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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16168511

When visiting the doctor, is it better to LARP as a 90 IQ brainlet or make it clear you have a basic understanding of anatomy and biology?

Anonynous No. 16168520

If you have to ask you ARE the branlet.

Anonymous No. 16168576

It doesn't matter. The doctor won't do proper diagnostics either way. Doctors are lazy and greedy. Over the years they have optimized how to make maximum profit with minimum effort. If you pressure them into doing their job they'll just get pissed. Hippocratic oath - more like hypocritical oath.

Anonymous No. 16168607

give them shit, always

Anonymous No. 16168682

you mean, like, preemptively bring in a stool sample for them?

Anonymous No. 16168693

Produce it on his desk right in front of him so he can medically analyze whether your sphincter is healthy.

Anonynous No. 16168725

So should you bother going to the doctor?

Anonymous No. 16168763

no, its ok to just die

Anonymous No. 16168858

If it's a life or death situation yes otherwise never trust the doctors.

Anonymous No. 16168860

Of course you will larp as a 90 iq brainlet. Otherwise their ego will be hurt too much.

Anonymous No. 16168901

You’re supposed to lie about symptoms for things they need to check to get treatment.

Anonymous No. 16169099

I know you're an american because you think it dying is the consequence of not going to a doctor

Anonymous No. 16169138

If you are not rich enough to be able to have a private doctor you are fucked. Simple as.

Anonymous No. 16169200

med student here

you patientoids don't need to larp as being sub 90 IQ, it's patently obvious from the moment I walk into the room

Anonymous No. 16169207

I feel unsafe in the environment you have created. May I please speak to the head of your department so I can report you as an antisocial and potentially problematic student.

Anonymous No. 16169208

yeah hold up let me get my supervisor
*farts and leaves*

Anonymous No. 16169214

Coming in with theories instead of questions is probably the best way there is to annoy your doctor

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Anonymous No. 16169217


Anonymous No. 16169262

im in college and i'm designing and 3d printing medical devices (prosthetics). i've been to 2 different dentists since starting, and i've gotten into neat conversations talking about the technology because a lot of dentist offices are adopting 3d printing.

i figure if someone was genuinely interested in the thing that i do, and had at least some baseline understanding so i don't have to dumb it down as if i'm talking to a child, yeah i'd like to talk about it.

Anonymous No. 16169274

I love it when patients come in with something interesting to contribute and most people's misconceptions are harmless. I'm a new doctor though and we are taught differently from the old guard, who tend to be more paternalistic.

Based, but take the lithium

Anonymous No. 16169294

the number of doctors I've seen shilling quack products completely delegitimizes their degrees

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Anonymous No. 16169883

>I had a C. trachomatis infection a few years back due to unprotected sex...
>okay...a C. diff infection
>No doc, I said C. trachomatis. Chlamydia.

Anonymous No. 16170220

I'm a medical student myself. Almost done with med school. When I go to the doctor myself I larp as a software engineer. When they know you're a almost a doctor yourself they'll be much more careful and feel like they have to prove something to you which ultimately leads to a worse outcome than if they just did their thing

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Cult of Passion No. 16170251


Cult of Passion No. 16170256

Ask the doctor if you feel anything, just respond with "Oh."