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🧵 Erdos Number

Anonymous No. 16165001

I officially have an Erdos number of 2, anons!

Does anyone else have an Erdos nunber?

Anonymous No. 16165619


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you what?.jpg

Anonymous No. 16165631


Anonymous No. 16165990

Seriously, mine is 5. Not great, not terrible.

Anonymous No. 16166718


Mine is greater than yours. It's infinity!

Anonymous No. 16166722

Are you an alien? Perhaps you are Erdos from an alternate universe.

Anonymous No. 16166726

Someone being proud of being part of a group?
That sounds like potential identitarian thinking.
And that sounds like anti-semitism to me.
>Early life

Anonymous No. 16166729

Described by his biographer, Paul Hoffman, as "probably the most eccentric mathematician in the world," Erdős spent most of his adult life living out of a suitcase.[19] Except for some years in the 1950s, when he was not allowed to enter the United States based on the accusation that he was a Communist sympathizer, his life was a continuous series of going from one meeting or seminar to another.[19] During his visits, Erdős expected his hosts to lodge him, feed him, and do his laundry, along with anything else he needed, as well as arrange for him to get to his next destination.[19]

Oh, Epstein knew what he was doing.

Anonymous No. 16166780

New thesis advisor?

Anonymous No. 16166790

One of my professors has an erdos number of 3, so ig that makes me a 4 if you stretch things.

Anonymous No. 16167134

It doesn't count unless you coauthored something with him and published it.

Anonymous No. 16167153

my erdos number is one
>t. rando on the internet

Anonymous No. 16167226

Ha you knew Paul Erdos?