless anal syndrome"

There is a list of things that can cause this observation, that are not the principle of "host to host transmission via a nanoscopic replication competent non living organism".

Let me name a few:
1. common exposure to a poison
eg. Food poisoning:
>similar place
>similar time
>similar symptoms
Other types of poisoning or contamination via things like bad air quality may cause the same observation of presentations of events

2. psycholocial fear mongering
eg. News telling you every day "You will get sick with xy symptoms and everyone will die"
>susceptible group will psychosomaticly get sick out of fear

3. psychological stress
eg. News telling you every day "You will get sick with xy symptoms and everyone will die"
>sensible group will be stressed which makes sick

4. Presumtive interpretation and ripple effect force testing
>one person gets sick
>do a non specific, non calibrated, never validated test
>subsequently force every associated person to also get tested, with a non specific test
>disregard the absence of any clinical presentation of symptoms
>disregard "false postives" and label them as asymptomatics
>by pure statistical probability you will get "positive" yet meaningless results
>interprete these results as a "chain of events"

The greatest meme is that it just was passed to disassociate clinical symptoms from a disease, hence making diagnostics a useless meme

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Anonymous No. 16180776

lol, the immune system is a conspiracy theory now according to "the science"

Anonymous No. 16181135

>Sars2 is a virus spreads via aerosols
how do you know that?

Anonymous No. 16181162

>high levels of immunity
Neither vaccines nor natural immunity last that long.
Most likely: ending mask mandates boosted immunity through micro-exposure.

Anonymous No. 16181176

>Most likely: ending mask mandates boosted immunity through micro-exposure.
So, natural immunity?

Anonymous No. 16182057

How do yp
Explain how you get a lot of diseases only once with that bullshit

Anonymous No. 16182377

>be child grow and changes in body happend
>body adjusts to environment
>some hormone fuckery happens
>get skin rash as a child
>nobody can explain why
>make up shit about non specific type of skin rash is a actually a "disease"
>call it "childhood disease"
>become adult
>not getting childhood disease anymore
>woah you must be immune now, because you got this once
>what about the flu?
>nah your body forgets this shit

People literally believe in the esotheric concept of the "immune system" even though it contradicts itself multiple times in various scenarios, and not a single "immune therapy" or medical product based on "antibodies" ever worked.

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Anonymous No. 16183437

right, but those lies can be turned into massive profits and most people don't have critical thinking ability so they just believe whatever the media shills at them

Anonymous No. 16184635

Its mostly to implement a unified world wide law, to justify forcefully injecting all humans with something.
Simply that.

A justification for a unavoidable method of yearly injection, regardless of the content.
So that, you can whenever you like or don't like a citizen, in a maximum of 12 Months you can assine them their yearly routine injection, and give them a very special shot.
And you have all the plausible deniability in the world, because everyone gets a yearly injection.

They will simple not tell you, that most people get saline.

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Anonymous No. 16184658

>bill gates through the cia manufactured a super virus in china so that it could spread around the world, cause hospitals to become severly overloaded to the point governments have to install a lockdown, so that he could manufacture a bunch of new and different kind of vaccine so that he could infect us with the mRNA type of vaccine to cause massive death and, therefore, reduce the world population
>oh and for that purpose, the virus they made doesn't actually do anything

Anonymous No. 16184821

How the fuck did you get that conclusion from that wording?
>create challenge trial with initial low doses of viral material
>eventually scale up doses, taking from influenza challenges in literature
note that challenge trials are not equivalent to wild exposure, and that culturing viruses is not the same as bacteria/fungi.
>people don't end up reproducing this monoculture strain at scales expected
>challenge sees results, and uses challenge to probe efficacy of vaccination

>Low IQ
That's all you bud. You're reading an editorial of some studies and concluding that your nonexistent viral epidemic wasn't real.
You also use evidence that supports the existence of said epidemic, hence the challenge trial.

Anonymous No. 16184822

>disease has ~1% case fatality rate
>billions don't die
I wonder how that happened?

Anonymous No. 16184828

>not a single "immune therapy" or medical product based on "antibodies" ever worked.

Monoclonal antibodies have existed as first- or second-line treatments for lung and liver cancers for at least 10 years.

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Anonymous No. 16184969

>Monoclonal antibodies have existed as first- or second-line treatments for lung and liver cancers for at least 10 years.

>existed as treatment != works as promised

Medicine literally used mercury anemas/clyster as a "treatment" vor literally every retarded disease.
Or emetics with antimony.
Both were "treatments" did they work?

When you define work as, literall poisoning and most of the time killing the patient, yes these treatments worked.
But they did not cure or heal any disease.

Please provide any evidence that the clinical outcome of any "antibody treatment" acutally delivers what they promise.

Anonymous No. 16185001

what he said about lung and kidney cancer is basic medical knowledge, if you use google you'll find information about it pretty fast. You can also inject immunoglobulin in cases of hepatitis b infection to try to prevent a chronic infection among other things

Anonymous No. 16185084

... I posted a medical overview, which was supposed to be simple enough to understand for a layman. Sorry if it was too arcane, but the only reason why we continue to use them is because we find that:
>Monoclonal antibodies have fewer side effects than traditional chemotherapy or radiotherapy
>Remission rates for specific cancers are much lower
>Feasibility of treatment in metastasized or advanced cases is far higher, with fewer caveats
>Patient death rates are significantly lower than legacy treatments

They work, and so did mercury for syphilis. Emetics are no longer recommended for obvious reasons, and have not been relevant since the early 20th century.
Treatment for any disease is a trade between side effects, potential benefits, and cost. Chemotherapy can kill you, but the cancer might be quicker; the reason why we use cytotoxic medications like cisplatin is because the 5-year survival rate is significantly greater than no treatment.
You seem to misunderstand medicine. If you read what I posted, and >>16185001 you will find reams of case studies, meta-analyses, and retrospectives for interleukins, monoclonal antibodies, and their relative effectiveness as compared to chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and surgery in isolation.

>yes these treatments worked.
>But they did not cure or heal any disease.
That is literally what you mean. By the way, you often can't cure something. You can try to make the problem small enough to allow the body to deal with it, or reduce the symptoms enough for comfort, but cure is a pipe dream.

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Anonymous No. 16185089


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Anonymous No. 16185096

Do you even read the paper?

They juming the hoops to get a statistical irrelevant maybe error related clinical benefit.

But brag with surrugate markers that not even correlate with the actual clinical outcome.
But at least they admit that this shit does nothing.
Let me quote from the conclusion:

"Antibody-based therapeutics have shown promise in other malignancies, but the lack of success in recent clinical trials in kidney cancer underscores the need to better understand resistance mechanisms and other biological barriers to their efficient use".

>the lack of success

With all the meme Antibody treatments and related articles and papers they do the same shit:
>circlejerk around tha ability to something with antibodies in vitro
>applying it literally does nothing related to clinical improvement of any disease

>woah but now we understand the limitations to our understanding of the immune system
>trust me its really promising
>and stuff
>dis time we figured it out with da antibodies
>trust the science

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Anonymous No. 16185101

>They work, and so did mercury for syphilis. Emetics are no longer recommended for obvious reasons, and have not been relevant since the early 20th century

No mercury did not qork wor syphillis.

They did hysteria meme around "syphillis" wich literally made "syphillis" the "great immitator" becaus it all of a sudden could cause "every symptom including not having any symptom at all".

>quick before you fuck a prostitute
>inject mercury into your urethra
>and the squirt the mercury in the pussy of prostitute
>ph wierd now all of a sudden the genitals of people are getting foulish like they were poisoned
>must be the syphillis

Anonymous No. 16185110

The fuck? It works in a similar fashion to chemotherapy - in fact it's chemotherapy already. You're just midwitting what you think syphilis is.
>Spirochetes damaged by mercury do not reproduce as easily
>This can slow the progression of the disease if neurosyphilis has not presented
"the great imitator," my ass, especially in the 20th century. What you're thinking is neurosyphilis, which can present as psychosis, epilepsy, or another degenerative disease.
Does mercury poisoning create gummas? Does it induce seizures? It certainly is neurotoxic; you have consistent and progressive damage to the brain at large, but has a specific pathological path. You're also confusing inorganic and organic mercury formulations, the latter of which is more suited to systemic administration.

Anonymous No. 16185115

You can't be serious, this: >>16185089 is literally what you asked for. Are you going to move the goalposts any further?

>muh statistically irrelevant
>muh lack of success
>trust da science!
Right, do you have any authoritative proof as to why it's not right? Or is it because you don't understand the mechanism?

Anonymous No. 16185145

>Do you even read the paper
I hadn't because it's already standard treatment I know about. But I glanced at it now, and I'm not sure why you're acting like some sort of authority on any scientific subject when you can get so off-mark with the comprehension of an article

Anonymous No. 16185155

they'll develop a better deadly pathogen next time, promise

Anonymous No. 16185162

I didn't take it though.

Anonymous No. 16185183

>trust me poisoning pople until they turn into ghouls is the only way to go
>we don't cure or heal humans
>we treat disease

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Former Expat No. 16185232

We don't use mercury anymore, I don't get your point. The reason why is because it killed people more than what we replaced it with.
>poisoning people until they turn into ghouls
picrel is untreated syphilis

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Anonymous No. 16185272

looks to me like
>oy vey
>you have da sniffles
>here quick take my mystery concotion made from mercury, aresnic and antimony
>oh no now you foul
>uuuh, its da syphillis
>quick inject mercury in your pussy now
>oh you reject !?
>haha you wil serve as an example on how untreated "syphillis" looks like

It's is beyond my understanding how one can believe in the extreme claims of disease, while knowing, that quackery was rampand up until WWII.
They literally did blood lettings up until the 1920s.
Force medicated people with strait jackets, and gave them strychnin, arsenic and tar.
Literally alchemistic witch brews.
not only force medicated the shit out of them.
They did vivisections, and put mercury laced cataplasms on the wounds.
Literal "scarrification" of random tissue was a "standard practice" of medicine.
They stained and burned tissue with mercury, sulphiric acid and most commonly high amounts of silver nitrate.
Then the images and stories are told about "oh in the past the people all died randomly from meme diseases".
Trust me it wasn't the alchemistic crap and quackery we tortured the people with.

and today we do the same with "cancer" or what is labeled as "cancer".
Nobody with cancer has hairloss, losing teeth and looks like a zombie.
People on chemo therapy do.
But they take the imaging, and tell you "this is what cancer does to you".

A magic spell and PR trick that is so evil and yet amazing.
No other treatment or even discussion is allowed.
Just poison yourself close to death, and if you survive, we decleare it cured.
If you go into remission "oh the cancer was stronger".
And let everyone arround you suffer, while you become a ghoul like social burden.
Amazing tickery.

And if people refuse treatment and the cancer goes away, we simple ignore it and call it a "miracle".

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Anonymous No. 16185860

Ah remember the good old timed, when "doctors" literally cauterized the Faces of women, because they were "hysteric" ?

He called in Fleiss, an otolaryngologist, for the treatment: cauterization of the nose. Fleiss believed the nose was linked to the genitals, and that operating on it could quell sexual problems such as Emma’s."

The lovely craze of the 19th century surgury and alchemist medicine which left people harmed, while the showcased them and tortured them in front of hundrets of medical students...
"For science"

Anonymous No. 16185914

vaxxxxies are not going to admit that they were wrong or that they were dumb enough to get tricked into stupidly injecting themselves with an untested medicine, they're too egotistical and image conscious to do that.

Anonymous No. 16185987

>Right, do you have any authoritative proof as to why it's not right?

this is called: Reversal of burden of proof.

I did not claim that this shit works.
They and you did.

I simply said, there is not any kind of evidence of any clinical beneficial outcome.
And they literally admit to it.
>no beneficial outcome
>lack of success

You can juggle with surrugate parameters, and memes all day long.
Present some interpretations of statitics.
All that counts is:
>does the patient get better.

And no they did not.

In fact:
>Based on the limited antitumor activity and treatment-related toxicities, no further trials are expected.
>Based on the study findings, no further development of AGS-16C3F in mRCC will be undertaken.
>Three patients developed unexpected grade 2 neurological adverse events (1 seizure, 1 aphasia, and 1 encephalopathy) Further studies investigating the mechanisms of toxicity are critical before further trials with CDH6-targeting agents are pursued.
>despite some early evidence of efficacy, this ADC has limited clinical use due to high toxicity profile

And the ONLY therapy that has a shown any benefit was:
>VEGF Inhibitors
WHICH ONLY had benefits, because they were compared to:
>interferon alfa treatment

Which is fucking toxic.
It's amazing, that you fail to understand how "clinical outcome" is literally not even the main criteria of these studies.
When the CLINICAL OUTCOME is the most important part.
If the patient dies because of medically induced encephalitis instead of renal cancer, they pretend it is a success, by ignoring that that patient is dead but the lab parameter are "fine".
Absolutely retarded.

Anonymous No. 16186039

No my friend, you dont get to call people retarded. Immunotherapy is standard treatment in kidney cancer, lung cancer and skin cancer. You asked for evidence and it took half a minute on google to find you something. Now you pretend the article says the opposite of what it says and you're accusing all researchers in the oncologic field to be dishonest and have poor methodology. Hundreds of millions of people and you included benefit from the work of doctors and researchers, keep bitching while all you contribute is to spread your own ignorance

Anonymous No. 16186195

>accusing all researchers in the oncologic field to be dishonest and have poor methodology

>More than 9 in 10 healthcare interventions are not supported by high-quality evidence; harms are under-reported.
Most healthcare interventions tested in Cochrane Reviews are not effective according to high quality evidence: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Howick et al
1,567 eligible interventions, 87 (5.6%) had high-quality evidence supporting their benefits. Harms were measured for 577 (36.8%) interventions. There was statistically significant evidence for harm in 127 (8.1%) of these.


I requested evidence on the efficacy to produce a significant positive change in CLINICAL outcome.
It apparently is "ignorance" to point out that "the hypothetical mechanism of immunity" does not remotly reflect reality, otherwise their shit would work.

The esotheric meme of "immune therpeutics" is acutally ignorance, because as I mentioned because they simply do not care about clinical outcome.
It is equally as dumb as coffee enemas or drinking piss, while thats probably less toxic.
It's high tech esotherics, and yes, of course, their BELIEF in this lets them to double and tripple down, on "mystery of immunity" , when running in contradictions or failures of fullfilling their hypthesis" while not even considering, that they are don quixote fighting windmills.

It's dogmatic and esotheric. The only difference between the Biochem Alchemists and the meme Healing crystal folks is: Funding by Royal Fraternity and big Oil Conglomerates and PR.

Anonymous No. 16186404

you want to keep going, very well, explain this to me then, how come all these researchers, all the scientists, all these pharmaceutical multinationals, why do they keep investing tons of money, effort and time into studying these molecules instead of just pumping out some sort of elaborate sugar that at least won't cause harm ? why do doctors prescribe them in hospitals ? why do government accept to pay for these costly treatments ? why do patients take them for years when obviously the treatment is only causing them to get sick ? why do the family of those vulnerable patients let them get taken advantage of ?
I have the answer : they're all wrong! all wrong in the same exact way that would make you think these treatment have some benefit to them. Either that, or maybe the internet self made scientist is talking way outside of his expertise

Anonymous No. 16186459

>scientists want money
>to do more research no matter how fruitless it is

Eugenicits and "dysgenicicts" and "Population control" advocates of Royal Fraternities have a lot of money.

And a lot of disgust for plebs.
So yeah, give esotheric charlatans access to incredible toxic crap, and make them spin some story about how "healthy" it acutally is, sell it to the public, and the plebs literally give consent to self poisoning.
It's all about that, narratives and credibility of esotheric memes.
People will sign up for "le science" narratives, because they religiously want to believe in this crap.

It's the human condition.
The stiving for an "eureka moment" is blinding.
The way to hell is paved with good intentions.

And since you sadly have no interest in history, you are doomed to see it repeating.
But you can believe in your esotheric crap, that is not even "evidence" based and far from proof based.
the scientific method is dead and replaced with an religious buzzword bingo.

You probably do not even know the difference between proof and evidence.

Anonymous No. 16186616

You can literally observe the immune system under a microscope, you absolute homo.

Anonymous No. 16186641

You retard do not even know the difference between white blood cells and the meme of the so called "antibodies".

Anonymous No. 16186644

>white blood cells aren't part of the immune system

Anonymous No. 16186659

I fucking hate this argument. How does anyone know anything? Would you not believe that atoms were made of protons and electrons until you observed it yourself?

Anonymous No. 16186702

You are not immune against anything.

You are either:

Or you are:

The "immune system" and its esotherics about "what and when you are immune" is based on memes about antibodies, with the hypothetical narrative of "lock and key mechanism" is a meme.

White bloodcells literally do nothing but:
>get rid of foreign material
>regardless of "pre exposure"
>white bloodcells attack everything that is foreign and dangerous or necrotic poisonous tissue

Anonymous No. 16186741

How do you know that e.g. aids or cancer isn't spread by aerosols but covid is?

Anonymous No. 16187370

covid is not infectious in humans

Anonymous No. 16187373

>How does anyone know anything?

By applying the scientific method to the claim.

Anonymous No. 16187519

>the sky isn't real until some jeet in academia publishes a paper

Anonymous No. 16187671

nice strawman.

It is a extraodinary claim, that:
>a submicriscopic, replication competent non-alive organisms travels on aerosols and causes as specific disease
>when the particle is unable to even exist outside a host cell
>because it is a intracellular pathogen

Viruses cannot survive outside cells. (They are obligate intracellular pathogens)

So either:
>aerosols must contain cells which contain viruses
Which is also retarded because:
The aerosol droplet size lies in the range of 0.5 µm to 100 µm . The aerosol particle size of 80 - 90 % of these particles have a diameter of about 1 µm
Which makes it incredibly unlikely to even contain a "cell" because most of the cells in human saliva are buccal epithelial cells, which are are on average 50 μm wide.

Also this claim is followed by extreme consequences which are poured into law and impact everyones lives.

So please provide a scientific paper in which they disclose the methodology of verifying virus in aerosols, by Isolating a virus from aersols.
And by Isolating I mean, separating the virus from everything else, so that the virus is acutally "isolated" no meme surrugate methods.

Anonymous No. 16187777

Please adopt a trip so I can filter you better

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Anonymous No. 16187844


Anonymous No. 16188921


Anonymous No. 16189436

This argument sounds like religion to me.
It implies that we actually cannot "know" anything.
Only believe.
And if enough people consent to a belief, then it will be treated as knowledge.

In the recent years I sadly came to the conclusion, that science has hardly anthing to do with the attempt to gether knowledge, but that it is rather an attempt to sell the best story to explain a thing especcially in the absence of proof.

All big hocus pocus.

Anonymous No. 16190173

good video

Anonymous No. 16190718

the kind of genetic engineering needed to manufacture viruses only exists in hollywood scyence fiction movies

Anonymous No. 16191954

>science has hardly anthing to do with the attempt to gether knowledge, but that it is rather an attempt to sell the best story to explain a thing
Yes... That's why in physics we call them theories. We don't say we have physical proof of anything because our understanding of nature is always evolving. Gravity is a fantastic theory but even a statement as self-evident as "heavy things fall to the ground" has holes. The only actual proof is in math, because mathematical discoveries are based on rules that we have decided are correct. I can't tell you exactly why anyone decides they are correct, but millennia of science and engineering show that there is little reason to doubt the process.

Anonymous No. 16192153

'cell culture only exists in hollywood?
whodathunk my whole job was made up by some screenwriters trying to make a buck

Anonymous No. 16192169

Ok buddy.
Since you apperently don't understand the difference between a cell culture and alleged gene technology PR that is sold to the public:

Cell cultures are nothing but a mixture of microscopic life forms and addatives, and then interpreting how the lifeform behaves after incubation and exposure to a chemical.

Gene meme sold to the public:
>you have nano high tech tweezers
>and nano hightech sizors
>with which you precisely cut out and insert gene segments to create a new life form or "variant"

When in fact no such tech exists.
And all gene tech is, vague interpretation of a fermenting cell culture and then injecting said culture into the brains of bellies of baby suckling mice.
And if the baby suckling mice die or even if they are not dying you interprete it as:
>ok if a organism sneezes the equivalent of this cell brew on another organism, it makes the other organism sick
>because when we directly inject it into the brain it gets sick

It's memes

Anonymous No. 16192195

I just walked in to fuck with you, but I guess it's time to disprove all your shit
covid is still a natural virus that absolutely raped idiot boomers and epidemiologists working for china, but that doesn't mean you couldn't create a bioterrorism virus with a couple million and a small chicken farm
>cell culture is just lifeblobs and additives
xenograft culture is standard practice for repeatable cancer drug research in mice, metric tons of papers on how to care for cells outside proprietary methods in chk manufacturing
viral vector systems RELY on cell culture to work, insert your episomes containing your cassette of interest, and you can observe the morphological changes in the cell, contained in viral shells you can simply pull out in a column (or spin down) for live animal study. People do this shit with insect cells all the fucking time.
>Gene memes sold to the public that dont exist:
>nano high tech tweezers
laser-guided optical tweezers are used for analyzing the tensile strength of mytosin and membranes right now, based on magnetic and acoustic tech before, multiple molecular-scale gold balls can be suspended and actuated within cells to both be used as an atomic force microscope and "nano high tech tweezers" to analyze individual proteins, at their scale.
>nano hightech sizors with which you precisely cut out and insert gene segment
Restriction enzymes have been a thing for DECADES anon, you can sequence an plasmid, note exactly *where* you're cutting, then run a gel and see exactly where it was cut, same with cas9. This is basic shit, taught to fucking highschoolers. Easy to run/verify no less.
>injecting said culture into the brains of bellies of baby suckling mice
We inject into the spleen of adult, unfertilized mice TYVM. It's cancer research, not developmental bio.
Hollywood wouldn't touch half the shit used to verify against off-target affects, every stage of the MOI is tracked to verify the drug/modified gene does what you want it to.

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Anonymous No. 16192207

>xenograft culture is standard practice
It is retarded example:
>take 11 patients with clinical condyloma acuminatum (genital warts)
>then take biopsies of warts
>snap freeze them
>grind each sample in phosphate-buffered saline with sterile sand, using mortar and pestle
>centrifuge the shit out of it
>take the supernatant and stored at −80°C
>take a neonatal human foreskin from routine circumcision
>cut it into fragments of 1 by 1 mm
>incubated in 250 μl of the inoculum ( from steps before) for 1 h at 37°C
>implant graft under the skin of ear & under the renal capsule on both sides of three 5- to 8-week-old severe Combined Immunodeficiency Mouse female mice
>kill the mice after 12 weeks
>none except one of the mice had a renal abnormality
>take the graft from the implant
>split it, fix one part with formalin and snap freeze other part in liquid N
>make histological assesment
>oh hmmm one of three got wierd in the renal area
>must be the Human papiloma virus
>because unsure
>take another neonatal human foreskin prepare it as before
>incubate in 225 μl of the (renal mice) lysate for 1 h at 37°C mice.
>implant it under the renal capsule on both sides of six 5 week old female mice
>repeat experiment using a different foreskin on six additional mice
>sacrificed mice 19 weeks later.
>take now 11 of the 12 mice grafts
>grind them up and take again neonatal human foreskin as just as before and inoculate it as before
>but this time 3 by 3mm
>renal grafts are grafted in the usual manner, one per kidney, in six 6-week-old male mice
>repeat the experiment 4 times with different foreskins each time
>if mouse gets sick and has wierd malformation arround the kidney
>experiment was working and I have proven the HPV virus causes cancer, by implanting forskin in mice kidneys
>100% logical & 100% ethical & 100% foreskin
Because of this, kids take the HPV vaccine with the age 9 or so.
>picrel the result in mice

Anonymous No. 16192217

>laser-guided optical tweezers are used
No, it is not. It is meme technology not widely in use, in "genetics" and "genetic research".

What happens is what you describe here:
>Restriction enzymes
Which is is not a precision tool.
It is a chemical, to change the mileu of a cell culture, which then ferments differently. similar to beer, wine, fruit juces, cheese and many more food industry methods.
It is nothing but additive driven fermentation, and then subsequent "interpretation and PR marketing memes" to pretend it is high precision.
It is a fermentative process by literally simply changing the mileu of the bacteria or other cells.
It is not a high precision process.

Fermentation, and observing a change and adjustment to the mileu is not not "genetic" otherwise beer, cheese and all this shit would also be "gene technology".
It is fermentation.

But since grant money and their esotheric profession is tightly coupled to the meme Interpretation, they must literally unverifyable pretent to know that the process "involves cutting and exchanging DNA snippets" which is beyond retarded.
Bacteria change behaviour and even form when introduced to a different mileu.
Even slight changes in the PH can introduce changes.

Anonymous No. 16192225

>It's cancer research

As demonstrated here:
The beyond retarded interpretation of a physical insult and transplating rotten tissue into an animal, as "cancer research" is one of the biggest scams ever.

"the Soience" know that everyone is exposed to a billion so called "carcinogens" which is a nice meme term for poison.
And know that cancers caused by "carcinogens" have the property that "carcinogens" are "encapsuled" in the tumor.
Which means, the "tumor is a quarantine for toxic material".

Yet the gene meme cancer research runs with the assumption, that "a biological pathogene" or "random gene mutations" cause cancer. And they will never let loose of this meme because: GRANT MONEY
even thogh they are running in circles the past 40 years.

They put shit in petridish, torture some animals, and then based on their interpretation, they say "eureka, we might have found the next barrier to our limits of understanding genetical implications of cancer, we need to do more research". And literally no progress is ever established, beyond:
>metric tons of papers
No improvment for patients.
No clinical benefit.
only meme interpretations and waste of
>metric tons of papers

Anonymous No. 16192272

>xenograft is retarded
>basic ass experimental setup
gotta tap the sign, hollywood wouldn't touch half the shit used to verify off-target affects
>because unsure
EVERYTHING is scrutinized to ensure the experimental model actually models the ontology of interest:
>in silico and prior work
unless you're a co-author on the prior work (which your readers are not), you need to verify whatever method you're adapting to elucidate a system actually exists, that involves checking whether the graft actually models the tissue from clinical or omics work.
paper has to elucidate an entire pathway and the temporal behavior of how cancer cells avoid apoptosis before moving to a xenograft for their drug of interest, CELL CULTURE, and the observation of lipid vehicle movement within cells is an essential process, before even looking at the grafts. Even correlating the movement required engineering vectors (viruses) to modify living cells to express markers of the oncogene of interest.
>post 2
>No, it is not. It is meme technology not widely in use
It won a fucking nobel prize in 2018 dumbass, it's used in molecular work to analyze myosins and intermediary fibers all the time, especially when they're modified. Typically, for cardiovascular work and repair.
>Restriction enzymes are not precice and a chemical
it's an enzyme, and works in a test tube to precisely cut known sequences, really fucking basic.
fermentation is the process of breaking down sugars anon, you can hook that into whatever process you want (beer, proteins, antibodies, drugs, vaccines pretty much anything), but that doesnt mean all cell culture is based on fermenting sugars. Biopharming =/= Xenograft culturing. It's a method turned industry.
>meme because: GRANT MONEY
Almost as if every job has money involved. Is the only acceptable work done by Trappists or Jesuits, some sect that does science for free?

Anonymous No. 16192310

>nobel prize
So did lobotomy.
Winning a prize does't make the process valid or anyhow beneficial for mankind except generating more memes or leady to any clinical benefit for diseases of patients.

> fermentation is the process of breaking down sugars anon
No. Fermentation is a metabolic process that produces chemical changes in organic substances through the action of enzymes.

In microorganisms, fermentation is the primary means of producing adenosine triphosphate (ATP) by the degradation of organic nutrients anaerobically.

You can literally ferment any organic substance. And adding and substracting enzymes, additives, acids and bases changes the culture of the fermentating organisms.

The process of "fermentation" happens literally everywhere.
Every organic compound from sawdust to proteins is fermentable.
And the orgenisms which ferment, literally change their form and behaviour to fit the mileu.
Subsequently, they change.
Which will be interprered as "enzyme snippy da DNA"

Anonymous No. 16192480

You're wasting your time, he is a legit schizo. He first decides what his opinion on a subject is, and then will bombard you with nonsense thinking this is how you refute something. He thinks he can just turn to derision and quote some lines out of context from a scientific article to prove the immune system doesnt exist. You can never teach someone who doesn't want to learn, he's basically in his own religion.

Anonymous No. 16192504

I dropped once he re-conflated fermentation, the process with "fermentation", the technique
guy is pulling shit from wikipedia without understanding that "chemical changes in organic substances" is the process I was describing, while he's citing the tech
an issue that he brought up all on his own while he equates animal cells to bacteria and yeast

Anonymous No. 16192517

>covid is still a natural virus
I trust you, but what makes you sure of this?

Anonymous No. 16192535

cassette insertion has artifacts, flanking regions and overall frequency of nucleotide alterations would leave a visible gap in analysis, and outside of the autistic yan report preprint (who never worked on inserting viral cassettes it seems), no one has staked their name on this claim
I don't do GOF research, so if there's some directed evolution or something within animals, I wouldn't be able to tell, but anyone can align two sequences and see there's no obvious insertions.

Anonymous No. 16193304

People only presume that genetic engineering is real because its shilled in their comic book tier goyslop tv and movies

Anonymous No. 16193430

It's not infectious because everyone's already had it.

Anonymous No. 16193433

The flaw in scenario is that certain viruses are known to barely mutate, while others rapidly mutate. You likely do become susceptible to chicken pox later in life, except you get exposed to it from children and essentially refresh your immunity. How chicken pox vaccines will effect that is unknown. The flu variants are different every single season, that's why vaccines for it are so ineffective.

Anonymous No. 16193602

"Known to barely mutate".
Sure yeah.
Believe in that meme bro.
"Trust me bro, the extremly variable Symptom cluster of influenza, does happen because of a specific nanoscopic replication competent organisms that just by coincidence is arround, while people are most likely exposed to cold waether, less sunlight, depressive thoughts, more alcohol, binge eating + sugar. It has nothing to do with people literally poisoning themselves during the cold season of the year. "

Anonymous No. 16193651

>immune system
As mentioned requires the observation of being immune to an otherwise disease creating pathogenic organism.

The premise of the immune system is BEING IMMUNE.

I am not denying that we have white blood cells and a microbiome that remediates necrotic tissues and froeign material.

But the antibody "key lock mechanism" implied by the concept of Immunity requires at least a foundational proof.

For example: Influenza.
What would be required to establish that you can be IMMUNE to influenza is:
>isolate the virus and only the virus
>expose a host via the alleged pathway of transmission, without contaminating the experience by tranquilizing the host or poisoning them with other medicine, without invasive injection into brain brain or literally waterboarding the host
>host must get sick
>wait until the host is cured
>rexpose the host to the same exact virus to demonstrate it aquired immunity

This has never been done.

If one is unable to even demonstate pathogenicity of a organism vial the alleged pathway, then it is impossible to demonstrate IMMUNITY.
Because if its not pathogenic, you are not IMMUNE, but the alleged pathogen is simply not pathogenic to begin with.

Anonymous No. 16193909

>schizo ramblings

Anonymous No. 16193939

Cassete mobile genetic segments are used in GAY-N of fucntion by serial passaging of transfected material into the cleavage site via nucleotide plasmids, by activating phosphatidylserine pathways.
The general similarity of the interchangeble sequence allow for ACE2 receptor binding while inhibiting B cell–specific hyperactivation.
Oxysterol-binding protein-related proteins (ORPs) ORP5 and ORP8 mediate the interorganelle exchange of PS and PIPs at membrane contact sites.

Anonymous No. 16195292

It was never infectious because it never existed to begin with.

Anonymous No. 16195678


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Anonymous No. 16195742

Covid-19....a virus so deadly I personally never even saw someone get the sniffles from it. A virus so dangerous you won't know you have it unless you get a BigPharma test to say you do. A virus so stealthy that scientists can't isolate it in a laboratory. A virus so real and not fake that doctors can't infect people with it even when they try.

KEK, how is it 4+ years later and retards are still simping for the Covid scam? Honestly how do you people wipe your own asses and dress yourselves with IQ's this low. That's a serious question I expect answers for. Are you all literal retards with state social workers who help you with daily life or what's your excuse?