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๐Ÿงต Nuclear Fusion Power is Our Future

Anonymous No. 16166212

How can we convince retarded hippies that they shouldn't be afraid of nuclear fusion power?!?

Anonymous No. 16166216

Nuclear power will never be allowed to flourish under the current regime because they want to bilk you for fortunes selling expensive energy sources instead. They always have and always will find a means of preventing nuclear power for civilian use even though nuclear power miraculously works seamlessly perfect on their armed goon boats and submarines.
And by "they" I mean (((they)))

Anonymous No. 16166223

Strange that jews have a disproportionate love of fossil fuels, compared to other demographics.

Anonymous No. 16166229

I'm not afraid of fusion power, or even dislike it. Much in the same way I don't hate santa claus or the easter bunny.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16166232

Easter bunner.


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Anonymous No. 16166235

>>16166229 fusion nuclear power is a myth?!? Wasn't there a major breakthrough that happened recently??

Anonymous No. 16166243

Worse, it's sci-fi bullshit. If it were a normal myth then maybe we would stop wasting our time on it. Yet, it's a plausible myth like space elevators or zero point energy, which keeps people trying, wondering how to put the pieces together in a way which will make it work (it wont). I'm only afraid of shit that actually exists.

And no, I mean fusion which generates a net positive energy, obviously you can perform fusion at small scales.

Anonymous No. 16166261

Will we ever be free of fossil fuels? Isn't it true that one day fossil fuels will run out?

Anonymous No. 16166326

Nuclear fusion power is a hoax. Sure it is not only theoretically feasible but will definately work one day soon. That's true. But it will never provide the general energy requirement of the human population. Particle scientists understand this. But particle scientists also understand that they can not rely on the public to accept the spending particle experiments require if they are to progress. Now if it all was for the primary purpose of a future energy source, that would be a different story.
In simple terms: By the time we have figured out fusion energy we will have long perfected renewables to the point where we won't have any need for fusion energy other than in niche applications, say backup power or space exploration.

Anonymous No. 16166332

But wind, solar and tidal power all have problems as well.

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Anonymous No. 16166494

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16166499

What is probability? What is time under improbability?

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Anonymous No. 16166506

So, the harder you try, the faster you burn out?!?

Anonymous No. 16166579

also fears over nuclear proliferation. Gay excuse as everyone should have nukes

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Anonymous No. 16166649

They don't love fossil fuels per se, their affinity is for fossil fuels which are sold at 800% of their extraction and delivery cost as justified by their choice to restrict the fuel supply using made up excuses such as "global warming" or "muslims bad"

Anonymous No. 16166652

This graph is fundamentally flawed. Fusion didn't fail in the 70s because funding dried up. Funding dried up because everybody could see it was going to fail. Even in the 70s they realized pretty quickly that cold fusion was an impossibility with any technology which could be developed for the foreseeable future.

Anonymous No. 16167714

holy fung that picrel

Anonymous No. 16167742

Now explain nuclear.

Anonymous No. 16167863

My state just ignited its 6th fission reactor, it's not as bad as you think...or is it?

Anonymous No. 16167935

I'm not afraid, still oppose it because I understand how many people will lose their jobs. I don't care about some utopia that will never happen anyway because the rich will only get richer and simple man will have shit of these benefits.

I don't care about the enviroment because its a scam.

So, fuck your powerplants.

Anonymous No. 16167955

Why not build a Dyson Swarm around nature's fusion reactor The Sun? Simple mirrors could focus light or localized solar collection arrays could beam power back to Earth via lasers or some such magic. Instead of 10,000 fusion plants just run one system.