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Anonymous No. 16165583

Scientific consensus on this guy? What should be the aim of science if we're not to progress? In my eyes, God gave us brains for a reason.

Anonymous No. 16165586

Humanity can progress without abusing the shit out of every quantum of progress only to cater to its comfort addiction and laziness.
One part is figuring out how to do things. Equally important is understanding why and when to do those things and what side effects they have.

Anonymous No. 16165592

>weak painkillers
>no antibiotics
>no vaccines
>awful surgeries
Thank god for technology

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Anonymous No. 16165612

>Scientific consensus on this guy?
-CIA niggers destroyed his brain
-talented mathematician who chose a different life path instead
-critiques of society are largely spot on
-if you want to change the world by blowing people up you need way bigger bombs and ideally airplanes to drop them out of

>God gave us brains for a reason.
Human intelligence came directly from Satan. It's literally page 2 of the bible.

Anonymous No. 16165620

can you give me the bible quote

Anonymous No. 16165678


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Systematiker unter sich No. 16166158

>Scientific consensus on this guy?

Anonymous No. 16166384

Are you saying medicine exists to keep soldiers alive?

Anonymous No. 16166398

>What should be the aim of science if we're not to progress
What counts as progress? If I used my understanding to better oppress others, can I call that progress?

Anonymous No. 16166405

> critiques of society are largely spot on
Naw, it was bullshit Marxist pseudo intellectualism.
The only way to have dense society’s and enough green space for the people who want it is through free market capitalism.

Anonymous No. 16166415

He is right, but it's too late. He will not be remembered after the nukes fall, but civilization will champion his ideas.

Anonymous No. 16166496

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