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Anonymous No. 16168295

How do animals perceive transgender people? I'm genuinely curious. Has there been any research into this?

Anonymous No. 16168302

animals can probably tell who's in self-denial, I know this because I am one

Anonymous No. 16169426

good pic lol

Anonymous No. 16169432

I work in the bay area and my dog notices trannies and hates them

They can probably smell the male but see and smell the woman clothing and makeup and an alarm goes off in their head like normal people

I notice toddlers get freaked out as well

Anonymous No. 16169506

reminds me of a dog that was known to be uncurably racist.
The dog just did not like blacks and made it very clear. The dog belonged to a very lefty household so it's not like the dog was imitating anyone, quite the opposite I'm sure the attempts to correct the behaviour have never stopped.

Anonymous No. 16170310

Leftists are all extremely racist behind closed doors. Their aggressive virtue signalling is how they try to hide who they really are.

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Cult of Passion No. 16170338

I understand loud and clear.


Anonymous No. 16171328

based dog

Anonymous No. 16171975

They aren't stupid enough to presume that transgenderism is possible

Anonymous No. 16172999

Not science fuck off

Anonymous No. 16173527

what isnt?

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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16174205


Anonymous No. 16174219

Why would studying different animals ability to understand or tell human gender and how it influences their behaviour not be science ? Please explain.
IMO 'science' is not the subject but the method.

Anonymous No. 16174222

Animals can't perceive since they don't have concsiousness, which is god's special gift to man

Anonymous No. 16175067

>I work in the bay area
sucking dicks for a living or cleaning up human waste?

Anonymous No. 16175422

what macabre nomenclature

Anonymous No. 16175532

Male animals will still fuck faggots, so here's your answer.

Anonymous No. 16176425

providing oral sex services necessarily includes cleaning up human waste

Anonymous No. 16177470

you're an animal or you're someone who is deluded?

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Anonymous No. 16177533

he's someone deluded about being an animal

Anonymous No. 16177953

OK, thanks


Anonymous No. 16177976

I'm interested in how they can tell men and women apart. I can't tell the difference between most male and female animals. I heard a story that a dog started disrespecting his owner after he became a woman

>I notice toddlers get freaked out as well
I'm an adult and it still sends me on alert

Anonymous No. 16178909

>Animals can't perceive since they don't have concsiousness, which is god's special gift to man

christcucks and their hopeful delusions


Anonymous No. 16178946

can AI tell the difference between trannys and real people?

Anonymous No. 16178966

Dogs can smell your pheromones/scent, which changes based on your hormonal profile. Which can be awkward if you are closeted and taking hrt.
Hell, even humans can smell the difference between a man and a woman most of the time.

Anonymous No. 16179556

>atheist trolling while adding nothing to the discussion
why are you people all so cancerous?

Anonymous No. 16179580

my dog hates nonstandard bicycles of any kind. theres a guy nearby who rides one of those Recumbent Bikes and reggie goes fucking apeshit every time he sees it. he also hates bikes with wagons, tandem bikes, even kids tricycles. not motorcycles though, somehow I guess he views them as a type of car

Anonymous No. 16179592

Animals are least as capable as us at picking up visual cues to sex like waist to hip ratio, posture, gait, limb proportions, overall height, facial hair, attire, etc.
Then consider non-visual cues like voice, behaviour, and smell.
This makes perfect sense, for all the same reasons. Sex is the most fundamental distinction that any animal must be able to make. If you can't distinguish male and female amongst your own species, you're not going to have very much reproductive success. We should expect the mental heuristics which enable creatures to distinguish sex to be highly conserved traits which, with some practise, ought to be broadly applicable to any foreign species encountered.

Anonymous No. 16179593

It's called deadnaming because it's the name that everyone remembers them by after they're gone.

Anonymous No. 16180953

>If you can't distinguish male and female amongst your own species, you're not going to have very much reproductive success.
Good point, the incessant shilling of porno and masturbation on our society has made a lot people forget that sex is a reproductive act and thats its one and only purpose.

Anonymous No. 16181702

there was a case in twitter of a homosexual who noticed his dog stopped respecting him after watching his master being a bottom getting dominated by another man
Now the dog can't see him anymore as a pack leader, because he played the role of a woman, and stopped obeying him
So, don't fuck in front of your dog

Anonymous No. 16182479

women on birth control don't enjoy sex although they might pretend to as a means of manipulation

Anonymous No. 16183486

>Has there been any research into this?
probably, scientists will do anything for money

Anonymous No. 16183496

Plenty of animals have women looking males who get raped in mating season.

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Anonymous No. 16183520


Anonymous No. 16184558

Then there's the story of the faggot's dog who lost all respect for its owner after seeing him getting fucked in the ass

Anonymous No. 16184560

Based dogg/o/

Anonymous No. 16184562

>So, don't fuck in front of your dog
That's backwards, don't get fucked like a whore where your dog can see you. If you're doing the fucking it's all systems go, maybe let him join in.

Anonymous No. 16184727

Animals not giving a shit about someone's mental illness is based

Anonymous No. 16184750

isn't this a man and the narrative is the parrot bites only women so the man was in fact a woman ?

Anonymous No. 16185623


Anonymous No. 16185760

I think a better scientific question could be why people like you are so obsessed by transexuals.

Anonymous No. 16185762

it depends on how much they smell like a woman
i've seen trannies call a parrot "the trans affirming parrot" because of that

Anonymous No. 16185765

current boogeyman, till they find something else this is all they know

Anonymous No. 16187002
