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Anonymous No. 16167526

Is budgeting useful?

Anonymous No. 16167533

Don't spend money like an idiot and you won't need to budget

Anonymous No. 16167563

I think the ability to make a plan and follow through is the real useful stuff.
Most people can't do that.

Anonymous No. 16167565

Most people don't even know where their money is going every month. You could look at their statements and see a bunch of garbage purchases and they wouldn't be able to tell you what it is. So yes you should budget

Anonymous No. 16167569

don't just budget your money, budget your time as well

Anonymous No. 16167575

Why don't we kill these kind of people? Nothing of value would be lost, we would help the environment and their jobs will be replaced by someone who does shit in a more efficient way or automate.

Anonymous No. 16167597

This. Pathological frugality + decent job is infinite money, it's insane

Anonymous No. 16167607

>Just kill 70% of the population and more people will just appear to take their jobs
This is your brain on communism.

Anonymous No. 16167618

Pay rent
Buy groceries
What's there to budget lmao

Anonymous No. 16167663

The internet should have killed frivolous spending. Unlimited entertainment.

Anonymous No. 16167666

Are you implying that 70% of the population is necessary for the survival of the other 30% and that being self-sufficient is impossible?

Anonymous No. 16167670

what stops you from wanting the next 70% of people dead after the first?

Anonymous No. 16167675

yes satan I am

Anonymous No. 16167743

What stops me? Well, the behavior of the remaining people stops me, since it's the behavior of the bigger bunch that made me want them dead in the first place.

But that has nothing to do with the question. What usefulness does having a bunch of people who consume without regard and take bullshit jobs give to the world in general? Don't you guys whine about climate change, carbon emissions, wind turbines and all that shit all the time? We would have enough of the resource if we didn't have this much people consuming part of it. If we scaled down there would be no climate change problem, no land problem, no environment problems at all.

You have scarce resources, how do having people who contribute nothing and actively harm help?

Anonymous No. 16167784

Economic productivity and wealth is not the measure of the value of human life you fucking demonspawn

Anonymous No. 16167790

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