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Anonymous No. 16166591

What can be done to counter the obesity pandemic in the US?

I have been pondering about this and have been considering that maybe enforcing a maximum fat and sugar per x grams would work on most commercial products, but this would need to be gradual.

Maybe by making physical education a daily thing in schools? Perhaps demanding a physical aptitude test for college degrees?

Anonymous No. 16166595

Taxing processed foods
Subsidizing unprocessed foods

Anonymous No. 16166616


Anonymous No. 16166627

add semaglutide and dextroamphetamine to the public water supply

Anonymous No. 16166630

literally make all of this shit illegal and execute all CEOs and government people who allowed all of this shit into our fucking country.

Processed sugar is literal poison and they put fucking benzos in our food too

kill them all

Anonymous No. 16166643

make concrete review of fda corruption, prosecute corruption with extreme prejudice along with the lobbyists enabling it, watch seed oils and most oncogenic stuff that passe for food these day vanish along with cancer rates(well now with the vaxx maybe not the later)

Anonymous No. 16166939

Exercise is for women and gay men. They should just fix the food

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16166967

The problem isn't too much of fat and sugar, the problem is the lack of other nutrients.

Anonymous No. 16166968

The problem isn't too much of fat and sugar, the problem is the lack of other nutrients.
People would naturally choose foods high in nutrients, but virtually all food is only fat and sugar.

Anonymous No. 16166996

Make it a legal requirement to label all trans fats in a food product

Anonymous No. 16167005

Give monthly fines to parents with fat children, and use the media to make it clear how disgusting fat is. The only realistic way to solve the fat epidemic is to make sure that everyone solves it in their own lives. You can't do it by anything retarded like fat or sugar taxes, since it's not "what" that makes people fat. It's "how much", i.e., overeating.

Anonymous No. 16167021

Sometimes I think you are some sort of extreme anarchists, who decided to kill anyone who can't effectively avoid authotity, but I believe you deserve to be tortured to death anyway.

Anonymous No. 16167135

unironically eugenics. when an obese adult (bmi > 30) goes to the doctor, they get forcibly sterilized without their consent.

Anonymous No. 16167138

Gubmint should lock all the fatties up and feed them only healthy stuff, like salad and soup. And to make them lift a little; not enough to cause heart attacks, but enough to burn calories.