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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16166419

How come the people who didn't get the vax didn't all die?

Anonymous No. 16166427

no one is unvaxxed anymore, the dumb ones just got it by being sneezed at

Anonymous No. 16166433

Still waiting for hospitals to collapse from covid

Anonymous No. 16166438

never got vaxxed. got sick once for 3 days from 2019-2024. everyone in my family gets sick every other month. funny how that works.

Anonymous No. 16166489

two weeks

Anonymous No. 16166568

If I was a global elite bent on reducing global population, I'd try to avoid fast deaths on a global scale. It would be a bit like a smoking gun, once that happens the gig is up.

If you slowly ramp up the mortality most people wont even notice, meaning you can keep the charade going that much longer

Anonymous No. 16166607

They are. Many were placebo.

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Anonymous No. 16166623

a number of them did. on average they had far worse health outcomes. anyway pic rel is what you believe.

Anonymous No. 16166626

>never got vaxxed
>still alive somehow
I only got sick for about 3 to 5 days idk
shortly after, everything seems to be fine

Anonymous No. 16166629


Anonymous No. 16166640


Anonymous No. 16166644

They will, in 2 more weeks.

Anonymous No. 16166646

just like all people who get aids dies instantly from it?

Anonymous No. 16166664

How come people who did get it didn't all die?
Because they were both irrelevant and didn't do anything substantial.

Anonymous No. 16166667

Or the vaxxed had become faggots

Anonymous No. 16167740

prove that aids is real and not just a syndrome faggots role play in order to demand attention

Anonymous No. 16167793

cancer doesn't instantly kill you

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Anonymous No. 16168481

pureblood chads, why do we keep on winning?

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confused math lady.gif

Anonymous No. 16168975

I followed the outbreak very closely, looked at the data, the graphs, the numbers and then concluded that I didn’t need the vaccine. I wasn’t playing Russian roulette.

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confused math lady.gif

Anonymous No. 16168978

I followed the outbreak very closely, looked at the data, the graphs, the numbers and then concluded that I didn’t need the vaccine. I wasn’t playing Russian roulette.

Anonymous No. 16168987

I can only give you the same advice as I give everyone IRL:
>Write down their names.
If you hope for there to be justice one day it is important you write down the names of everyone you know that was part of it. Only by cross referencing several accounts by several independent people we will be able to tell with good certainty who was in on it. Which is why everyone needs to compile a list of the names of the people who they remember pushing, supporting or benefiting from this.

Anonymous No. 16168991

Well, the usual tactics for dealing with the goverment (they tell you to do something, you do the opposite) turned out rather well for great deal of people who never got this vaccine. I'm one of them.

Anonymous No. 16169043


Anonymous No. 16169045

are you trying to reverse the roles now and project? wasn't it the people who took the vax who were going to die in 2 weeks you delusional fuckwad?

Anonymous No. 16169051

this bug where a post is posted twice is really funny, i hope they never fix it
also i doubt you have the IQ points needed to study a graph let alone make an educated conclusion

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Anonymous No. 16169057


Anonymous No. 16169222

>on average they had far worse health outcomes

Anonymous No. 16169223

nah the president got on TV and told the entire country that the unvaccinated were facing a dark winter of sickness and death

Anonymous No. 16169234

Never once did anyone claim that everyone who got covid would die. It has always been a mass vaccination to attempt her immunity and protect the small portion (but big number considering the scalr) of people who would present severe forms and potentially cripple the health care systems.
On the other hand it was claimed that vaccinated people would perish en massr. Don't reverse the positions now

Anonymous No. 16169272

Based and true
I work in a hospital. We ran out of vents and beds and had people on stretchers dying in the hallways. It was not a joke, a game, or a hoax. Most people don't see this because they don't go to a hospital, which is unsurprisingly full of the sickest people in the area. I'm glad that anons ITT didn't die, but not everyone was that lucky.

Also I have seen 0 (zero) vaccine complications. Anecdotal etc.

Anonymous No. 16169329

How long was the hospital like that?

Anonymous No. 16169425

People were saying it would be a cataclysm if the covid measures were undone before mass vaccination. This proved to be wrong.
I lived in a place where this happened. It lasted less than a month before it was completely forgotten.

Anonymous No. 16169459

It was never like that I was lying about the hospital. Also the vax made me infertile

Anonymous No. 16169643

They were literally doing triage and piling the dead in freezer trucks dude

Anonymous No. 16169648

>It lasted less than a month
Because precautions were taken. You know, the kind that you people immediately protested? The kind that wouldn't have been sustainable forever?

Anonymous No. 16169700

This was in Utah, where measures were weak. Hospitals also get overwhelmed during bad flu seasons every few years, but apparently being as pragmatic about a stronger than usual respiratory illness in 2020-2022 as in years like 2018 was taboo for some reason. I guess people just got spooked and let it get to their heads

Anonymous No. 16170255

>I work in a hospital.
>I have seen 0 (zero) vaccine complications
not surprising since your job is mopping the cafeteria

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Anonymous No. 16170980


Anonymous No. 16171837

><glow>(((for some reason.)))</glow>

Anonymous No. 16172380

amazing how pro vaxxers always argue in bad faith

Anonymous No. 16172383

>another bad faith argument
surely people would get tired of lying after this many years

Anonymous No. 16173130

atheists have no faith at all, they don't know what faith is, they are faithless and unfaithful

Anonymous No. 16173161

Why aren't all the people who got the vax dead?

Anonymous No. 16173250

Because the vax works.

Anonymous No. 16173563

dolores cahill says between 3 to 5 years. we are seeing it accelerate now.

Anonymous No. 16173564

for vaxxers. snap!

Anonymous No. 16173565

Well, it's good to know that when the lynch mobs form, they'll base themselves upon such rigorous evidence as "the list of names I kept"

Anonymous No. 16173567

How is telling you that they don't have confidence in your ability to interpret the data "bad faith" exactly? But it's nice that you've found an excuse to dismiss the opposition out of hand. Real good faith there.

Anonymous No. 16173571

Many are. Only a third of excess deaths were people with covid and even many of those died of other causes while they happened to have covid. Two thirds of excess deaths are unexplained and people like you just pretend they don't exist so you can maintain the internal story running in your head that makes you the good guy for being part of the panicked mob that demanded tyranny.

Anonymous No. 16173572

You're retarded

Anonymous No. 16173581

two more years

Anonymous No. 16173584

Good faith on display

Anonymous No. 16174966

sadists enjoy lying

Anonymous No. 16176079

2 more weeks

Anonymous No. 16176121

Scientists at the outset of the hoax in March of 2020 were claiming that a billion or more people would die of the epidemic worldwide, so about 13% of the global population. Even if 90% of everyone got vaccinated, we still should have seen 100,000,000 unvaccinated deaths if covid actually existed. In reality about 10%-20% or so of everyone took the vax so there should still have been nearly a billion deaths from covid.
Instead practically nobody died from it and those that supposedly did "die of covid" were cases like George Floyd, who died of a drug overdose and they gave him a phony PCR test so they could categorize his death as "covid related"

Anonymous No. 16176849

Those scientists were clearly idiots and the fact that they retained their credentials afterwards just goes to show what joke science is these days

Anonymous No. 16176965

Gee it's almost as if the planned herd immunity worked as intended, you're welcome

Anonymous No. 16177696

so humans are just cattle to you?

Anonymous No. 16177710

why would i get something that isn't medically necessary?
i assessed the risk of covid to myself based on graphical data and personal anecdotal experience of many people around me having it, and simply just decided it wasn't that big a deal to me, i wasn't really at risk of anything. why would i get a vaccine for something i'm not worried about?
then so be it, i'm willing to face the consequences of making my own decisions

Anonymous No. 16177719

a good enough portion are

Anonymous No. 16177882

No they weren't. Hospitals were busier during the flu of 2013

Anonymous No. 16177906

It was all bullshit. I'd still be embarrassed to be a vaxxie though since 90% of them got it without their consent showing the world they have no backbone

Anonymous No. 16178342

baiting /pol/tards with shits like this is genuinely the best form of entertainment on earth

Anonymous No. 16179270

>/pol/ lives rent free in my head
>/pol/ is all I think about
>my life revolves around /pol/

Anonymous No. 16179573

>How come the people who didn't get the vax didn't all die?
Because the mortality rate isn't 100%
Very obvious answer, anon

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Anonymous No. 16180170

Anonymous No. 16181049

Tattoos are for mentally ill retards, don't ever bother wasting time on anyone who has one.

Anonymous No. 16181056

everybody itt has been brainwashed by intra-governmental and globalist ngo propaganda. cope.

Anonymous No. 16181059

> Vax kills people
Tf you mean it's supposed to increase global mortality

Anonymous No. 16181064

Herd immunity dipshit.

Anonymous No. 16181315

>It's been [length of time inserted here]. Shouldn't all the unvaccinated be dead by now?
>B.1.1.7/Alpha enters the room.
>It's been [length of time inserted here]. Shouldn't all the unvaccinated be dead by now?
>P.1/Gamma enters the room.
>It's been [length of time inserted here]. Shouldn't all the unvaccinated be dead by now?
>B 1.351/Beta enters the room.
>It's been [length of time inserted here]. Shouldn't all the unvaccinated be dead by now?
>B.1.617.2 / Delta enters the room.
>It's been [length of time inserted here]. Shouldn't all the unvaccinated be dead by now?
>B.1.1.529 / Omicron enters the room.
>It's been [length of time inserted here]. Shouldn't all the unvaccinated be dead by now?
>BA.1 enters the room...
>BA.2 enters the room...
>And BA.2.12...
don't worry, anon... it's not for a lack of trying...

Anonymous No. 16181323


Exception proves the rule, retard. Of course you're going to find one unvaxxed person on the whole fucking planet who didn't die of covid. Ever heard of herd immunity?

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Anonymous No. 16181347


Anonymous No. 16181398

That's a wrinkled sticker.

Anonymous No. 16181495

It's the arm of a 67 year old. Might also be a sticker but at that age, the wrinkles come naturally.

Anonymous No. 16181539

everyone I know who got the vax past their 30s got cancer or neurological issues or some other thing

strokes, heart attacks, chest pains, brain fog and memory problems so bad it seems like they've got early onset

Lots of people died from covid, and it was mostly old people. Lots of people died from the vax, and you probably denied it was real. Now people are getting mystery health issues and they have been for a few years now, and you will continue to ignore the spikes(gottem) in these sorts of things until it's forced into your face, because you're a retarded cock gobbling faggot that can not, and never has been able to, think for yourself.

I can imagine it now. How proud you must be of your intellectual autonomy, your supposed intelligence. Lots of you here are like that. Lots of you are actually pretty dumb though

Anonymous No. 16181543

wow weird that's not what I remember at all. But then again I didn't take the vaccine so my memory is probably intact, I guess.

Anonymous No. 16181564

>everyone I know who got the vax past their 30s got cancer or neurological issues or some other thing
how many people is that? I can only imagine it to be true if you know just one person over 30

Anonymous No. 16181568


Anonymous No. 16181586

6 off the top of my head, and that's just people who I know personally well enough for them to divulge any health issues. To be clear, that is almost all the people I know over 30 well enough for that to be a thing.

One person got their stroke immediately after taking the vaccine. Two more got cancer, one got their heart attack, one is complaining about chest pains and their thinking has gone to shit. The rest are ditto on the brainfog and "long covid"(despite being vaccinated).

I talked to a professor a year ago who remarked that all her students were basically fucking stupid now, and I was the exception. I mean, I usually feel that way anyway, but to have it brought up to me unprompted was a bizarre moment of clarity. Here was someone confirming what I know to be true with her own personal anecdotal experience. Now, you'll probably discount that just the same as my own anecdotal experiences, because anecdotes are totally worthless, right? Except where does the data come from? Who controls the data? These are questions you should've been asking yourself years ago if you weren't already, but most people simply do not have it in them to ask these sorts of questions and find the answers, I've noticed.

Which is fine. I actually take some amount of pleasure in being an exception, personally. Certainly it makes it easy to stroke my ego online while surrounded by midwits.

Anonymous No. 16181631

I'm not sure what you being exceptionnally sharp has to do with what we're talking about, generally speaking if you're meaningfully smart you'll talk about your achievements, not the praise you received.
Anyway, you're right about the fact that I don't believe what you said, it doesn't correspond to my personal experience as a doctor. I can't name a single person among my patients between 30 and 40 who have receieved a diagnostic of cancer in the past few years. I'm not sure about 40 and 50, I think there was one guy with a lung cancer, and with women it's a bit more tricky to speak because they often get diagnosis for pre neoplasic lesions or early stage cancers at that age (from cervix screenings among other things). The few people around that age who have potentially had serious side effects are people who developped cardiac arythmias and bell palsies. There's one guy above 30 who had a heart attack but he was unvaccinated, and actually was diagnosed with a covid infection at the time he was hospitalized. Anyway, most people who ask me about potential covid vaccination side effects talk about the most random things, like cold extremities, pain in the shoulders (that clearly corresponds to a rotator cuff tendonitis), erectile dysfunction, and then there's the chronic fatigue and general pain in people who have been depressed and out of work for years before covid was even a thing, but are now attributing the cause of their illness to the vaccine. And that's from seeing hundreds of people every week.

if you're actually saying the truth, I would check if there isn't a nuclear reactor around where you live

Anonymous No. 16181638

>doesn't understand how viruses work
>thinks other people don't understand it either
Here's your data dude:

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Anonymous No. 16181641


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Anonymous No. 16181644

LMAO, there is no way someone can be that gullible at 67.

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Anonymous No. 16181650

>generally speaking if you're meaningfully smart you'll talk about your achievements
You're right, I am non-meaningfully smart, but the anecdote related to the students specifically was in the context of how their mental and school performance has suffered in the wake of the pandemic. There are lots of possible contributors to that, but I don't buy necessarily that it was social maldevelopment, isolation, or covid that was responsible for the poor performance in that age cohort. Since I wasn't exactly clear about that I won't blame you for overlooking what I thought should have been obvious.

I also find it curious you don't mention any instances of neurological issues, but seeing as how you're probably a GP or something I guess they'd probably be trying to see a neurologist, or maybe you're burying that with the complaints of depression and fatigue.

I would suggest to you that perhaps your experience as a doctor is not as full or comprehensive as you yourself would like to think. It almost feels like you are deriding the people with complaints who attribute them to the vaccine. I am going to tell you from my own experience I do not trust the opinions of doctors unless they are seriously credentialed in a specific field of expertise. I certainly do not trust the judgement of someone who discounts ramped up complaints of fatigue and pain in his patients because it threatens his worldview.

Anonymous No. 16181666

shouldn't all the vaxxed people be dead by now?

Anonymous No. 16181674

bell palsy is a neurological condition
now that you mention it, I know a woman that also developped multiple sclerosis but I'm pretty sure she is unvaccinated considering I don't think she ever mention it, while on the other hand I keep trying to convince her to start her medication but she's afraid to take it and prefers to try curing it with lifestyle modifications

as for the last thing, I'm very open to hearing about covid and covid vaccine consequences. That's why for the few past few years I've often read this type of threads and looked up things for myself. It's very unfortunate that the people complaining about mass media misinformation are the first culprits, often posting completely misleading infographics and headlines. I have enough history of medicine knowledge to know that sometimes there are unfortunate and unexpected side effects to promising treatments, that's why I'm often cautious when a new molecule is released before giving it to my patients. I'm pretty sure there are things about mRNA vaccines that we don't know yet, but the way to move forward isn't to spread fear and ignorance, it's to study objectively the effects, try to figure out why they happen and what we can do to remedy them, to make newer generations of vaccine more efficient . That's how medicine has always evolved, and that's how it'll keep improving.

Anonymous No. 16181708

I'm sure victims of thalidomide would've preferred a little fear and ignorance over what they got. The same can be said for a countless multitude of other things. The problem is that you cannot undue the past, and in a world where consequences matter, certain realities have to be faced. One of those being that the rolling out of the mrna vaccines hurt a lot of people, and it was for money and political points, and to use people as guinea pigs. Possibly even a malicious act to reduce the population, but I guess we will just have to wait for the FACTS on that one.

Objective study is pointless when it's an ad hoc smokescreen to hide wrongdoing. That's your issue. You are so caught up in the meaningless horseshit peddled to you in your medical ethics course you never stopped to think why it's weird pharmaceutical companies are pumping out vaccines paid for by the government with nigh immunity to litigation over potential side effects. Now, other people can take a look at something like that, or how people that they personally know are suffering clear causal reactions to the vaccine, but that this is never documented, never included in official "statistics", never taken seriously by the medical professionals whose job it is to know how this works ahead of time, and they wonder: why aren't things adding up here?

Assuring me over the internet you are cautious and objective doesn't mean anything. What matters is what happens, and simply put, I trust your judgement as much as you probably trust mine. I wonder how many of your other patients, former or current, feel the same

Anonymous No. 16181724

I am not a doctor, but I'm 40+ and I agree with your overall evaluation. Almost everybody I know in my area (90%) was vaccinated with multiple doses of mRNA and, anecdotally, it seems to me the onset of various diseases in the last couple of years is compatible with their age and previous conditions. In particular I don't see the unvaxxed faring any better than the vaxxed. Lifestyle choices and proper treatments seem to matter more to their well-being (from small things such as quitting smoking and using an air purifier if you have a chronic cough; doing daily nose rinses with salt water if you have sinusitis; to getting exams done asap if you have an infection; living in healthier areas to avoid cancer; etc.)
I'm also reading the VAXX threads regularly on this site, to keep myself informed (and, I admit, as a morbid kind of curiosity) and I'm still not convinced there was a (((conspiracy))) to poison everybody. The excess deaths vary wildly across vaccinated countries, so it's hard to use that data to blame the vaccine. We'll see in due time, I guess. Forcing people to take it or shaming those who didn't was a cultural low point though.

Anonymous No. 16181729

>Never once did anyone claim that everyone who got covid would die
The white house did. Thats why they destroyed 2 years worth of economy. Thats why the politicians gave their friends ~10 trillions dollars worth of stimulus.

The US debt doubled to ~$35 trillion now in the last ~3 years alone. By 2030, US debt will be ~$100 trillion dollars.

Anonymous No. 16181733

you're right about thalidomide victims, and even with the best treatments in the world, there is always going to be one person who will get serious side effects and who would have been better off without it. It's just how it is. It shouldn't however make you forget about the benefits of medicine. Those vaccines you and I received as child had previous, more primitive versions that also have caused a problems to a number of people. Yet they also allowed us to significantly reduce the impact of diseases like poliomyelitis, congenital rubella syndrome, so on and so on. If I had received the covid and even had a semi serious side effect like cardiac arythmia, I'd probably be pissed. But you have to look at the broader picture.I remember well the beginning of the epidemics because I often had to talk with patients throughout this period. Personally, I thought it was just a flu and that it would blew over. Then you started to see the disastrous situations in Italy, with hospitals filled to the brim and people dying in the hallways. People tend to forget that part. That's when other countries started to take it seriously.


Anonymous No. 16181738

And for the mRNA vaccine, they also forget something, the first available vaccines weren't mRNA based, they were the astra vaccine and the johnson&johnson ones. Very early on it became obvious that they were less efficient and more dangerous than the mRNA ones, which is why it became the main type of vaccine in the campaign. It could have gone the other way and no doctor would have complained about it, but facts are facts, it was a positive thing that we had a bunch of vaccines developped so that we could pick the one with the best profile. I'm sure pharmaceutical companies and government did a lot of shaddy things like they always do, yet it is understandable that they'd want some guarantees before pumping billions of dollars into developping and mass producing a vaccine while competing with many other firms. They could just as well not have done anything and we would have been stuck in lockdowns.

the last thing I wanted to adress is how you seem to think we doctors exist outside of what we're talking about. I received the same vaccine as the other, as did my parents, my siblings, and all the doctors where I work. If some catastrophic event had befallen us, why wouldn't I speak about it ? If doctors thought it was unreasonable dangerous, why did they get the vaccine in a vast majority ? There certainly certain parts of the covid crisis that should have been handled better, but it's always easy to say in hindsight, the fact is that there were reasons for most of the things that happen, and at the same time we should analyze what went wrong and prepare ourselves to face future epidemics with a better strategy.


Anonymous No. 16181748

>more primitive versions that also have caused a problems to a number of people
The issue with this being that problems caused by attenuated or deactivated viruses are usually problems with the batch and contamination and not an inherent problem with the design that should never have been overlooked, for a nebulous benefit that people knew wouldn't matter.

Want to know one of the reasons why I personally did not get the vaccine? Because I was lucky enough to be curious to read an article that touched on how fucking stupid it is to try and make a vaccine for a coronavirus, wholesale. The mutation rate is too fast, and anyone with a basic knowledge of immunology you get from a bio 101 course and a functioning brain can guess that immunizing yourself over and over again for a virus that is going to change by the time you get vaccinated is a self defeating idea in the first place. There's next to no reason to even get it unless you were in one of the "at risk" groups, and yet it was peddled as if it had a clear benefit, when the data in retrospect not only shows that this wasn't the case, in fact it was probably hazardous in terms of immunity, but that even at the time that's what the data suggested, when you knew what you were actually looking for.

There's something to be said about administering useless treatments out of fear and ignorance. This is the same mentality that has given rise to the antibiotics crisis looming on the horizon. Worse than running the risk of doing nothing, you run the risk of doing harm. The mrnas didn't even have functioning LNPs. They didn't take into account transcription skipping or whatever. And they wear down the immune system for less functional immunity, pumping cytotoxic proteins into people's bloodstream so that we can all pretend people are safe from a virus that wasn't dangerous past the first 12 months, to anyone.

Anonymous No. 16181758

My state's senator tried to hold a public discourse over vaccine side effects. People who suffered egregious side effects, including the loss of their children to the vaccine. Somebody's kid DIED. Pilots lost the ability to safely fly their planes, and an airforce doctor was soft fired for speaking out about this. A female soldier suffered such bad physical side effects, she couldn't go to ranger school.

What happened to these verifiable facts, these things that actually happened to real people, DIRECTLY because of the vaccine, with a temporal relationship so obvious you'd have to be retarded to deny it? Swept under the rug. Taken off youtube, off google, the internet, completely. Wiped. It happened though. To who knows how many people. Want to know why I don't give a shit about your experience as a doctor? The same reason you won't care that teenagers die from heart attacks immediately after taking the vaccine, or discount the hundreds of cases you can hear about, right now, from going on /pol/ or something and starting a thread. It's not real data, it's ignorance, it's fearmongering. Bullshit it is. Anyone with a brain who was reading about the vaccine and the virus knew it was trouble, and they knew the reasons why. Being a doctor doesn't absolve you of the responsibility of having to learn how something actually works and what its actual outcomes will be. That's legwork you still have to do, and you can't handwave it because it's convenient and easy.

Anonymous No. 16181773

>The same reason you won't care that teenagers die from heart attacks immediately after taking the vaccine, or discount the hundreds of cases you can hear about, right now, from going on /pol/ or something and starting a thread
I do care, personally I have never advised my patients to vaccinate their children, I don't think children vaccination was big in my country. I do however have a couple of children who claim to suffer of long covid syndrome (I'm not sure about it though because I only started seeing them years around 6 months ago and there seems to be a psychological factor at the very least, their work ups are still ongoing). I also have never fought to convince someone who was against the vaccine to get it, I've always did my best to explain it to them in terms they could understand so that they could chose for themselves, and have always been transparent about my own vaccination status. Keep in my mind that I, as a doctor, was among the first to be vaccinated. I was also on the first line during the epidemics and was exposed to the patients who had caught it long before the vaccine was available. It's easy to just categorize people you disagree with as plain evil.

Also, it's funny that you mention those hundreds of cases on /pol/, I go there sometimes, I check those informations on google. Literally 99% of them are misleading if not blatant lies. As I said, I'm very open to hear about the side effects, I think we should look for them, but if you want to convince me I will treat you to the same standards I treat everything else, don't expect me to just take your word for it.

Anonymous No. 16181808

I'd be very surprised if you were checking people's personal anecdotes through google, which is what I was specifically referring to. I'm certainly not going to recommend to anyone to explicitly trust random bullshit poltards spew, but when you have enough people coming out and describing the exact same things (strokes, heart problems, neurological issues, poor mental performance) immediately following the vaccine it becomes hard to ignore, unless you choose to believe it's all not real or out of the ordinary, or that it's some kind of mass psychosis or delusion.

I'm sure as hell not going to believe that the vaccine doesn't do something like, say, cause a stroke, when I've not only heard dozens of other people say they've seen the same thing, but I've seen it happen personally. IMMEDIATELY following the vaccine. And yet, the only people I hear talk about this are retards on /pol/. I don't see the statistics tracking severe neurological events following the vaccine, but I know they're happening. Why is that?

Anonymous No. 16181839

so you want me to base my views on unverifiable things I read on /pol/ over what I see in my own practice and studies that actually show their methods and results ? yeah no thanks. There are hundreds of people believing (or pretending to believe) in all sorts of stupid shit. You were defending earlier versions of vaccines in one of your posts, saying they're technically good but sometimes the batch might be contaminated, surely you're aware that antivaccination movements have been a thing for much longer than mRNA vaccines, on /pol and /sci/ included.Yet you still have your own opinion on that subject, just like I do.
If you think you've witnessed all these unreported side effects, you should compile them and send them for analysis at a pharmacovigilance authority. Advise those people to go to their doctors to talk about it if they haven't already. If they dismiss you, you can join a non governmental organization to raise awareness about them, contact newschannel to present the results of your investigations.
Don't just post unverifiable claims online and expect people to take your word for it. Even if some of what you say might be true, things like "everyone I know over 30 got serious side effects like cancer and strokes" are not only contrary to most people's personnal experience, it's also contrary to common sense. If the situation was so dire, don't you think everyone would talk about it ? Billions of people have taken the vaccines, that would be at the very least millions of people getting these fatal or very serious side effects. The hospitals were already overwhelmed by covid, a benign infection for healthy people according to you, so how aren't the hospitals exploding because of the side effects of mass vaccination ?

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Anonymous No. 16181856

>new flu is on the loose
>potentially lethal for weak people
>should we isolate the weak people and let society continue as normal?
>no, says the politician
>isolate everyone
>AND use a mystery vaccine on everyone
>that seems a bit
>you do as you're fucking told

Anonymous No. 16181886

anon I don't know if you read the part about where one of my senator's did this and got blown the fuck out by google. What you described in the last part of your post is literally happening to an observable extent, by the way. I recall the UK specifically was starting to get a little antsy about the massive uptick in neurological disorders warranting disability payouts. It's literally happening, you just don't care. Part of that's because you probably ignore the numbers that are there, just like you're writing off the complainants with chronic pain and fatigue as being depressed and out of work before the pandemic.

Anonymous No. 16181984


Anonymous No. 16181991

So you read Pfizer study and found more people died in the jabbinated arm than the placebo group and thus you aren't jabbed and recommended nobody get it then yes?

Anonymous No. 16182139

What's the point of this thread? No one ever said COVID has anywhere near a 100% mortality rate. However, millions of non-vaccinated people have died from it.

Anonymous No. 16182409

Millions of non-exercising people have died from obesity in recent years. Should we ban fast food, soda, and junk food for everyone?

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DoD mil vax stats....png

Anonymous No. 16182415

See pic. Death isn't the only affliction. From the DoD
I am unvaxxed. See pic by the way.

Anonymous No. 16182422

i love how people like OP want to pretend it was the other way around and they didn't claim that we will all die within 2 weeks or something
noone ever claimed that all anti vaxxers will die of covid, but a lot of them will have a worse outcome and spread it way more

Anonymous No. 16182434

Covid lockdowns were pointless, as were the mask mandates. The vaccine was a good idea for old or obese people. The weak died. I wish more fatties were wiped out.

Anonymous No. 16182445

Bioeng tourist here.
I have a simple question, doesn't getting infected by the actual virus have the same effects as getting vaxed?
Or is the gene therapy substantially different in it's mechanism of dummy spike protein production?

Anonymous No. 16182450

All sorts ridiculous claims were made about the dangers of covid at every turn.

Anonymous No. 16182455

funny story my sister was on mission deep down the amazon river basin during covid and she got furloughed there with a primitive tribe that does guided hunting and helps some scientists to collect samples that type of stuff. anyone she spent the better part of 2 years there instead of the 12 months originally intended. before she came back she would send me weird messages on facebook about how she could see huge moving light formations in the sky at night and the people with her could see it too, it looked like explosions at high altitude and lights clashing together, anyway her messages stopped and when she came back to civilization she got covid right away lol, and her lights disappeared, she never mentioned them again either.

i assume she just took some jungle juice or something.

Anonymous No. 16182693


Anonymous No. 16182859


Anonymous No. 16182866

she got fucked by niggers

Anonymous No. 16183302


People I know who didn't get vaxxed didn't get sick <the flu> until they were around the vaxxed. The time they were away from vaxxed at home for a while such problems.

Anonymous No. 16183307


Also, three people that AFAIK I know got the vax:

* one girl 13 died ("asthma") this year
* girl's mom (maybe 38) died a year before (last year)
* one boy around 9 died ("asthma") just buried

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Anonymous No. 16183329


Anonymous No. 16183334


That's a huge uptick there in 2020. 2022 is higher too.

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 16183345

*Ahem* /pol/tard bro's?

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Anonymous No. 16183351

well yeah, the vaccine was a sacam and they used the usual stastical bullshittery to claim it did something when the effect was within margin of error, big pharma made a lot of money and the government got to implement a lot of totalitarian shit that they were were planning to since before.

That being said, the vaccine was unsafe because it was rushed and created under entirely negligent purposes, but it was never going to kill off half the world's population and the people who think or thought that are the same one's that make a big deal about everything and are always wrong in the long run.

Anonymous No. 16183504

It would be funny if the next pandemic is actually deadly and hundreds of millions of antivaxxers die.

Anonymous No. 16184985

>/pol/ lives rent free in muh paranoid schizo head

Anonymous No. 16185742

you're pretty much admitting that you willingly took and untested and potentially deadly experimental medication for a nothingburger cold virus.
don't you feel stupid for having done that?

Anonymous No. 16186989

Yes, I regret that dumb choice I made, I wish I'd been smart enough not to do it.

Anonymous No. 16186991

There could be a plague with 99% of everyone I have ever seen died to it. They can walk me up to a dying man and give him a cure for this plague. He immediately gets up and deadlifts the world record and telepathically confirms to me that their jab worked.
Still not taking it.