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Anonymous No. 16167373

Which math classes did you enjoy the most

Anonymous No. 16167394

Intro to set theory and then abstract algebra then linear algebra. Iโ€™m a man of fundamentals

Anonymous No. 16167534

Spectral graph theory

Anonymous No. 16167556

You people enjoy math classes?
>Shit teacher algebra 1 (B)
>Good teacher geometry (A)
>Failed precalc, didn't give a fuck cuz covid
>Good calc 1 prof (A)
>Stopped coming to calc 2 because 7am class (B)
That's as far as I've come so far
t. Zoomer 2nd year

Anonymous No. 16167559

Oh yeah I also did discrete math. It was boring as hell but still got an A because online classes are a joke

Anonymous No. 16167691

most: intro proofs, math logic, real anal, algebraic topology
least: abstract algebra, commutative algebra, algebraic geometry

Anonymous No. 16168352


Just like the OP, "Calc 3" as Americavemen refer t it was really fun because we were doing "cool 3D calculus" and not just rotating surfaces of revolution.

I took Differential Equations rather late but I ended up liking it because I was applying myself again and fully engaged. Direction fields and all that, which are very tricky to visualize. The Wronskian, the one contribution by that poor Wronski who really liked math but wasn't terribly good at it, and was forced to retract things that he had hastily published. "Wrongski". In one homework I made some ignorant undergrad comment about how it should be easy to manipulate an x^x term and the professor commented in red pen "I can't!" It was snowing outside one day and he remarked off-hand "weather is just a bunch of DEs". I spent my evenings drinking discreetly and studying in the dorm study area (against the rules), figuring out how to correctly manipulate and re-arrange series all by myself. Did an extra credit tedium which involved understanding the pythagorean theorem at one point. Got on the Dean's List again that term.

Right when I started, dad expressed concern. I had been out of school for a while, and in the first week or so he made a general comment that "math is very technical..." (he's never had any aptitude for theory). During the first two weeks I got constructively pissed off at the homework assignments and I told myself YOU ARE GOING TO UNDERSTAND THIS, and I did. I finally learned "grit", the thing I was lacking before. Up until around College sophomore year I just easily understood everything all the time. O-chem was the first check, the first humbling experience that I have limitations.

I set myself a good workspace: computer in room with table space for book and notes, draft paper for draft homework to work out ideas, then real paper on which to put down the submitted work. Learning this physicality of how to really produce work was part of becoming fully adult.

Anonymous No. 16168359


I'll bet you did enjoy real anal the most.

Anonymous No. 16168363

Real analysis. Might've liked algebra but our schools curriculum for that was literally retard tier, I could read the textbook and do the problem sets in < 5 hrs every week