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๐Ÿงต A reality based-economy

Anonymous No. 16165731

Apologies for this post I know it is not the right board, but there is no more philosophy board so I guess this is were I found the best fit for this mental exercise.
So I've been wondering much about this idea of a reality-based economy. In such a world realism rules:
- there would be no debt since debt is not something material nor real. No one could pay another with a promise, and no currency would ever be emitted out of thin air.
- trading doesn't exist, since we know that there are no truly fungible items in reality, no two grains of rice are ever the same. In other words, items have no value of equivalence to trade. Only elementary particles with the same quantum properties are truly identical and tradeable.
- There would be no days of the week, nor months, for they reflect nothing in reality. (today is not a Wednesday, in case you're wondering)
- There would be no private property since physical objects, though they have many properties that can be measured, none have a "belongs to" trait.

What other quirky characteristics would such a place have?

Anonymous No. 16165741

It would be difficult defining and dealing with events: there is only one event, only one present.

Same thing with objects, categorization, etc: it all depends on the brain cataloguing and defining arbitrary boundaries between "moments", "events", and "things". In reality, not only is there only one ongoing event, there are no distinctions whatsoever between objects, since their probabilistic wave functions extend towards infinity, asymptotically, meaning that they all touch eventually, and they are all the same thing, fundamentally (there is only on electron, etc)
I'm not sure survival would be possible because, fundamentally, reality is chaos, and chaos in incomprehensible, and therefore, impossible to survive in.
It MIGHT just be that in order to remain, people must live in a world of categorical hallucinations, just we do.

Anonymous No. 16165744

>just like we do
fixed, apologies.

Anonymous No. 16165971

> there is no more philosophy board
/b/ is the philosophy board

Anonymous No. 16165980

>/b/ is the philosophy board
nothing last more than 5 mins on /b/, you can't have a single proper conversation about anything on there

Cult of Passion No. 16165986

Spreadong the Imperial Truth isnt a back and forth dialog.

Go...spread the Gospel with pride and faith.

Anonymous No. 16166060

>What other quirky characteristics would such a place have?
such a place would not have contracts or laws

Anonymous No. 16166069

yuval harari the vegan transhumanist homosexual israeli intellectual said that humans can be controlled with all kids of tales and abstractions that are not real

He says you cant convince a chimp to give you a banana because if he does he will go to chimp heaven after he dies

Anonymous No. 16166075

>such a place would not have contracts or laws
good premise there, why do you figure?

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Anonymous No. 16166077


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Anonymous No. 16166089

What is ours is ours, what is theirs is theirs.
What is ours is ours, what is theirs is ours.
Untrained goy:
What is ours is theirs, what is theirs is ours.
Trained goy:
What is ours is theirs, what is theirs is theirs.

Anonymous No. 16166108

well these are all made up, no?
I often think about the value of promises, all contracts are promises. Like "i owe you buddy". Thats a tradable asset.

Anonymous No. 16166558

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