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Anonymous No. 16168285

Do you agree with what Darwin said or are you an anti-science evolution denialist?

Anonymous No. 16168307

"Species" just isn't a scientifically exact term, with its connotation of a reproductively isolated population, but we seem to be stuck with it. >>16168264

If fine gradations of orcas are supposedly "species" then what's with the politically-inspired demand that there is now just one species of human. Answer: It is a political statement.

Anonymous No. 16168341

From chapter 7 of Descent
>The American aborigines, Negroes and Europeans are as different from each other in mind as any three races that can be named; yet I was incessantly struck, whilst living with the Fuegians on board the ‘Beagle,’ with the many little traits of character, shewing how similar their minds were to ours; and so it was with a full-blooded negro with whom I happened once to be intimate.

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Anonymous No. 16168342


Anonymous No. 16168344

you are an idiot and also gay

Anonymous No. 16168385

Yes, people sometimes fuck animals. So?

Anonymous No. 16168428

>t. cuck

Anonymous No. 16168625

idk ask everyone on reddit and see if they agree with it or not

Anonymous No. 16168631

>great dane & chihuahua
>same species
>human black & human white
>different species

Anonymous No. 16168819

Darwin's terminology has fallen in disuse, but I feel like the key phrase here is "without any further information"

Anonymous No. 16169647

why do you presume that negroes want to be considered the equivalent of whites?

Anonymous No. 16169787

why do you presume that I presume that?

Anonymous No. 16170490

You're clearly upset at the idea that Africans and humans are separate and different species even though all the scientific evidence points to the fact that they are different.

Anonymous No. 16170552

I think it would be badass if we had multiple sapient species on earth. I don't know what scientific evidence you're talking about.

Anonymous No. 16171457

That was in 1871, on November 16, 1945 the UN declared that humanity was a single species and that all member nations had to abide by that idea. They had no evidence and there was no discussion or debate about science, DNA hadn't even been discovered at that time and they have never revisited the topic since.