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Anonymous No. 16167712

I want to get nuclearenergypilled. What are some good books about nuclear energy? Im mostly interested in the logistics behind it and how feasible it would be to carry out a nuclear trnsition instead of a wind/solar one. Im also fascinated by the prospect of nuclear powered cargo ships and other new developments in nuclear power.

Anonymous No. 16167716

read a book

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Anonymous No. 16167737

Thats what i intend on doing, any recomendations?

Anonymous No. 16168018

The common logistics of nuclear power is that it takes several years to set up and begin to payback its initial investment but it swings pretty fucking hard when it starts going compared to chemical/coal/etc plants which are smaller investments and faster to setup with the tradeoff of being rather medicore in their overall production when compared to nuclear. There is the thorium meme with nuclear energy but right now its kind of in limbo S-curve positive adoptions with the only meaningful advancements being safety and more practical redundancies put in place for modern nuclear plants to prevent disaster.

Anonymous No. 16168468

no, just go on amazon and take a risk, you want something broad anyway

Anonymous No. 16168469

For americans its cheap because Germany/Netherlands/South Korea/Japan/Qatar will finance these nuclear plants at extremely low interest rates, almost a gift

Anonymous No. 16168657

>how feasible it would be to carry out a nuclear trnsition instead of a wind/solar one
why "instead"? Those complement each other.

Some reading for new developments:

Anonymous No. 16168976


Anonymous No. 16169035

new developments suck, people want Trve Time Tested technologies.

Anonymous No. 16169071

Not a book, though Macro Voices had a 2 hour podcast about the current state of the nuclear industry and the trade offs of various reactor designs.

In terms of readings, I'd suggest going through a Nuclear Engineering curriculum.

Anonymous No. 16169156

The biggest issues facing nuclear power are all political, not matters of logistics or engineering. Of the roughly half a thousand second-generation reactors built ~40-50 years ago, only three (Three-Mile Island in '79, Chernobyl in '86, and Fukushima-Daiichi in '11) have experienced any kind of serious accident. By comparison there've been upwards of 500 major oil spills from ships or ocean drilling operations in the same period.

Modern third-generation reactors are a significant upgrade in both safety and efficiency, but we've built less than a dozen worldwide in the last 20 years; mostly because actions taken by anti-nuclear lobbies have made the initial investment costs and time commitment for getting new plants approved and operational almost impossible for most companies to overcome.

Anonymous No. 16169167

Why are private companies trying to control nuclear energy?

They know is a recipe for supervillain nukes city, right?

Anonymous No. 16169273

Wind and solar actively lobby against nuclear, brainlet. BP has stake in many of these too.

Anonymous No. 16169298

Wind is overpriced trash. Massive photovoltaic farms are a waste of resources. Simple as.

Anonymous No. 16169361

Steam Turbine for Dummies

Nuclear core is just a magical rock containing free energy

Anonymous No. 16169379

The best thing about nuclear energy is that building nuclear plants costs so much that you can convince people to keep using fossil fuels instead of switching to renewable energy while they wait forever for the market to build nuclear power plants.

Anonymous No. 16169440

pro nuclear podcast

anti nuclear podcast
Nuclear hotseat

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Anonymous No. 16169929

Just use the internet faggot, not everything needs 200 pages of filler trash. Most books can be summarized down to an article or two.

Anonymous No. 16170426

China is building way more solar than nuclear, and there is no political roadblocks there.