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๐Ÿงต Bioinformatics

Anonymous No. 16167252

I am persuing a master's in bioinformatics and will do a PhD. once I graduate. Is this field any good? I would like to hear your thoughts and experiences. I gained experience working with MATLAB, python and R. Really good at mathematical analysis as well as biochem, genetics and molecular biology. It was hell pushing through all this but I did it and I'm proud so I just hope it will pay off atleast a bit. My thesis revolves around applying statistical algorithms to simulate CRISPR dynamics.

Anonymous No. 16167332

PhDs are always risky in terms of employment. Most managers don't have PhDs, which might be a problem.

Anonymous No. 16167352

>Is this field any good?
Not really. It's not as much of an interdisciplinary field as your pic suggests. Basically it's just biochem people who also know some programming.

Anonymous No. 16167353

Oh I'm planning on going after a masters in Bioinformatics myself. Any good site suggestion or books that you would recommend?

Anonymous No. 16167484

Check this guy's website in the description:

This covers all the basics in python:

Also learn the basics of MATLAB, it is well documented online.

On the book side of things I would recommend books such as calculus in biology and medicine, Philip Nelson's physical models of organic systems and a students guide to bayesian statistics. It really depends on your mentor and department but atleast some of this might be helpful for you.

Anonymous No. 16167494

>anon delivers
Yooo thanks. Best of luck with the rest of your masters. As worthless as this may sound as someone who isn't in the field, every lab is looking for a bioinformatician, the pay isn't that great I hear, but job security should be decent.

The stuff that I used when I was was
It's pretty good, but I always need something more.

Anonymous No. 16167627

I'm in bioinfo and I fucking hate it every single day. Everyone around me is doing single cell RNA seq nextflow docker shit makes me puke when I hear that s oy nonsense. Luckily I do something different

Anonymous No. 16167672

Kek at the picrel. Is there anything you mighty bio-codemonkeys not able to do?

Anonymous No. 16167701

Settle down ok?

Anonymous No. 16167849

everything, if actual in depth knowledge counts

Anonymous No. 16167971

midwittery language lmao

Anonymous No. 16167986

> "Really good at [...] biochem"
I hope you know how enzymes work, anon

Anonymous No. 16168012

>Reminder: /sci/ is for discussing topics pertaining to science and mathematics, not for helping you with your homework or helping you figure out your career path.

>If you want advice regarding college/university or your career path, go to /adv/ - Advice.

Anonymous No. 16168171

I hope you are ready to be a fraud.