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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ ๐Ÿงต Can I scientifically stop being racist/rapist etc.?

Anonymous No. 16166214

I'm tired of having compulsive thoughts about killing niggers, jews, browns, fags, etc. and raping random women I see on the street. I got a girlfriend roughly a year ago and thought they'd go away but it's just gotten worse. Also I love talking about myself if you couldn't tell.

Pic unrelated

Anonymous No. 16166215

To clearify: Ive never raped anyone so the partyvan need not come to my house.

Anonymous No. 16166245

Have you talked to a professional about this? I understand that it's difficult to find someone you can trust, but I genuinely think that finding a person who you can talk to that you can trust will help you a lot. Note that it's very difficult to find someone both that you can trust, and that's trustworthy, but if you manage to it could make a world of difference.

I spent much of my 20's struggling with constant feelings of violent desires every time I would get inflamed by some minor inconvenience. It took literal years of working it out with a (male, fairly conservative and sympathetic) therapist in order to be able to work these things out. I have hope for you too brother.

Anonymous No. 16166251

Fix your diet, try keto and exclusion of certain foods

Anonymous No. 16166417

No, and I don't have great trust for psychologists in general, but I suppose I could try...

Anonymous No. 16166431

Your post reads like a shitpost, let me tell yoo; You're probably not a racist, you're actually a leftist
Every leftist I know (every single one of them, and I know a lot) hates women, they have these femdom fantasies and they hate themselves, but deep down they really hate women, and that's why they're so vocal about being feminists, a lot of them end up being rapists and abusers, and they think all males are the same, they just can't fathom the idea that not everybody is like them
Same with racism, they are very vocal about muh racism, everything is racist to them, but deep down they still feel superior for some reason

Maybe you have the same problem, you're trying to compensate, there's a cognitive dissonance or something like that

Anonymous No. 16166472

I think your distrust of psychologists makes sense. However, I don't think you really have much of a choice but some sort of professional help.

That help needs to come from somewhere. It could be a doctor or it could be a pastor or a yogi or monk but it needs to be someone that you trust enough that can help you come to understand why you have these urges.