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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16164594

Scientifically speaking, which would be better for an eugenics program?

Anonymous No. 16164600

The bottom one. Nobody wants to live in a world where people look like the top picture. A world like that would surely go extinct.

Anonymous No. 16164605

STEMcel bros, not like this...

Anonymous No. 16164612

Bottom is actually that dumb it's just women don't care about stem. They also don't like hard work.

Anonymous No. 16164632

Mate top and bottom together.

Top together would just breed literal low functioning autistic; bottom together would just breed turbonormies

Anonymous No. 16164636

my IQ is 140 (tested by a psychologist). I choose bottom 100% of the time

Anonymous No. 16164640

chad takes them for his harem and breeds all 7 of them

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Anonymous No. 16164666

We're attracted to the bottom because they're genetically healthier offspring. Pretty women can also inspire men to do great things, like learning math and astronomy for the purpose of nautical navigation to increase opportunities to trade for precious stones and fabrics, all of which are fashioned into goods for the ladies. The hags at the top will never be anyone's muse (excepting pic rel).

Anonymous No. 16164669

*they're capable of providing genetically...

Anonymous No. 16164674

Women are the oldest tradeable currency

Anonymous No. 16164679

Top girls are all cute. Stop letting the media brainwash you into becoming a bitter entitled miserable twat. A medieval peasant would've counted his lucky stars to be with any of those girls, and they're intelligent and provide a major source of income as well? I'll be a SAHD for them.

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Anonymous No. 16164685

Back then when I was an undergrad STEMcel, a girl that was so out-of-my-fucking-league in the 98 IQ zone came to me and gave me the love and attention that no single fucking girl has ever given to me. After she left me, I am completely crushed till this day because she became the base standard that I look for in every single new girl. Too bad none of them 98 IQ girls ever came in my way and I'm still ugly asf.

Anonymous No. 16164702

Found the femcel

Anonymous No. 16164706

The question is moot for you anyway, you don't have a shot with any of them

Anonymous No. 16164710

Do you think the girls at the bottom were never awkward tenth graders

Anonymous No. 16164721

-> >>16164702

Anonymous No. 16164725

Believe what you like but I bet all those girls are in relationships and you aren't

Anonymous No. 16164730

-> >>16164702

Anonymous No. 16164744

I'm neither fem nor cel btw

Always so fickle what will have 4chan insisting on your being a woman and what will have them insisting on you never being a woman

Anonymous No. 16164750

my iq isn't high enough for caroline i'd water her genes down ;(

Anonymous No. 16165007

lmao. applies to this whole place.

Anonymous No. 16165225

You don't want to do eugenics. What is eugenics? You have a population where most are reasonable adept at surviving. Some individuals may struggle more, but they can all hapilly survive, with little severe challenges to overcome.
Then you come among there, point at the most successful ones, and demand that they should be culled in favor of other individuals, which you deem "better". Now nothing that severe happens yet, your population breeds with your desired features, and then you do it again. And again. And again. And over and over, every generation you pick your chosen ones, and discard the undesirables, but then, they are no longer some slight misfits. They are otright complete alien to the world, the Earth is a hellish place with unpredictable sudden death waiting everywhere. They can no longer predict and avoid the dangers, can't tell what they should eat, and so on. A breed of horrors is created who desperately try to survive in a world that is incomprehensible and hostile to them. They will fight to destroy it, so that they can themselves live.

>But it works on plants and animals
It doesn't work for them, but for their master species. And people are not the only species to do it. Do you want to be a slave? That is the only time when selective breeding works. Who is going to be your master?

Anonymous No. 16165460

false dichotomy, you can select for both, just not as fast as if you only wanted to select for one.

Anonymous No. 16165466

If you act like a retard you can expect to be one or the other, not white and male.

Anonymous No. 16165472

That's a retarded thing to say

Anonymous No. 16165490

Isn't top right a criminal?

Anonymous No. 16165495

It's ironic that all the tradwife meme kiddos get their beauty standards from insta thots with filters, make-up, and good camera angles. No, you're going to marry the nice Henderson girl and that's it son. Their family are close to ours and the dowry will be substantial. And anyway, if we institute eugenics you also wouldn't have a choice, would you?

Well, if we institue eugenics then 99% of you would be prohibited from breeding, but you get the point.

Anonymous No. 16165500

whichever one wants me the most!

Anonymous No. 16165540

The bottom ones turn into a top one by the age 35-40 and I don't want to spend the rest of my life with a retard

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16165621

They are both bad for you if you are looking to marry. The dumb ones will delegate everything to you and make you their workhorse while they get to stay home and complain about it and leverage that with playing victim, eventually turning your children against you, and the smart ones will try to control you, your finances, your friendships and your job all in the name of the good of the family while they plan to divorce rape you10 or 20 yrs later and write a book about their horrific experience. Its a raw deal either way. Men are truly fucking, married men especially, delusional retarded romantics that continue allowing these women to have power over an entire society.

Anonymous No. 16165627

They are both bad for you if you are looking to marry. The dumb ones will delegate everything to you and make you their workhorse while they get to stay home and complain about it and leverage that with playing victim, eventually turning your children against you, and the smart ones will try to control you, your finances, your friendships and your job all in the name of the good of the family while they plan to divorce rape you10 or 20 yrs later and write a book about their horrific experience. Its a raw deal either way. Men are truly fucking stupid, married men especially, delusional retarded romantics that continue allowing these women to have power over an entire society and then go online to complain about it like a bunch of gossiping housewives.

Anonymous No. 16165705

Just take the brains from the smart girls and put them in the head of the pretty girls. Problem solved.

Anonymous No. 16165724

Whichever one is most likely to make my dick hard (spoiler: it's the bottom)

Barkon No. 16165733

You spend your time hunting one man for no pay and a lot of resurgence. Of course.

Anonymous No. 16165737

STEMcel. IQ is inherited from mother. I can just chad out on her dime. Which is what I am doing now, except my wife is the one on bottom of the image, so we can't afford children on her salary.

Anonymous No. 16165740


Anonymous No. 16165743

I would call that story telling falacy. An assumption that people have strong and weak sides. In storytelling the hero always has to have a weakness. If he is intelligent, he has to be weak, if strong, he has to be dumb. If beautiful inside, ugly ooutside, etc.
In the reality weak people are also dumb, while intelligent people are also strong.
The top pic made dumb investment decision, db business decisions. They have no intelligence to understand that looks are important and how to take care of their looks. No intelligence to understand why sports are important. Their ugliness is a manifestation of hormonal issues, lack of hygiene and a basic self care. They are not intelligent by any means. If they were, they would be beautiful.

Anonymous No. 16165756

subjectivity detected. What is "better" in this case? define the goal

Anonymous No. 16165889

>my eugenics program only creates the most mediocre people!
the only correct answer is neither, as you'd expect the OP is retarded. There are girls who look like bottom, who are as intelligent as top. They have children with their male counterparts. Retards and uggos can go to an island for all I care, but they won't be ruining my wholesome heckin eugenics program!!

Anonymous No. 16165921

Women can't be incels.

Anonymous No. 16165956

Top to make babies, bottom whores to have fun brutalizing their assholes.

Anonymous No. 16165959

What makes you think that bottom don't have a higher intelligence than the top one? If someone looks dorky it's mostly because the person has health issues and has not enough ibtelligence to take case of herself.

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Anonymous No. 16165962


Anonymous No. 16165972

>STEMcel PhD 300k salary
LMAO, try mcwageslaving or jail time in the case of the weasel bitch.

Anonymous No. 16165975

>better for an eugenics program?
Killing _you_, you elitist prick.

Anonymous No. 16166012

They're all too old, I'd just kill all niggers and get a harem of 14 year old nordic women for my eugenics program.

Anonymous No. 16166018

I'll have both. And I'll have them, skinny, please.

Anonymous No. 16166045

Nerdy white chick in the back is kinda cute actually and not remotely fat.

Anonymous No. 16166062

Im not so sure, sure the low IQ mogger gurls will somewhat nice until they're in their 40s. But the IQ rat gurls might be rocking a nice bod/puss/azz/tits and skin under those clothes I could work with the 2 gurls on the far left... hell even with far right gurl if pussy/booty is top tier, but these broads lifeshell is far shorter than those of the mog core girls. The rat pack mite even make it if they bimbomaxxed/lookedmaxxed and tried to look like ducked up porn stars with gym bods

Anonymous No. 16166116

I choose the top ones because the beauty is temporary but the intelligence is not

Anonymous No. 16166121

The female equivalent of incels are the women who are rejected by chads and stuck with average-looking normie men

Anonymous No. 16166123

>-cel anything
>k as abbreviation of one thousand
I hope the faggot OP gets run over by 40 tons truck this year.

Anonymous No. 16166199

>IQ is inherited from mother.
Is there more than just that one study to prove this?

Anonymous No. 16166202


Anonymous No. 16166257

STEM girls are worthless as women and mothers. A midwit woman can easily birth brilliant sons, since the female phenotype does not favour expression of latent intelligence genes.

Anonymous No. 16166258

No, it's polygenic, except for mitochondria

Anonymous No. 16166291

Even if the faces were reversed, I would still choose the 98 IQ. 140 IQ (still midwit, very intelligent starts at 145) would believe their intelligence conferred their 300k salary and they would be of the opinion that they earned it and the world is a fair place where ones intelligence secures their place in it. I have a tested 160 IQ and I do not get a 300k salary so it isn't fair. If I can't make that much, no one should, much less women of lower intelligence and presumably wealthier backgrounds than me.

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Anonymous No. 16166302

You take the smartest out of the 3 good looking ones and make her have 7 kids that's how.
>mug genetic bottleneck
Shut the fuck up nigger we survived a shit ton of those in the past. Hybrid vigor is a meme and the cures to their deseases are way harder to come by.

Anonymous No. 16166329

Yeah, but "not being fat" is an incredibly low bar.

Anonymous No. 16166478

Literally a picture of math contest winners but okay

Anonymous No. 16166503

t. STEMcel parents

Anonymous No. 16166548

How fucktarded do you have to be to pick the top?
Do you know literally anything about how anything works? Like for starters, do I have to explain the evolutionary mechanism that dictates why we find beauty attractive? There are a shitton of other bad assumptions embedded, like it mattering that the woman has a midwit degree. I am sorry, but if you don't understand that, within the current domain of discourse (i.e. the health of the species), it doesn't matter what degree a woman has (or in other words, the proclivities of the female regarding to-her-frivolous topics like career/degrees), you are the midwit in the equation.

Could be an interesting discussion with males instead.

Anonymous No. 16166599

>Could be an interesting discussion with males instead.
Why would it be? Women find certain men attractive, women take care of sexual selection, eugenics is already being practiced, we are in the best of all possible worlds.

Anonymous No. 16166633

bottom one, women dont need to have iq
because who's going to listen to one?
whos going to take what a woman says seriously? even with 140iq

Anonymous No. 16166650

It's this. Evolution made STEM girls ugly for a reason, it's signaling to any potential males their genes have low fitness. Having the *phenotype* (but not the genetic potential) for high intelligence is negatively correlated with fertility. Better to have 5 kids with a midwit than 1 kid with a STEM girl (who will probably not have kids themselves).

Anonymous No. 16166666

there are many high IQ STEM girls that are attractive. just don't pick your gf to high IQ chinese girls, they're usually ugly because the beautiful chinese girls have already married at age 22 after college and became housewives. white STEM girls that are not fat are usually quite attractive. they're just rarer because white women have lower IQ than chinese women.

Anonymous No. 16166757

>there are many high IQ STEM girls that are attractive
I've literally only met one on the whole faculty, she was an industrial engineer (which is very much like a biz degree here) and now works in corp finance
Most of the other decent looking girls were also in industrial eng

Anonymous No. 16166761

Non white Dumb & psychopathic maang+ wife. iq beyond 115 . Father the next einstien

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Anonymous No. 16166825

Top. I would gladly suck farts out top right's ass through her shit stained panties.

Anonymous No. 16166830

Not only that but nords and germanics are probably the smartest cluster of genes on the planet.
Just because beautifull women are dumb because they can be dumb (and they are women) doesn't mean that they don't carry genius genes in their genetic code.
All the beautifull women I know have extremely smart brothers and dads.
I don't know any beautifull women with a dad or brother that is retarded.

Anonymous No. 16166929

Grace and beauty is the female expression of a fit genome, intelligence and strong will is the male expression of the same genome

Anonymous No. 16167010

Are we to assume you're ugly, then? How's the breeding going, mr. Fit Genome?
(Note; I'll leave in the middle whether or not you're actually intelligent, but it's clear that you think of yourself as such anyway)

Anonymous No. 16167119

>I'll leave in the middle whether or not you're actually intelligent,
I wish! I'm retarded

Anonymous No. 16167164

I was only able to get the names for two of them (and it might be a famousness-skewed sample).
Liv Tyler (bottom) has 3 children
Caroline Ellison (top) has no children as far as I can tell
Hint: The top picture is from the math prize for girls at mit 2011 so you could increase the sample size, but I don't really care.

Anonymous No. 16167622

>Even if the faces were reversed, I would still choose the 98 IQ.
How can you bear such stupidity?
>140 IQ (still midwit, very intelligent starts at 145) would believe their intelligence conferred their 300k salary
They would be right.
>and they would be of the opinion that they earned it
They would be right.
>and the world is a fair place where ones intelligence secures their place in it.
The females I know at the very upper end of the iQ distribution had to work hard, lost out in some departemental politics, still didn't give in and got a good job abroad. They do not believe in "fair" but they believe in "hard work".
>I have a tested 160 IQ and I do not get a 300k salary so it isn't fair.
What happened?
> If I can't make that much, no one should, much less women of lower intelligence and presumably wealthier backgrounds than me.
Sounds like sour grapes.

Anonymous No. 16167632

It's a pretty hard rule that all the females in STEM degrees are ugly. There may be one or two outliers, but that doesn't guarantee they have other problems (being mentally ill) or fucked the profs for their grades.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16167637

>They would be right.
That hinges on a rather contrieved definition of "earned".

Anonymous No. 16167639

>They would be right.
That hinges on a rather contrived definition of "earned".

Anonymous No. 16167660

Top 100%
Dating a girl on the bottom will drive you insane and divorce is guaranteed.

Anonymous No. 16167664

false dichotomy , you can select for both

Anonymous No. 16167665

Overly intellectual women (and also men) are often infertile.
Having a hot average IQ wife with a high IQ fwb on the side to have deep post-sex discussions would be ideal.

>sure the low IQ mogger gurls will somewhat nice until they're in their 40s
This is cope. Almost all milfs and gilfs were also hot when they were young. A non-hot young girl won't suddenly turn into a princess once she turns 40. A hot girl often stays hot unless she has a really unhealthy diet and lifestyle.

Anonymous No. 16167678

breed with bottom, but raise them with one from the top.

lookmax for genetic success, while instilling the necessary discipline and mindfulness to become 300k STEMchad.

Anonymous No. 16167722

it says a lot about our times that this would be "contrived".

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16167778

Not in the way you think. I'm not the first one to notice the shockingly stupid behaviors of so many "high IQ" people. Hogh IQ doesn't reaply seem to correlate with anything except for the unconditional support of the powers that be.

Anonymous No. 16167782

Not in the way you think. I'm not the first one to notice the shockingly stupid behaviors of so many "high IQ" people. High IQ doesn't really seem to correlate with anything except for the unconditional support of the powers that be.

Anonymous No. 16167880

>but raise them with one from the top
Incredibly retarded idea
I think many STEMcels and chudcels idealize high IQ pairings because they weren't raised by STEMcel parents
Trust me, you do NOT want that, they are extremely boring and all my life they have only cared about my grades and nothing else
Having fun? Having a social life? Doing sports? Having a romantic life? Nope, academics come first
Having and actually masculine father figure? Having an acrually feminine mother figure? You can forget about that as well
I still remember when I was 13 and got my first gf (2 years older than me), my mom somehow found out despite me not wanting her to know, and told me that I should break up with her because she could distract me from school and should only consider dating when I was working LMAO insane bitch. Thankfully I became very good at hiding stuff from them. And thankfully I didn't inherit their looks eiter, my dad in particular is one ugly fuck, otherwise I'd be khhv.

Anonymous No. 16167885

Bottom, and make her feel bad for being dumber than me. It's the best decision.

Anonymous No. 16168721

This. I know a beautiful high iq girl, but her parents brainwashed her not to have any bf before 24 as this would impact her studies, and not to have any family/kids till she is 30. She is still a virgib and studies all days long.

Anonymous No. 16168723

Has science ever even tried to explain why smart people are ugly?

Anonymous No. 16168731

Nothing wrong with the girl in blue T-shirt.

>Trust me, you do NOT want that, they are extremely boring and all my life they have only cared about my grades and nothing else
Women who marry wealth are often disappointed that all he thinks about is how to stay rich. It is the third generation that thinks about spending it all and thereby lead to the fall. This is not unlike the West of today.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16168742

>Nothing wrong with the girl in blue T-shirt.
Her and the left one may actually better looking than those on the bottom, aside from the lack of effort.

Anonymous No. 16168745

>Nothing wrong with the girl in blue T-shirt.
Her and the left one may actually be better looking than those on the bottom, aside from the lack of effort.

Anonymous No. 16168746

>be ugly
>dont get shit for free
>actually have to put effort
>some of the areas ugly people put effort are nerd shit and some are actually useful
>thus ugly people in nerd hobbies, ugly people in STEM

Anonymous No. 16168769

you are just being a contrarian

Anonymous No. 16168772

Don't care, which ones can actually cook and keep house?

Anonymous No. 16168774

based take

just because they score higher on tests doesn't mean they're smarter

if they are smarter then how come they didn't figure out a way to be attractive?

Anonymous No. 16168781

This is retarded. Attractive men don't get given things for free. Not that I can rate male attractiveness, as I'm NOT gay. Just going on female ratings. Men are an amorphous blur with no aesthetic characteristics to me.

Anonymous No. 16168799

>What makes you think that bottom don't have a higher intelligence than the top one?
The OP says so.

Anonymous No. 16168803

>if they are smarter then how come they didn't figure out a way to be attractive?
Question for all of /sci/

Anonymous No. 16169363

It's not true,, even if you control for race.

Anonymous No. 16169461

Not that I know of but we can give it a shot:
1: if you are beautiful/handsome you will succeed better than most and you will be noticed
2: if you are NOT beautiful/handsome but very intelligent, you too will be noticed, if only for your 300 k salary.
3: if you are NOT beautiful/handsome and stupid, you are unlikely to succeed and nobody will care about you.

TLDR: a three step survivor bias.

Anonymous No. 16169469

No gym for your face

Anonymous No. 16169472

Neither, I want a woman with no degree or job who will be happy as a stay at home mother.

Anonymous No. 16169475

Which one of these is incapable of divorce, nagging, or abusing our children?

Anonymous No. 16169478

>I want a lazy NEET
too many /pol/ memes I see

Anonymous No. 16169487

What part of wanting a woman who will raise kids and mind the household implies I want one who's lazy? I just want a woman who isn't saddled with debt and values raising a family more than wageslaving.

Anonymous No. 16169503

Yeah because only NEETs can raise children
What would happen to your family if you lose your job or worse?

Anonymous No. 16169505

Your face structure heavily depends on your homonal levels and things like d3, k2. D3 and k2 help with bone formation. When you sleep your tong scans the position of your jaw and brain sends signals for different parts to grow. Your face mucles have a lot of androgenic hormones and thus testosterone gives you manly face. Disbalance in muscles can lead to crooked face. Mental ilness will result in too much eye white being shown. Mouthbreathing will result in no chin and will result in a low iq. Emotions shape the face, etc.
Ugly face just means that the person isn't healthy, isn't intelligent (we can tell by the face that the person is stipid) has a shitty lifestyle, shitty levels of hormones, shitty personality, etc. It all manifest in our face.
All in all, there is no need to fix your face. Fix everything else and you will have a handsome face. If your face isn't handsome, you are shitty person as a whole.

Anonymous No. 16169511

>Yeah because only NEETs can raise children
A woman who's working 40 hours per week isn't raising children in the first place. I don't want my kids raised by daycare workers and public school teachers. A woman with a degree and a job is a huge red flag for her priorities.
>What would happen to your family if you lose your job or worse?
Ever heard of savings? Losing my job wouldn't ruin my life, I'd have plenty of time to find a new job. In case of an injury that temporarily makes me unable to work there's FMLA and indemnity insurance to replace my wages until I can work again.

Anonymous No. 16169516

>all this cope and delusion
>he probably unironically believes diet and mewing makes you good looking despite mike jew being a 0/10
the people on the top are not mouthbreathers, and they are certainly not stupid, they are math olympiad winners
You literally assumed they are unhealthy mentally ill mouthbreathers because of their looks kek

Anonymous No. 16169527

Believe it or not housewives are not common nowadays, and despite /pol/cel memes women don't struggle raising their children. There is a difference between having a job and being career focused
How much would you be able to save if your family relies on only 1 income source? How can be so sure you'll find a job, which may take several months, before getting financially ruined?
Unless you make a lot of money, having a lazy NEET for a wife is a stupid idea
And why the fuck do you chudcels idealize housewives and trad memes so much?

Anonymous No. 16169569

I choose the top ones, then choose the top of the top, then the top of the top, again and again until these motherfuckers either band together and kill me or build me a warp propulsion drive to get me off this planet.

Just give me some brown paper bags and a bottle of Viagra, I will save this planet.

Anonymous No. 16169606

Depends entirely on what you want to utilize them for. The top increases probability of higher IQ offspring but the trade off is it also increases the probability of social awkwardness/ autism/ lower fitness. The reverse is true for the bottom.

Top only works if eugenics program is tightly controlled. Otherwise most will trend towards the bottom on their own accord due to fitness.

Anonymous No. 16169635

>High IQ doesn't really seem to correlate with anything except for the unconditional support of the powers that be.
lmao way to tell on yourself

Anonymous No. 16169637

>I'm sorry, they... took after their father in terms of intelligence

Anonymous No. 16169716

>women don't struggle raising their children. There is a difference between having a job and being career focused
They "don't struggle" raising their kids by the modern definition where you raise your kids by sticking them in daycare and school while you're at work. I was raised in a traditional household with a working dad and a stay at home mom and I believe in that as the best way to raise a family. It's not "muh /pol/ memes" boogeyman or whatever you think, it's a principled worldview informed by culture and religion and lived experience.
>How much would you be able to save if your family relies on only 1 income source?
By not spending beyond our means the way most people do. A wife without college debt is a good start.
>How can be so sure you'll find a job, which may take several months, before getting financially ruined?
How can you be so sure you won't die in a car crash tomorrow? Better sell your car and live in fear over imagined problems instead of planning ahead the best you can and taking things as they come.

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Anonymous No. 16169739

The bottom ones will acquire more knowledge just by hanging around you learning new stuff. I can mold them into the perfect gf.

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Anonymous No. 16170013


Anonymous No. 16170558

The best mathematicians are the ones with schizophrenia. Usually insanely high iq means some fucked up brain damage or areas responsible for other functions, like socialising, being hijacked by math.
By no means they are intelligent. They all are defective.
Never thouggt why 140+ iq people are losers at insanely high rates? When iq goes above 130, people start to be worse on every staristics, including income and social status.

Anonymous No. 16170597

You don't have to be intelligent to have a high income. The richest man in the world is a complete nitwit.

Anonymous No. 16170618

How many hours inside their beauty boxes did the three at the bottom spend before looking presentable? The top 4 used soap, water and optionally a hair brush. And still the girl in blue look a lot more healthy and wholesome than those in the bottom half of the picture.

>The best mathematicians are the ones with schizophrenia.
Quite possible. I never saw that among Physicists.

Anonymous No. 16170630


Anonymous No. 16170652

the blonde on the bottom. I dont care about education in women. they need to be feminine, good companions, caring and have a good character.

Anonymous No. 16170670

The girls above will play video games with me and can be taught to groom themselves better, and will produce intelligent babies. The girls below are high maintenance vapid whores who will be unpleasant to spend time with and will produce narcissistic little retards.

Anonymous No. 16170759

>will produce intelligent babies
the girls above are not fuckable tho. how can you make babies without getting an erection?

Anonymous No. 16170770

Exactlym but you need to have a lot of other qualiries to be rich, such as understanding what others want and need. Can you call someone high iq if he can't understand people around him?

Anonymous No. 16170775

Intelligence and not being a vapid cunt gives me an erection though.

Anonymous No. 16170829

>you need to have a lot of other qualiries to be rich, such as understanding what others want and need
No, not that either. You just have to have sociopathic traits.

Anonymous No. 16171426

She will probably first have to spend some time in jail.
What do the other 3 girls do? They would be about 30 now.

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Anonymous No. 16171434


Anonymous No. 16171465

That's very interesting, but the truth is what you abhor already exists. That is, there is already a system in place which artificially promotes the fertility of one group over another, which is what the anti-eugenics crowd finds unsavoury.

This system, of course, is the whole of public spending. Taxation and state expenditure amounts to taking one group's resources and reallocating them to another. None of it is "natural". If this artificial environment brought about by legal imposition is acceptable, then so would be any other created in the same way.

Anonymous No. 16171472

top might actually be able to feel love

Anonymous No. 16171509

STEM girls are mostly meh. I think it would also be pretty stupid to have a super educated girl as your wife. Like whats the benefit of it? You need a girl to cover your weakness. Like someone who can cook, raise kits and safitsfy your needs, not someone to talk about nanoparticle semiconductors with

Anonymous No. 16171513

bottom ones are for temporary fun, top ones are for breeding.

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Anonymous No. 16171520

I agree, top ones experience divine while bottom ones are empty shells who live their life thinking nothing

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Anonymous No. 16171530

well put. this is /sci/, there's only one correct choice and if you disagree then you don't belong here

Anonymous No. 16171533

If I'm talking to a girl and I find out she doesn't even have at least one IMO silver medal, I instantly lose interest

Anonymous No. 16171535

>the girls above are not fuckable tho. how can you make babies without getting an erection?
I start thinking about how our combined genetics will produce children with above average mathematical ability and I'm instantly rock hard

Anonymous No. 16171749

It does, and that's how we got people who fight tooth and nail to clean the Earth of everything natural. But it isn't public spending that does it.

Anonymous No. 16171760

>germanics are probably the smartest cluster of genes on the planet.
>most easily manipulated population in the planet

Anonymous No. 16171874

There are millions sociopaths who are piss poor. It can be insanely negative trait that can turn the whole society against you.

Anonymous No. 16171890

Bottom. Female intelligence doesn't matter at all and more often than not intelligent females are annoying and more masculine.

Anonymous No. 16171934

>insanely negative trait that can turn the whole society against you.
The western political system has the police and other institutions for their protection, so that no harm can be done to them.

Anonymous No. 16171940

> Top pic
> Girl in the middle-back
She looks alright.
5 or 6 out of 10.

But why must we settle for an either/or scenario. It's not as though intelligence and beauty are mutually exclusive traits?

Anonymous No. 16171941

will not save them. those pigs have families too

Anonymous No. 16171994

It is saving them, and making them prosper.

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Anonymous No. 16172154

With some make up and boob job

Anonymous No. 16172175

Gentlemen, the question is not who you would fuck. The question is who would be eugenic. Did none of you ever consider you might have to make personal sacrifices for the sake of eugenics?

Anonymous No. 16172183

Why not take the ovula of the hot girl and gene edit it before implanting it back to create the Übermensch with perfect looks and genius level iq?

Anonymous No. 16172193

Girls on the top usually tend to be freaks in bed.
And I'm talking from experience.

Anonymous No. 16172220

>Ugly face just means that the person isn't healthy, isn't intelligent
Or in other words, physiognomy, which is a scam.

Physiognomy does not work
* it is not falsifiable, as it predicts any and everything, and therefore nothing
- its user usually has, a priori, decided what they want to prove about a person
- e.g. if a person is attractive, but successful, you'll use it to explain why their attractiveness is the source of the their success
- if they are attractive,but unsuccessful, you'll do the same
* it simply has no basis in any known biological mechanisms

Physiognomy, along with its natsoc cousin phrenology that measures skull sizes and shapes and attempts to glean some information from those data, are fantasy, made popular by some absolute charlatans at the XIX century, and repurposed by the idiots at the third reich, which should tell you all about the quality of their methods and the depth of their "scientific" knowledge.

Anonymous No. 16172266

>With some make up
Nah, soap, water and a hair brush is all that is required. Remember, the three on the bottom will forever fight against time, a fight nobody can win.
>and boob job
The tomboy style is sadly underappreciated. Also incompatible with [math]\LaTeX[/math].

Anonymous No. 16172270

>upset about sciences which study physical traits exposing inner truths about a person
>brings up nazis out of nowhere
Tell me you're a rat-faced jew without telling me you're a rat-faced jew.

Anonymous No. 16172276

top for doggy style
bottom for missionary
simple as

Anonymous No. 16172282

You must have an IQ of a goddamn 180

Anonymous No. 16172381

Top, they're smart and cute.

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Anonymous No. 16172404


Yeah, she's about 30 now.


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beauty iq bell cu....jpg

Anonymous No. 16172466


Anonymous No. 16172591

When you go to the museum, you go there to put yourself into contemplation mode to appreciate art.
Lust is an instinctive form of that appreciation, a direct experience so to say.
You don't want to only appreciate the art, but you also want to get personal with it and really feel it's beauty.
The question is, does the art piece wants to be appreciated and touched?

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Anonymous No. 16172632

I’m an outlier. I possess both beauty and intelligence.

Anonymous No. 16173112

Alright, so here, you've raised the following hypothesis:
>that I, this poster, am a "rat-faced jew"

The conceptual framework you've used to sustain it is not too unlike physiognomy - you very lightly read my post, and presumed to have
>expos[ed] inner truths about a person
We can call this... graphognomy? Although "graphology" has already been coined for a similar purpose.

Now, I will come to present my argument, friend, which is that:
* you,
* XXth century fascists, and
* XIXth century "scientific racists"
starting with Arthur de Gobineau - from whom most of the racial parts of the National Socialists' ideology come from, by the way - are essentially:
* superstitious and esoteric
* allergic to facts and evidence-based reasoning
* prone to wild fantasies and leaps of (il)logic

Allow me to both falsify your hypothesis, and also offer some slightly supporting evidence in favor of mine: I am a potato-nosed blackie.

To conclude, with this I hope to have demonstrated that you should perhaps not deposit too much faith into what "inner truths" you think can gleam from either the shape of one's skull, or the words from one's post :)

Anonymous No. 16173147

Bottom obviously. This image is retarded

Anonymous No. 16173155

>Physiognomy isn't real because... because I say so okay?! NAZI!!!

Anonymous No. 16173229

The point I was making is that people with such a deep disdain for physiognomy probably have lots of negative characteristics about themselves that get highlighted and exposed by such. Also that bringing up nazis and fascists is a retarded non sequitur. Just to be clear, I am neither.
As an aside, unrelated to anything in this discussion, you write like a tremendous boy-molesting fruit.

Anonymous No. 16173244

The girls in the top are the same level of attractiveness as the ones on the bottom. It's just the difference in a casual group photo vs. a professional photographer's portrait, probably with much more effort put into makeup and such.

Anonymous No. 16173279

so the way to pick up girls is to msg on etsy?

Anonymous No. 16173283

definitely white over (((asian)))

Anonymous No. 16173435

isn't that the chick in that bank fraud scandal? Pretty sure her IQ barely scratches 110, but she sucks a mean dick.

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Anonymous No. 16173509

There's not point in having 160 IQ if you end up generating retarded takes anyway.

Anonymous No. 16173570

>The conceptual framework you've used to sustain it is not too unlike physiognomy - you very lightly read my post, and presumed to have
>expos[ed] inner truths about a person
Well, of course, Anon. He believes in phrenology, so just as he thinks that he can tell how someone would post just from looking at their skulls, he also believes he can determine their skull shape from their posts.

Anonymous No. 16173583

phrenology is true science

Anonymous No. 16173860

>people with such a deep disdain for physiognomy probably have lots of negative characteristics about themselves that get highlighted and exposed by such
huh, another unverifiable and unfalsifiable assertion - a "gut feeling" disguised as a provable/disprovable claim.

This is related to what you said next:
>Also that bringing up nazis and fascists is a retarded non sequitur
I should have explained myself better, so here is the connection:
* nazis and fascists are retarded thugs who dress up an embarrassingly tribalistic, primitive and sectarian worldview of "we good, they bad" under layers and layers of pretentious pseudoscience in various "fields", among which was physiognomy.
they began with a conclusion - "we good :) they bad :(" - and then worked their way backwards, in the process absolutely destroying the very continent and races the primacy of they claimed they wanted to protect.

You might not be a nazi or a fascist - note that I did not accuse of being one - though I lumped you together with them, because you're all the same: you are unable to control these base urges of ingroup superiority innate to most lifeforms, and not only can you not restrain them, you allow them to hijack your reason and rationality and to steer them, and you, towards conflict and devastation.

>As an aside, unrelated to anything in this discussion, you write like a tremendous boy-molesting fruit.
Imagine I were to use some dog-doo, mule-manure XIXth century Freudian "psychoanalysis" to claim that, because you used an ad hominem involving pederasty, that you're a repressed pedophile projecting that onto others.
That wouldn't make much sense, would it? It would be quite specious, and suspiciously similar to just another ad hom, right?

Such is, in conclusion, the depth of the argument you previously made.

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Anonymous No. 16174028


The whole
>"intelligent people are actually more attractive and vice versa"
shit that /pol/tards, /fit/tards, /r9k/fags and even a few mongolic /sci/tards spout is merely a statistical artifact that arises from upbringing, being that people with less stressful upbringing and better nutrition grow up to be more attractive and intelligent merely from better reaching their genetic potential. Other than that very minor correlation, there is no relationship between attractiveness and intelligence, being that they are determined by very different genetics, and attractive people don't "tend" to be more intelligent.

Anyone spotted repeating this old trope that 4channers have tried to get going for some retarded reason, let's not kid ourselves it validates their world view, is a confirmed retard that never passed statistics or went to university.

Anonymous No. 16174039

Rest assured my ugly friends, there is no reason to believe you are genetically less fit for intelligence that someone else.

Anonymous No. 16174046

It's a kind of wishful thinking cargo cultism - if X correlates with desirable trait Y, then if I perform X, I must be Y.

Anonymous No. 16174372

There was an news article here a while ago that pointed out that wealthy men from the capital's west end preferred to marry beautiful women, and went on to have beautiful and successful children, who would have a preference for other beautiful people. Over time, the argument ran, the west end would be full of wealthy and beautiful people.
The uproar was as huge as you probably expected.

Anonymous No. 16175530

Are you a debier of evolution and how our brain works? We find something sexy/attractive because those signal of the presence of beneficial genes that increase the chances of spreading your genes. We find somethibg ugly if it decreases those chances and would result in a waste of resources.
We also are insanely good at reading people just by the face. Reading someone, his intentions, his emotions, his character is vital for survival.
And you are an absolute retard if you deny anything of that. Notice that you didn't mention any of that. Just some toilet arguments that have the weight of 0.

Anonymous No. 16175533

Moische, fuck off! Your ugliness is a manifestation of your intention, your character and your actions. It's a warning for others thaf you are a genetic trash.

Anonymous No. 16175540

You contradict to yourself. You do aknowledge that beauty is an indication of health and healthy lifestile which results in a higher intelligence. Then you try to deny it, just because thee are intelligent jews, but all jews ar ugly. You all are ust defectiv. Defective car can still go fast, butt's still a defective car that should be sent melted into metal.

Anonymous No. 16175958

You didn't understand the post.

Anonymous No. 16176151

>Rich twats get trophy wives and their rich kids fail upwards
Wow, really needed a whole study on that huh

Anonymous No. 16176170

>We find something sexy/attractive because those signal of the presence of beneficial genes that increase the chances of spreading your genes.
Other way around, son. Finding certain things attractive is what will increase the chances of spreading those genes. It might just be a fluke. Think peacock feathers.

Anonymous No. 16176247

Peacock feathers aren't a fluke. Chicks sired by chad peacocks with big, showy tails have higher survival rates.

Anonymous No. 16176265

Arwen my beloved....

Anonymous No. 16176267

Because of the feathers?

Anonymous No. 16176275

STEMcel PhD any day. She'll at least understand her plight and be open to genetically engineering our offspring to be moggers. She may even be one to surrogacy. Meme degree chicks won't be worth shit and won't understand anything, let alone agree to it. And I'm sure top will be a better partner and parent than bottom as end game careers take quite a bit of dedication and discipline to achieve.

Anonymous No. 16176279

Who knows? Probably not since the correlation holds for female chicks as well as males, suggesting the tails probably indicate good genes in a more general way.

Anonymous No. 16176287

>Who knows?
Well, if you don't know, then why should we listen to your half-baked speculation about it?

Anonymous No. 16176292

I'm sorry you're living in a world of stereotypes. I've never had that issue - perhaps because mental illness seems to counter the negatives of STEMcelhood.
>t. high IQ, high inhibition son of an almost as high IQ, low inhibition father

Anonymous No. 16176301

>tomboy incompatible with latex
How so? Ever heard of cam damage?
>t. latex enthusiast

Anonymous No. 16176303

A diamond without polished facets is a mere rock.

Anonymous No. 16176317


Anonymous No. 16176486

Mfw getting both
Mfw not the good combo
Not fat or a bitch so eh.

Anonymous No. 16176502

Too bad you can't polish a turd.

Anonymous No. 16177394

It was social sciences, what did you expect? And they had to be fully aware of the inevitable blowback. They wanted headlines and they got it. In more informal fora, far away from the chattering classes, people agreed that people in the west end look better than those in the east end. Not surpringly, people in the west end also tend to wear tighter clothes, plenty of spandex active weasr to be seen.

Anonymous No. 16177518

Breed the top ones, abort all of their female offspring. Lobotomize the bottom ones and keep them around as pleasure-slaves.

Anonymous No. 16177554

It's just two different strategies. One survives through great utility to the herd, the other through maximizing physical fitness to the environment/disease, etc. Think about the deeper reasons behind human differences instead of focusing on the superficial.

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bodhi No. 16177608



Anonymous No. 16177635

Idk, I live next to an Ivy League University and the girls there are so fucking hot it's insane. I know this is le anecdote but it makes sense that smart men would acquire wealth, power, and thus attractive women regardless of what the men look like, making their children more likely to be both smart and attractive.

Anonymous No. 16178025


So the question is then, how many of these girls will be increasingly intelligent over the generations?

Anonymous No. 16178718

picking bottom over top is literally why we have so many problems today, and also not very intelligent. however, top will not approach anyone because they have too much fear. You also fear the smart girl because you're probably sub 110 IQ anyway. Natural selection.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16178753

Didn't one from the top ones steal billions from her own bank, while having wild orgies with the other bankers?

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16178769

Didn't one from the top ones steal billions from her own bank?

Anonymous No. 16178776

Didn't one from the top ones steal billions from her own bank?

Anonymous No. 16178992

>You also fear the smart girl because you're probably sub 110 IQ anyway
Op here. Nope. I'm 125-130 IQ (inb4 you mention your internet test score), STEMcel PhD parents, 4.0 GPA in a STEMcel field. I don't fear the top, she just gives me the ick. Also since I grew in a STEMcel family, I became quite bored of the "muh soience muh progress" meme. I'd much rather have a beautiful, feminine wife who gives me a happy, beautiful family

Anonymous No. 16179010

If you're truly /sci/ you'll know that women are not and should not be valued on their intelligence but instead on their health and beauty, so definitely bottom for eugenics. Women having a high IQ is a genetic disorder and results in an unstable society, feminism, lowered birthrates and the ultimate downfall of civilization.

Anonymous No. 16179013

I'd pick the top. Yeah, they're probably be more fucked in the head than the bottom but every woman I've dated was the bottom and I was more depressed in the relationship then out of it. Not saying the top is going to make my life better, but I can cope. Otherwise, I'd rather just be alone honestly.

Anonymous No. 16179025

ChatGPT begone

Whether or not you're human, you're still an absolute bot.
Did you not read my post?
>I am a potato-nosed blackie.

Anonymous No. 16179029

NTA but I'm not surprised that a nigger hates beauty and its association with health, intelligence, and general level of civilization. The white man should have never uplifted your kind.

Anonymous No. 16179106

I just love how the women on the bottom know, accept, and embrace the fact no one cares if they're smart only if they're beautiful.

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Anonymous No. 16179115

Pretty people are more likely to have high IQ
i know it's tough to accept but that's the reality

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Anonymous No. 16179472

This is true almost by default since European and East Asian women have an average IQ of 100-105 and they're also the most attractive (esp. Europeans) while the world average without them is like 75-80.
But it's also true within-race in general.
So yeah, it's just a cope.

Anonymous No. 16179507

>This is true almost by default since European and East Asian women have an average IQ of 100-105 and they're also the most attractive (esp. Europeans)
Like the girls in the top picture? All Asians and Europeans.

Anonymous No. 16179543

>which would be better for an eugenics program?
None of the traits that I would select for are listed in your image, so I'd not select anyone simply due to lack of information.
Altruism is the most crucial of all traits, there is no society without it.

Anonymous No. 16179650

>Like the girls in the top picture? All Asians and Europeans.
There are no Europeans in the top picture. Caroline Ellison is Jewish

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Anonymous No. 16179661

I would choose this.

Anonymous No. 16179675

she's uggo

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Anonymous No. 16179680

My wife. She's super liberal but I could save her

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Anonymous No. 16179684

Gas both, they are human beings and are already obsolete.

>thinks either are getting a salary, let alone above 5figs in the post covid world

Anonymous No. 16179685

>STEM girls are worthless as women and mothers
ALL girls are worthless as women and mothers.


Anonymous No. 16179688

Probably the genetic mutations that made them smarter also made them uglier and more prone to health defects.
Pretty common in all animals 2bh.

Though sometimes ugliness can also mean they're dumber.

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Anonymous No. 16179692

It isn't true to begin with.
IQ and "good looks" are weakly positively correlated.

Anonymous No. 16179693

>Mouthbreathing will result in no chin and will result in a low iq.
All memes and jokes aside, thank fuck I didn't have nose issues until I was well out of growth periods and later in adulthood.

Living with nasal issues is actually fucking my life up right now. It makes you so much more confused and foggy.
Part of the reason covid causes fog is due to poor circulation in nasal cavities.
I think everyone nowadays understands this problem now. Covid has really taught many how important air flow through the nose is. You can breathe through your mouth, but for some reason it's a very inefficient method of circulating air and it can literally affect the brain.
So mouth breathing is no longer a mere jab, it's a literal health problem that can cripple people's lives.

Anonymous No. 16179696

Nah both are psychopathic and evil because they are human beings.
I used to think top were better, but I've seen them become so weasel like that they're a cringe as the bottom. Both deserve gassing.

Modern lemming-humans should not be tolerated.

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Anonymous No. 16179697

I've looked worse than that for 10 years and I'm not even 30.

Anonymous No. 16179701

Well I disagree with that totally. The top of most cohorts I've seen are clearly uglier and that makes sense to me genetically.
When you have drastic gene mutations you can either be:
>smarter and uglier
>dumber and uglier
because of them. Things like heterosis especially creates this situation and I know this personally because my body is all fucked up from my genes and I some excelled well past the capabilities of both parents at school. Like Dad was C/D average, Mum was about B average and I was a literal academic award winner (AFTER spending the entire year boozing at parties and dicking around too).

But as a consequence I'm balding early, aging and in poor health (like constant migraines), have mental health issues and have general skeletal and organ issues that both me and my sister have and that neither parent have.
So I think they're just wrong and don't understand how genes really work.
You'd expect drastic gene mutations to either increase intelligence greatly, or greatly diminish it.

Anonymous No. 16179706

Start with yourself.

Anonymous No. 16179715

No I'll do everyone but me thanks.
Mainly as an act of revenge.

Anonymous No. 16179718

"Revenge", lmao
Real entitled incel energy

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Anonymous No. 16179719

In my experience there is no or a slightly positive relationship. The smartest person I know pretty much looks like pic rel. My n=1 cancels out our n=1. And both bow before data

Anonymous No. 16179730

Funny how people always approach discussions about eugenics in terms of who they'd fuck, and never removing themselves from the gene pool.

Anonymous No. 16179734

this e-thot has 1441 simps giving her money MONTHLY on Patreon. It takes TWO minutes of her video to scroll through all the names of simps giving her at least 8 euro a month. she's making six figures as a science slut and she's not even posting nudes. I'm not even an incel (married with kids) but even she has to admit being a woman is living life on easy mode

Anonymous No. 16179744

You see, when a society's flaws literally give a person literal cancer, they have such thoughts.
Society is nothing but a parasite that gave me premature death.

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Anonymous No. 16179746

I think eugenics is a horrific hive phenomena like dysgenics.
Both are cancer because they promote the longevity and success of these horrible creatures called "human beings".

Anonymous No. 16179748

I reckon it's your genetics' flaws that gave you cancer innit

Anonymous No. 16179751

You'd think that, but I can literally detail the specific cause and date because of the symptoms that begin from that point.

Anonymous No. 16179753

Do tell, this'll be good.

Anonymous No. 16179760

I fell in love with this girl after watching her quantum rant, the one that made her channel blow up I guess. I would give anything for women like that to be at least 3% of women. Instead they're like 0.000001%. She's not even that impressive, I didn't like any of the other stuff I looked at on her channel or anything. It just made me think, god damn, imagine going on a date with a bitch and she starts mansplaining what she actually cares about and/or does for a living, instead of just being an empty husk that "likes food" and watches/talks about the same shit every other normie hipster watches / talks about lately.

If she was the baseline for a certain type of woman, even a relatively rare one, life would be completely different. Instead, I was around women who were supposed to be like her for ten years, academics and scientists, and I aggressively tried finding even one of them who enjoyed talking about her research or who cared about what she does, cared about anything for that matter, and they don't fucking exist. Autistic women have been stamped out of existence by internet and smartphone culture because something innate and primal in the female mind, some terror of "standing out," "being weird," and thus repelling Mr. Right when he comes along, has formed a symbiotic relationship with the algorithm and turned them all into the same person.

Women with PhDs in Physics/Maths are the most boring sacks of shit in the universe now. Where are all the autistic women who actually care about things? Where are all the man-like frumps with high IQs and deep interests? Nowhere, that's where.

How many years did I waste looking for women with souls? This physics lady was just a glimpse of the 0.0001% that still exist by some fluke, not enough to sustain the male autist population, and even she is not that great, you can tell she's still a normie. I would be willing to wage a global crusade to save women with souls from the NPC oversocialization meatgrinder.

Anonymous No. 16179770

This is hardly a problem in non-meme countries; extreme poverty that would lead to appreciable effects on factors such as intelligence or beauty just don't exist anymore.

Anonymous No. 16179776

>Mr. Right
Referring to yourself? lol

I'm in academia and it's full of women and all of them will enthousiastically regale you with the details of whatever niche topic they're researching at the moment. But I don't know what your problem is with STEM women; my girlfriend studied biology and she's autistic af.

Anonymous No. 16179826

No I literally cannot because it's real fucked up and could get me killed.

Anonymous No. 16179833

You're dying anyway.

Anonymous No. 16179842

you don't need to be in absolute poverty to be
>stressed during development
>eat shitty GMO corn slop instead of food
>be macronutrient deficient
>become a mouth breather
>be micronutrient deficient
>sleep like shit
>not receive the proper exercise
the fact you weren't creative enough to think about this before making your retarded posts shows you to not be very intelligent and, by your own logic, fucking ugly.
4channers in general have this predilection with trying to force others to see that somehow discrimination is fine and actually merited, this is just a part of that, since it allows them to justify shitty treatment of ugly people, which is hilarious to hear coming from the Shrek formed inhabitants of this website. But when asked, "no I'm actually very tall, handsome, smart and have a 9 inch dick", is the response you get from them, as if the probably true stereotype of the basement dweller could somehow be true at the same time that 60% of the website claims to be charming and athletic.

Anonymous No. 16179857

The enthusiasm you see in this girl that seperates her from the women with PhDs in Physics/Math that you've met before is that this woman is reading a script for a presentation with video editing. Look at her desk, even after putting it in order (somewhat) there is barely any space for her to do work on it. If she's doing anything to begin with it's certainly not on this set up, and she's not going to put on make up for when she's doing actual work, just for this camera set. You're just ogling a girl who gussied herself with a slight nerdish chic and is modulating her voice while reading a script. She may have done actual research at other times too but that's literally just a coincidence and has nothing to do with what you see on camera here. I'm sure if you went to most Women with PhDs in Physics/Math and gave them 100k to read a script about whatever for a few hours a month then they would happy naturally and of their own volition put on makeup and speak enthusiastically to a camera because it's common sense that's what you do when you're presenting something that will be viewed by millions of curious laymen.

Anonymous No. 16179882

Similarly, you've probably noticed how every other person on 4chan is a happily married engineer with a blonde tradwife and at least the requisite 2.1 children making $200k easily and owning their own home

Anonymous No. 16179914

I remember when having a wife, kids, and making 200k seemed impressive

Anonymous No. 16179940

Anonymous No. 16179942


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Anonymous No. 16179965

Eugenics gets a bad rap by normies, in the main because Hitler lost. If he won, we'd all already be benefitting from it.
Today forced eugenics has highly negative connotations but we all participate in positive voluntary eugenics via sports and pickyness in dating. But that's messy and imprecise. What we need is a non profit eugenics club that people can choose to join and have a litany of test conducted on them and performance evaluations and at the end your given a rank. The higher your rank the better your genes, objectively. Then society will start choosing higher ranked individuals and slowly over decades and centuries the health and vitality of humanity including intelligence will increase and we all will benefit to a greater or lesser degree.' A rising tide lifts all ships'

Anonymous No. 16179987


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Anonymous No. 16180177

That’s why a man like me with a humongous brain is planning to get two wives.

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 16180192

>we all participate in positive voluntary eugenics
Not with men using women to get women. That breaks God’s system.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16180207

>we all participate in positive voluntary eugenics
Not with men using money to get women. That breaks God’s system.

Anonymous No. 16180209

the bottom one. What matters most is femininity, loyalty and the yearning to be a mother and wife. Don't care about a woman larping as smart.

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Anonymous No. 16180211

>we all participate in positive voluntary eugenics
Not with men using money to get women. That breaks God’s system.

Anonymous No. 16180220

Men with money have good genetics, because they inherited the money just like they inherited the genes.

Anonymous No. 16180233

A man who can acquire money is a symbol of his good genetic ability for resource acquisition.

Looks Money Status.

Anonymous No. 16180243

>but why is that guy cuter than me, God?
You’re being tested. You’ll return to Earth as the cute one one day if you prove yourself worthy, and for that you must take the righteous path.
Hallelujah, brothers! Say it with me. Amen!

Anonymous No. 16180246

Both the females and males are being tested btw. If the female takes the money instead of love she is also committing a sin.

Anonymous No. 16180335

>the higher your rank the better your genes
My god you are a fucking moron. There are no "better" genes, merely different genes with advantages and disadvantages in different circumstances, which can easily change.
Another /pol/retard that fashions himself an intellectual from a few years of ultra right-wing propaganda.

Anonymous No. 16180338

Hey but I'm sure your views are super well reasoned and come from thousands of /pol/ infographics with non-misleading sources.

Anonymous No. 16180384

why would anyone want to procreate with the women on the top row? they look like deformed freaks compared to the women on the bottom row.
I would rather fuck a cute femboy and not having children than procreate with such monstrosity

Anonymous No. 16180401

>If the female takes the money instead of love she is also committing a sin.
What if she loves his ability to make money over him being a pretty boy twink giga mogger?

Anonymous No. 16180432

Top row: intelligent, calm and able to concentrate
Bottom row: drama queens that will murder you if your tie has the wrong colour.
See, that wasn't hard at all.

Anonymous No. 16180447

>Top row: intelligent, calm and able to concentrate
they have to be intelligent because they aren't attractive, they have to be calm because men and humanity at large has a lower tolerance for her being bitchy because she's ugly, and they have to concentrate because it's not like they have much else going on KEK what are they going to miss out on a party?

They need to clean themselves up, apply some fake up and hit the gym. Even then they need to settle with their looks match and stfu because the world belongs to women who look like the beauty queens on the bottom.

Anonymous No. 16180474

"Looks match" is such a dumb incel term.

Anonymous No. 16180504

I wish that were true, that way there would be hope for us STEMcels, but only single moms and fourth worlders have gold diggers

Anonymous No. 16180516

This is a false dichotomy perpetuated by Hollywood.
Intelligence and attractiveness are positively correlated.
It is only in the ultra-high-IQ range of 150+ that these correlations break down. But even in that range, it doesn't become negatively correlated.
A spiteful mutant wrote this.

Anonymous No. 16180562

>A spiteful mutant wrote this.
No need to sign your posts

Anonymous No. 16180599

Move on to the next attractive guy that has enough money. I wouldn’t mind at all being rejected if the girl said that I don’t have enough money. I understand that they want a certain quality of life and to bring up kids.

Anonymous No. 16180644

A really attractive guy with a lot of money can also be a mistake. Some of them have major personality issues.
The whole thing is very simple. You need to search for love and moderate necessary money. That’s it. Anything else and you’re making a mistake.

Anonymous No. 16180685

Your eugenics program wont work if ppl cant nut. Males have to play an active role in fathering offsprings.
Unless you resort to seemen extraction, in which case top would be the better choice, you'll have to choose bottom. You're asking if its worth trading faster intellectual gains in your population for the ability to naturally reproduce. The intellectual gains will ultimately be the same just slower if you go with bottom but your d00dz would be able to reproduce naturally.

Anonymous No. 16180705

M8 if can't nut inside a pussy then you got a problem

Anonymous No. 16180753

115iq underachiever waitress/cashier with pretty dimples and a nice ass. No face piercings.