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Anonymous No. 16164731

Whats the science behind how cordyceps fungus works, how to they zombify and control their insect slaves?

Anonymous No. 16164766

I don't think they really control their hosts as such, they just produce an instinct to climb high so that their spores can spread. Sort of how the cat thingy doesn't control mice, it just makes them attracted to the scent of cats.

Anonymous No. 16164822

The fungus will lobby the insect, providing it offers it cannot refuse

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Anonymous No. 16164903

They dont 'crontrol' anything as the wording would imply this. Much rather insects are very simple creatures and the funghus by chance produced a mutation that elicits a certain response from insects that host it. The response irself is very likely very common in the host species and the response the host will display when met with various similar stimuli. Selection then caused the funghus to retain the quirky mutarion because it works.
No micromanagement like control, no thought, intention or anything at play here.
In picrel the bird shown is docile and chill. Because thats its reaction to darkness. If a funghus managed to manipulate its eyes in any way where the bird would perceive darkness it would behave just the same.

Anonymous No. 16165322

v. handle and cause to function
it doesn't matter what the method is, the fungus still controls the organism and directs it. There is no getting away from this. Also, Cordyceps specifically manipulates the muscles of the insect rather than the brain or the senses. No part of the insects behaviour is typical or instinctual to it.

Anonymous No. 16165442

>America’s dick

Anonymous No. 16165445

>It's hasn't been circumcised and eaten by rabbi Goldstein

Anonymous No. 16165464

Tell me about the mask, why does he wear it

Cult of Passion No. 16165465

>He was but boy when they first put on the mask...but by then the darkness was nothing but blinding!

Anonymous No. 16166300

>No part of the insects behaviour is typical or instinctual to it.
Yeah this part unsettled me. Insects have no "climb high" behaviour.

Cult of Passion No. 16166301

That the very reason for hiding your daughter stems from your promoted actions in humanity, mf Dawkins=mustard seed eating bird=that nests in mustard seed trees.

Ergo, your very act upon the world creates the world you hate, Demos-cracy is your Allah. Pulling fruits and causing roots to die elsewhere, #notmyproblem. Mutually agreed upon consumption of the other, but if you know the rules you can play both sides and profite twice.

Humility breaks your sin...but Pride keeps you alive.

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died for israel.jpg

Anonymous No. 16166871

Anonymous No. 16166998

>how to they zombify and control their insect slaves?

I can't for the life of me find the cross-section images demonstrating this so you're gonna "have to trust me bro", but basically Cordyceps do either 1 of 2 things (they don't do both):

-They systematically consume and replace all the tissue inside of the insect with their own mycelium. Saving the brain for last, they gleam information and then eventually puppeteer the insects body into an ideal location to fruit and spread spores.
-They immediately infect a portion of the hosts brain and send out signals to alter the behavior of the insect, to the benefit of the fungi, while very slowly rationing the insect. Once they 'learn' a good spot to fruit they'll direct the insect and then consume them entirely - bursting out of their head.

This Anon: >>16164903 Is either wrong or I'm mis-reading his post, but I wouldn't consider it an entirely thoughtless process simply because the Fungi's success depends on its' ability to understand and utilize the insects' memories to its' own advantage. Ants infected with cordyceps that do a lot of foraging and exploring will have their infection process quicker because the ant actually has information on ideal fruiting spots - whereas ants infected that spend all day inside, tending to larvae or the queen, will begin to act 'erratically' as the fungi tries to salvage the situation and spend more time acquiring new information.

Anonymous No. 16167007

>Also, Cordyceps specifically manipulates the muscles of the insect rather than the brain or the senses
sounds completely made up
>No part of the insects behaviour is typical or instinctual to it.
Never heard of flooding? Floor is lava, bug goes up. Trigger that and it will go where the fungus wants it to.

Anonymous No. 16167041

So the infected bugs are essentially tripping balls until death?

Anonymous No. 16167044

Even worms have a "climb" high (or "dig" high) instinct. It happens in response to rain, when the soil becomes saturated with water, the earthworms come to the surface to avoid drowning. If a parasite could induce a signal in worms which made them "feel" like they were becoming enveloped in water, you would expect the earthworm to behave in a similar way to the cordyceps infected insects.

Anonymous No. 16167088

>If a parasite could induce a signal in worms which made them "feel" like they were becoming enveloped in water, you would expect the earthworm to behave in a similar way to the cordyceps infected insects.
Except this doesn't happen. Cordyceps leaves the brain alone. It controls the muscles directly.

Anonymous No. 16167140

It wouldn't have to access brain directly to make the bug feel like it's drowning, necessarily. Just the right hormone/substances released into the right area or the right nerve activated.

Anonymous No. 16167231

Sound like a simple thing, how do we make women feel attracted to creepy incels?

Anonymous No. 16167313

God, you really are a fucking idiot aren't you? A stupid fucking lowit subhuman. Jesus Christ. You are just so fucking stupid you cant even begin to understand how fucking stupid you are becasue you lack the necessary cognitive ability to even comprehend something as simple as that. Its actually hilarious in a way. Like watching an animal being unable to understand its reflection in a mirror isn't another different animal. That's the sort of level of stupid you are. Fuckwit. Sterilizing yourself would be the greatest gift you could bestow upon Humanity.

Anonymous No. 16167355

>It controls the muscles directly.
stop lying, sped

Anonymous No. 16167924

you seem upset

Anonymous No. 16168509

Hey man that's not very nice. Get that cordyceps out of your bonnet before you post next time.

Anonymous No. 16168512

That looks like a redditor.

Anonynous No. 16168519

Kuul posta, gpt

Anonymous No. 16168530

That makes a lot more sense. I find it really hard it can "read" and "write" into a brain to modify its behavior. Tampering with input/output signals seems far more feasible.

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Anonymous No. 16168532

Epstein and his team of underage professionals were a key part in making offers they can't refuse.

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hawking at epstei....jpg

Anonymous No. 16169587

all the most famous scientists are part of his list of friends

Anonymous No. 16170483

>sounds completely made up
it is pretty much, the guy that popularized the ideas that float around about that fungus is an old boomer hippie drug addict charlatan by the name of paul stamets. he used to sell psychedelic mushrooms for a living, but got busted too many times so he ended up shilling fungus soience fairy tales instead

Anonymous No. 16171442

I saw one of his lectures, he has all sorts of stupid stories that only a gullible IFLS retard could possibly believe, seems like the type that would be popular on Reddit.

Anonymous No. 16171490

You're saying there's a fungus that makes birds blind?