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๐Ÿงต MIT eliminated DEI

Anonymous No. 16164696

>Elite university eliminates DEI hiring requirement: 'They don't work'
>MIT scraps diversity statement from faculty hiring process

Anonymous No. 16164713

This is good. Not only that it has been rejected but also that it was implemented. Otherwise we never would have heard the end of sjws complaining that dei had not been tried. Future generations shouldn't have to hear about it again for some time

Anonymous No. 16164760

They'll just change the name and continue on with the same shenanigans. "DEI" was only ever came to be to begin with because "affirmative action" was demonstrated to be a failure so many times that they decided to rebrand it under a new moniker

Anonymous No. 16164765

>only eliminate DEI statement
no shit, they just use other trick to implement DEI because the DEI statement get lots of backlash. you can infer the race and gender of applicants very easily from their profile.

Anonymous No. 16164793

Now they can switch to "REAL DEI" has never been tried.

Anonymous No. 16164815

Just another psyop. Don't fall for it. They pretend to be pandering to white men now, but only because they want to create acceptance for the upcoming draft. Prepare to see a lot of ads featuring white men "heroically" dying for their country in a war. And almost surely all the rightwing cucks are gonna fall for it.

Anonymous No. 16164825

MLK's was a gang rapist and his thesis was plagiarised

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Anonymous No. 16164879


Anonymous No. 16164880

"affirmative action" was ruled unconstitutional by the supreme court, thats why they renamed it, so they could keep on breaking the law by illegally persecuting whites

Anonymous No. 16164896

DEI programs existed well before that ruling. The real reason is "affirmative action" taking on a pejorative meaning.

(almost like singling out people for different treatment based on their immutable characteristics creates a sense of inequality even if you're only harm white people)

Anonymous No. 16164899

It doesn't only harm white people. By being the specially groomed class of DEI/welfare recipient, you also take the spot away from a BIPOC who rightfully deserves those benefits. There is only limited gibs to go around and it must be equitably distributed among those that suffer the worst, not just transgressionists posing as black doctors or whatever.

Anonymous No. 16164935

I think the breakdown of American equipment in the Ukraine theatre and middle east might prompt them to completely reverse the program to dumb down the goyim, at least in academia. Currently, Russia blows the fuck out of American anti-missile defense with hypersonics, and the Houthis and Iranians can defeat cutting edge patriot batteries by overwhelming them with extremely low cost drones ($100 vs $1 million for the missile to destroy it). Or just look at the F-35 platform for an example of American mediocrity on display. How can you defend Israel with this garbage?

Put differently, dead-weight niggers in academic institutions are an existential threat to the state of Israel, it's basically antisemitic for Leroy to even sit in a lecture hall.

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Anonymous No. 16164946

It was awfully nice of you to let me know not to take you seriously so early on

Anonymous No. 16164955

The Ukrainian front is collapsing as we speak. You may be a moron, but at least you'll be able to verify this easily in a couple months time. American equipment is not up to the task of defeating a near peer opponent.

Anonymous No. 16164998


Anonymous No. 16165810

>unleash a global psyop that destroys nations
>quietly withdraw it in your own nation
USA glowies are 50 years ahead in psyops

Anonymous No. 16165916

Bullshit argument.
In every country I can think of, they have some form of affirmative action for underrepresented minorities. Even China has one. The only reason it was such a huge controversy in America is because white Americans are racist toward black Americans, even though black Americans weren't even the only recipients of affirmative action.

Also the reason universities are starting to pull back DEI programs is due to wealthy right wing jews. They are terrified of the pro palestine protests in universities.

Anonymous No. 16166035

You're expecting a level of self-reflection that the people in power lack. There will be many books written about the war but none of them will have any impact on how the future unfolds.

Anonymous No. 16166073

don't waste time arguing with retards, they lack neither have the brain power nor the will to change their status of being cattles.
join the dark side and farm the fuck out of those retards, be like the jews.

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Anonymous No. 16166078

So true, those dumb-asses always fall for it.

Anonymous No. 16166087

real dei was never been tried

Anonymous No. 16166088

tapping the sign early

Anonymous No. 16166101

In my country we had reverse DEI, the rich built legal moats around their wealth and privileges and kept most people out. It wasnt just about their own money, but about controlling public assets, national resources, etc. It also failed since it wasnt selecting for the best, only for those in the club.

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Anonymous No. 16166221


Anonymous No. 16166730

thats every american war since the 1960s
>outspend enemy 100:1
>lose anyway

Anonymous No. 16166736

What is winning if not 10xing turd worlders in kill count

Anonymous No. 16167750

Right, but who runs away with all the profits?

Anonymous No. 16167970


50+ more years of pax americana.


Anonymous No. 16168602

oy vey stop noticing!!!

Anonymous No. 16168663

DEI and Affirmative Action harm the groups they "favour" more than anyone.
Those programs mainly just create suspicion of accomplishment for said communities.

Anonymous No. 16168759

>Otherwise we never would have heard the end of sjws complaining that dei had not been tried.
this way they'll have to claim that true dei was never tried.

Anonymous No. 16169928

>mainly just create suspicion of accomplishment for said communities.
The don't create suspicion, everyone already knew before DEI how incapable negroes and women are. What DEI had proved that negroes are women are willing to lie about accomplishments in order to pretend that they're as capable as the white men the envy so badly.

Anonymous No. 16170496

out with DEI
in with TND

Anonymous No. 16170623

>In every country I can think of, they have some form of affirmative action for underrepresented minorities. Even China has one.
Concentration camps with forced labor?

Anonymous No. 16171464

The Nyghurs brought that on themselves by being violent troublemakers

Anonymous No. 16171482

They're not chinese and doesnt want chinese ruling over them.

Anonymous No. 16171487

Until everyone is black, can we really call ourselves DIVERSE?

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bodhi No. 16172367


Anonymous No. 16172379

Asians have been complaining a lot, if you think MIT or any other establishment organization cares about whites you're delusional

Anonymous No. 16173129

>I am the savior of the precious Nyghurs
nice baizuo virtue signalling, but you aren't, you wouldn't even lift a finger for your own neighbors

Anonymous No. 16173523

>Elite university eliminates DEI
Thank God, the new IED program will surely fix everything.

Anonymous No. 16173538

>American equipment is not up to the task of defeating a near peer opponent.
Then why did the front collapse after america stopped sending it?

Anonymous No. 16173543

Rome survived the crisis of the third century by 300 years when it had every right to fall at that moment.

Anonymous No. 16174690

Total Negro Deification? That's what DEI was.

Anonymous No. 16174727

the (((military-industrial complex)))

Anonymous No. 16174747

now we get rid of the regressive communists.

Anonymous No. 16174749

Fuck you that's wrong. Companies these days are flooded with Indians who shouldn't be allowed anywhere near there. You probably have spent 0 days in a workplace related to science. You've probably never seen people who are better at bullshitting everyone than doing their actual job. You will then you will know when you are picking up the slack and still being shit on for it. They should not be there in the first place, and they're making bank off of us being absolute frauds.

Anonymous No. 16174960

>when improvised equitable diversity blows up in your face

Anonymous No. 16174970

if you guys really wanted merit society you wouldnt have jobs and unis would be asian and east asian with a bit of whites. not all blacks are morons you guys are just racist and should head back to your containment board

Anonymous No. 16175837

>and unis would be asian

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Anonymous No. 16176528

>racism is bad
>I hate racists
>whites are all stupid btw, I hate them and wish they would all die
why are "antiracists" so incoherently irrational? has science figured out why that is yet?

Anonymous No. 16177643

Its all part of their white genocide agenda

Anonymous No. 16178797

how come nobody ever tried this?

Anonymous No. 16178817

Those fifty wealth families don't want it to happen so it doesn't happen.

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jews and servants.jpg

Anonymous No. 16179426


Anonymous No. 16179439

Dude, what are you even saying? Stop just responding in anger and figure things out first. Even if other countrys were to give you an advantage based on race, location or wht not alone, not only would that be hella to late to only do once you enter uni, you would still be racist.

Anonymous No. 16179449

Its not a lack of self reflection, but rather the desolution of the group we think we were born into. There are n more similar looking people se can call upone when shit gets bad. Its all abstract now, some guy from india might want to help you more then your own neighbure, only the guy from india will never come when there will be trouble near you, nore will you think of asking. The global world has created atomised anti progressive crowds of people that can't organise as well as their anti regressive counterpart. Moralety isn't required in this argument nore inteligence. Simply speaking, the rule of large numbers and the lavk of a rational reason prevents us from reasoning some deep rooted conspiracy of the super stupid or smart side you happen to opose. Its all egoistic people making new allys by breaking established norms. Yes I have an IQ of 97 and am a academic failure.

Anonymous No. 16179451

I don't understand why americunts can't regularly add a single word to prevent a full on racewar.

Anonymous No. 16179455

Look it is one thing when people beat me for saying Kanak and Negro for having been bullied and beaten by a them as a child, but you just say it out of hatred man. There are useless people on all sides and sone that are not. I am manly useless for not parting with the past and repeating it, revenge is a comon theme, with the woke people.

Anonymous No. 16179615

It's pretty clear what Anon is saying. He may be racist but a program that disadvantages those with good scores in favour of those with low scores is going to hobble intellectual achievements. Even if the goal to uplift the socioeconomically disadvantaged can be reached it is going to negatively impact scientific output. Because at the very least it focuses efforts that would have gone into educating the smartest into playing catch up with the slowest.

Just because something is racist doesn't mean it is false. Also, per capita, Yakub.

Anonymous No. 16179762

rockwell respected Malcolm X

Anonymous No. 16180963

Thats because they pretty much shared the same beliefs. Thats also why both of them were assassinated by the CIA

Anonymous No. 16180998

The sandniggers will finally have something that they can excel at without being given free handouts, kek

Anonymous No. 16181177

Education is not the way to salvation anyway.
Science won't build a stairway to heaven. Every attempt to do so have only made our existence worse.
Spreading the gospel and enforcing beliefs is equally futile. Biology (genetics and environment) determine our desires and willingness to satisfy them.
Europeans does not need to be the shepherd of the uneducated, evolved for far away environments.
It's okay being black - in Africa.
It's okay being white - in Eurasia.
They don't need to know how to engineer an isolated home on the savanna.
They don't need to know how to slam dunk a coconut in the throat of a lion in civilization.
Unnatural desires are the Snake's spawn, just be urselfs.

Anonymous No. 16181182

It won't mean anything until the sociology and cultural studies departments are gutted,

Anonymous No. 16181221

>pretend that they're as capable as the white men the envy so badly.
It's both push and pull. Not only did they want to pull a cargo cult of having incompetents dress up like competents to show non-white could be pilots simply by wearing a pilot's uniform, they had to pull white men down so the gap between white men and others would be less obvious. It's not enough to simply "pull up" the inferior as that has very hard limits on its effectiveness, they must push down those with ability.

Anonymous No. 16181247

Two more weeks to Kiev!
Two more weeks to the imminent collapse of America!

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Anonymous No. 16181254

>They're not chinese and doesn't want chinese ruling over them.
Yes, they were the perfect vehicle for a judeo-glowtard color revolution. The chinese recognized this and simply took steps to stop or prevent it.

Anonymous No. 16182135

>we only need another $60 trillion dollars to defend muh jewkraine!!!
>gibes me dat moni fo free mufffuggin whitey

Anonymous No. 16182572

So... what exactly does this have to do with the post you're responding to?

Anonymous No. 16182916

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