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Anonymous No. 16165345

why is the older sibling sibling always smarter
studies say its cause the parents spent more time with them in their childhood but that feels like bs
whats the real reason?
Is it cause our first baby always has more braincells?

Anonymous No. 16165372

older mother = lower quality eggs

Anonymous No. 16165435

I'm not the older one, but I'm the smartest

Anonymous No. 16165459

how's the top of the bell curve?

Anonymous No. 16165504

Oldest child is always a narcissist. Youngest child is always gay

Anonymous No. 16165535

Ubcanncy. How did you know?
My elder sibling is an autogynephile trannoid (pathological narcissism) and my younger sibling is gay.

Cult of Passion No. 16165538

>autogynephile trannoid
The ego version of Allah, not the dissolution of genders but a hyper-affirmation of both positives from either side.

I noted this same thing on the genetic splitting of the male/female root genes, Jesus and Judas essentially when in both male forms (as these are segmented hybridization of billions of years ago).

True "The only Allah is the One Allah" is without "self" much of the time (or should be but its in a human body so...yeah, reverse evolving means reverse one's self).

Cult of Passion No. 16165539

>affirmation of both positives from either side.
Hence why the Quran says the relationship between Allah and humans is "master and slave, no more, no less", as Allah is "A Father to no one."

Cant be a "Father" if youre not male, can you?

Anonymous No. 16165702

Carrying a child for 9 months is a literal nutrient drain for the mother. Statistically, the child that's conceived shortly after one is born will have a weaker frame. There's studies suggesting that second-born girls are usually more sexually attractive for this reason, while second-born boys are usually less so.

This >>16165372 may play a small role as well, but when the woman is in her teens and 20's, it doesn't matter as much. Nutrition plays a much, much bigger role then.

If you want multiple peak children, you need to space out the conception a bit more, like 3 years, and you need to make sure the mother is eating well to build up her nutritional reserves.

Anonymous No. 16166541

weaker frame as in physical only or mental too?

Anonymous No. 16167239

As above, so below.

Anonymous No. 16167289

i have an older brother and i am way smarter than him, he's a feeler

Cult of Passion No. 16167319

No, Anon, you have a sister.

I do too. sHe kisses shers boys in the lips. I dont visit the US anymore.

Anonymous No. 16167348

I'm the youngest of all my siblings (across multiple moms and dads but moot point), and I'm the smartest out of 12.