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Anonymous No. 16166697

How do u guys find math fun?

What about it makes u love it

Anonymous No. 16166703

I'm an INTJ so I don't so much love it as see it as a means to an end.

Anonymous No. 16166704

To what ?

Anonymous No. 16166719

NTA, but depending on the field it could just be an application thing.

In my sub-field of engineering measure theory and functional analysis are super important despite them both being very "pure math."

Anonymous No. 16167171

Murdering everyone on the planet then spawning a civilization of cat girls, what else would one do with such power?

Anonymous No. 16167188

Brain makes good chemicals when I do math, I only get as much good chemicals when I'm fucking otherwise

Anonymous No. 16167190

You first, OP.
If you don't like it, think about something else you like and explain what makes you like it.

Anonymous No. 16167349

a clear truthful sense of what is wrong and what is right, security actually

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Anonymous No. 16167391

Finding connections between different ways to define something is cool. For example, picrelated is the same shape that you get by slicing a cone.

Picrelated and cone-slicing are two different ways to define the same thing and figuring out what the connection is between those two is fun.

That's just one example, you could have endless examples. As another example, the connection between a hanging chain and hyperbolic cosine function.

Anonymous No. 16167395

It's not very effective, then.

Anonymous No. 16168209

If you've never found solving puzzles fun then I'm afraid I can't explain it.

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Anonymous No. 16168217

(1) It helps us identify and understand structures and patterns in thought and nature that are not at all obvious on a first glance. It thereby reveals a great degree of underlying order across a wide range of ontological settings (e.g. applications of symmetries groups in physics, applications of graph theory, game theory, and the theory of relations to help us understand mathematical structures that underpin things like voting and human cooperation - e.g. see Arrow's Impossibility theorem)

(2) It helps us understand deep logical relationship between concepts that might appear very different on the surface (e.g. showing that one structure is equivalent to another - e.g. equivalences between certain classes of grammar, certain automata, and certain algebraic structures like semigroups)

(3) Mathematics can often help us construct much more sophisticated scientific theories.

(4) It helps us present arguments in a clearer and more rigorous manner.

Anonymous No. 16168236

It's one of the few things where I truly need to think, and I like thinking. I also get to feel like a genius whenever I figure something out

Anonymous No. 16168293

I just enjoy figuring stuff out

Anonymous No. 16168368

Solving problems with graph theory is the only time i find myself lost in work, it's also been professionally lucrative because most professionals i work with have PTSD from their discrete math classes.

Anonymous No. 16168426

Math is fun for many of the same reasons philosophy is fun. You're asking questions that can only truly be answered by your mind. However, math is focused enough to give clear goals and methods while also being broad enough to be widely applicable.

Trying to study the relationship between two sets? That's math. Trying to study a system that maps inputs to outputs? That's math.

Anonymous No. 16168592

>using the word infinite without stating the order
How is this allowed.

Anonymous No. 16168609

I like to get the ability to solve a greater amount of problems as I see them in daily life.

However I hate math as a discipline since it has evolved into a hobby for autistics, in which everything must have a proof, not necessarily an intuitive one, everything is described in the most convoluted way, the methods to reason a problem are never discussed, and is inaccessible in general. Each dedicates to their own area, nobody dedicates his work to construct an intuitive progression to explore the field.

Anonymous No. 16168614

So math is comparable to taking a big shit?

Anonymous No. 16168639


Anonymous No. 16169458

this kinda
intp and autism

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actually wears di....png

Anonymous No. 16169479

that's Kagome, isn't it?