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Anonymous No. 16165979

Why are maths teachers like this?

Anonymous No. 16165985

That's just pedophile in general

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Anonymous No. 16166005

At 15 you are an adult. If you are not mentally developed at that age is because you are a negroid animal and you belong in a zoo.

Anonymous No. 16166020

>math teacher
>living in a luxury apartment
>grooming in quotations

Anonymous No. 16166049

Imagine how much more sexually developed men would be these days if more of them got to bang their hot teacher

Anonymous No. 16166124

not pedo if its from women to boys

Anonymous No. 16166146

We all know the boy was black.

Anonymous No. 16167275


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Anonymous No. 16167535

And now the boy has to pay child support ...

Anonymous No. 16167539

In which case it won't experience any progression of maturity past the age of maybe 5. I will leave it open to someone else to decide wether this means all of those are either adults past 5 or terminally infantile.

Anonymous No. 16167562


5.5/10 wouldn't recommend
>15 yo
At least get your shit right, she's not depraved enough for Epstein island or the Senate
women amirite

Anonymous No. 16167648

Everytime I see shit like that I wonder what lucky bastard from my class fucked teachers, but was just not stupid enough to reveal it.

>5.5/10 wouldn't recommend
It's a teacher, retard. Unless she's absolutely hideous, it's hot and you fuck her just for the sake of fucking her.
Same rule applies to female politicians, famous business women and such. Unless she's really ugly, it's automatically hot.

Le pedophilia and le morally wrong are just bullshit reasons made up to cover up the real reason the state fights teacher-student relationships: because it would undermine the integrity of their brainwashing camps (also called schools) and the whole system would eventually collapse.

>she's not depraved enough for Epstein island
That's exactly the age of the girls on Epstein island. Was there ever a recorded case of an actual child (meaning prepubescent)? The youngest I saw was 13.
My theory is that the media made a big fuss about all these stories to cover up the real cases of child and baby abuse + blood rituals happening on the island. There is also no way they would kill Epstein over sex with some 15 year olds. This was literally normal in Hollywood in the 80s and 90s. Soo many actors and musicians had recorded cases of sex with 14 year olds. Literally nothing happened to them. So the public Epstein cases are most likely a huge distraction campaign.

Anonymous No. 16168465

>£345 Gucci belt

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Anonymous No. 16168685


YES, feminism went from wanting women to be equal to men to wanting men to be cuckold ATMs for women.

Anonymous No. 16168718

>And now the boy has to pay child support ...
wait is that how it works in the US? if a 12 yr old knocks up a 40 yr old women he has to really pay that shit? and there's no way to loophole yourself out of that?

Anonymous No. 16168960

Yes, that is the way it works because in the US legal system the base concept is the child deserve to be supported by its parents and the misbehavior of a parent shouldn't punish the child or deprive it of resources. That the child was a product of rape, even statutory rape, doesn't absolve the "victim" of responsibility for supporting their biological offspring.

Anonymous No. 16168994

two polar opposites

Anonymous No. 16169009

>maths teacher
>black student
Be real.

Anonymous No. 16169131

>Grooming is the thing that has to be done to a horny teenage boy to get him to have sex with a hot teacher that wants his dick
So has the word lost all meaning or did it never have any to begin with?

Anonymous No. 16169154

That doesn't apply to Muslims. Their women know they will get their faces destroyed if they even thing of trying that shit.

Anonymous No. 16169165

All words that can be used to reliably generate revenue by themselves (read: clicks) are now compromised and exploited for that end pretty much exclusively now. Then retards see these same words, now used in this general context, and use them as frequently and with as much specificity as the articles they read them on. We should stop teaching people how to read desu senpai

Anonymous No. 16169168

It means taking care of ones appearances, especially when it comes to facial hair, skin, and nails.

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Anonymous No. 16169174

They have rivals in their own parties. They would lose support that would go to someone else with better chances to get into power positions in the next elections. And once they lose enough political power the enemies they made in their way to power would be able to destroy them.