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🧵 Concerned Homie Needs Scientific Help

Proud Man of Science & God No. 16164938

I need some help, /sci/entists. I have this friend who I’ve been hanging out with for the longest time. We go out to bars and clubs. We pick up on girls and we aren’t afraid of being called non-PC. We both embrace the realities of the world and the natural order of things. We acknowledge that women are inferior to men. They are weaker biologically and that is how God intended it to be. Women are supposed to be the nurturers and the child-bearers. Men are supposed to serve as their protectors. My friend and I both acknowledge this to be true.
The only problem is that my friend doesn’t completely acknowledge reality like I do for they are a transgender male-to-female person who self-identifies as a lesbian. I tried to convince him several times that this is either a phase or they may be going through some trauma. They were never really abused by their parents or siblings so I have no idea where this desire to be a woman comes from. I also tried to explain to him that regardless of how much hormones they consume they will always retain that biological advantage. That God-given strength that all men were given.

I’m a man of science and I refuse to accept falsehood. You are either both male or female. Males are defined with a penis and females are defined with a vagina. There are exceptions, but they are too few to really consider changing the status quo. My friend always danced around this subject and told me that there is scientific evidence that estrogen could decrease a person’s muscles rendering them weaker than they were before. He tried to show me all of this supposed “evidence” yet it all comes off as some bullshit that the big pharmaceutical companies would use to sterilize children.

Proud Man of Science & God No. 16164940

My friend was my homie. I thought we’d always be boys until the day he stopped talking to me. First it was for a couple of hours, then a few days, days turned to weeks, and weeks turned to months. Eventually, we haven’t spoken in years. It wasn’t until a few days ago that he sent a text message wanting to see what I’ve been up to. We chit-chatted for a while and I asked if he believed that he was a girl. He just told me that he was always a girl and that was the reason he stopped talking to me. He said that I was belittling him and never really cared about his identity. I just don’t get it. How could a brilliant scientific mind such as his fall victim to such pedophilic degeneracy? So, I asked this question to you: what evidence can you provide me that would finally convince my friend that he’s clinically insane? I have to save him from making a terrible mistake and it costs him his eternal soul.

Anonymous No. 16164943

The answer is that you're not getting your friend back and that's because you're too god damn stupid, OP.

Anonymous No. 16165277

Psychology is no more a science than your dumb boyfriend is a girl, so you aren't going to get anywhere with this.