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🧵 Lock In

Anonymous No. 16165147

I'm unsure where to post this IG here because it's psychology. But I am a 27 y/o m, have severe ADHD, no money, no insurance. I need to 'lock in' so I can get licenses/certification tests to have a better job for more money.
I don't have a job now
>no money.
Therefore, I can't see a psychiatrist for pills
>no insurance.
What do I do? How do I lock in? HOW DO I FOCUS?

Anonymous No. 16165214

you sure do seem to like talking about yourself on social media

Anonymous No. 16165243

I once read that it's possinble to titrate (legal) chemical analogues of Meth to make DIY stimulant pills. Active ingredient in Adderall is just Amphetamine, so you just find a substitute and dilute it sufficiently (oversimplifiying, but you get it)

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Anonynous No. 16165257

Hey, you posted this in my thread a few weeks ago as well.

You're a regular spammer aren't you?

Anonymous No. 16165308

>Therefore, I can't see a psychiatrist for pills
You have ADHD, not shit-tier IQ I assume. You can plan. If you can't take up debt or organize a repayment plan, just save for a while. You have SOME income evidently.

Otherwise, get on meth and use it productively. You need to have ironclad willpower to not abuse it, but it can be done.

Anonymous No. 16165338

It's impossible to use street meth for ADHD drug therapy because the purity (and therefore the dose) are completely unknown. If you somehow knew you had pure dextromethamphetamine, then 5mg once per day is typical.

Anonymous No. 16165362

>, have severe ADHD,
Get a piece of lead, and put it in your drink. Give blood before you begin for easier absorption.

Anonymous No. 16165433

Weed can help with focus. The first few days you have it you feel real stoned and like doing nothing, but after a few days of smoking every day you start to get in the zone and can do stuff and feel more calm and boring things become less horrible. Helps me anyway

Anonymous No. 16165652

Don’t do street drugs, as other anon pointed out. You don’t know the purity and thus the actual those if you’d want to microdose them.
The best you can do is legal / weak stimulants - caffeine and nicotine pouches if you can afford those.
More importantly, you need to get your shit together. Even with meds much of managing ADHD is working on yourself.

Anonymous No. 16165671

Learn meditation.

Anonymous No. 16165850

>What do I do? How do I lock in? HOW DO I FOCUS?

Anonymous No. 16165987

you're retarded. I don't use 4chan. even if I did, why would I be in a shit thread like yours?

Anonymous No. 16165991

I wasn't planning on it. That's the first thing I thought of, purity. Ik a regular lab would be cleaner than a trap house with a lab.

Anonymous No. 16165994

that's stupid.

Anonymous No. 16166554

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